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02/20/2006 22:39 #28953

Speedos to Work
So I went to the gym by myself for the first time today. It wasn't so bad. Except in the locker room i couldn't figure out how to open the locker. Am I that stupid? Why yes, yes i am. I thought they were broken and so i kept trying different ones before figuring out how to do it. Then I tried three cardio machines that I couln'dt figure out how to start befroe taking my place on the glider thingy. It was fun and I did the rowing machine too. I am super pooped. I am super out of shape. I cna't wait til Jon just tells me what to do. It will give me a goal becaues right now when I am done I don't know if i actually accomplished anything. But al lI keep thinking is how fit and hot I will be this ready..........I think if i get realy fit , i will soley wear speedos for the entire summer...even to work.

Speaking of work...a girl threw up in the waiting area today...and passed out...we called the paramedics....she may or may not have had a disease we didn't want to catch. I got to close down the waiting area and tape it all up with signs while it was cleaned. Noone wanted to wait for their prescriptio while we were cleaining out the horrid vomit work was slow and life was fun.
maureen - 02/21/06 13:34
glad to hear you are making use of your no time that will be you throwing up in the lobby!

02/18/2006 16:34 #28952

Clue: The Musical
So me and some friends are going to see Clue the musical at the Riviera Theater in North Tonawanda. I love Clue the game and Clue the movie so this must be good right? It is somewhat interactive I read. That's kinda cool and everytime it is performed it has a different ending. I don't now, we'll see. We also are going to try to go to eat at a new restaurant we have never been to. We haven't picked one yet, but we want to go to one in North Tonawanda near the tehater. Not that I have ever heard of any partiuclarly good restaurant in NT. We might try the HIdeaway Grill or sometihhng like that. After that hopefuly we go out to get some drinks...not as strong as the ones last night hopefully....seriously me, (e:paul), (e:terry) and (e:sarah) went out and had only one drink each I bleive and seriuly i was tipsy and paul was drunk and sarah still feels kinda hungover. THey were so freakin strong. Insanity. I honelstyl belive we eadch just got a big glass of liquor. ...lata gators.
theecarey - 02/19/06 03:20
hehe.. were you at Cathode Ray? Now those boys know how to make a drink.. the kind where it takes just one to knock you on your ass :)

02/15/2006 17:45 #28951

Time to Get Physcial
So (e:paul), (e:terry) and (e:lilho) have set the bar high and set the good example for me and (e:jill) to follow. So in little under an hour me and (e:jill) will be at the BAC Downtown signing our lives away to a life of physical fitness. I don't see it going well but we'll see. I see lots of being halfway there and deciding to going out to eat instead. But maybe not...maybe in three months you will see us on the beach and be like "who are those hotties?" ...even more than you do now of course......wish us luck

02/14/2006 21:23 #28950

Cirque de technology
Thakns to (e:paul)'s generous christmas gift we went to see Cirque De Soleil at HSBC last night. I thought it was reallly good but different than I expected. It had lots of tehcnology like three huge screens across the aud and like there were images constanly on them, sometimes just bigger sizzes of the live people , sometimes othere things completely and like at some parts the real people interacted with the screen. It was relaly cool I thought. I also can't belive the stuff the acrobats did. Like insane, I don't' know how thye do it why didn't they die kinda things. I only wish I had gotten glasses already so i oculd have seen it a little better as everyone seems to say seeing the definition of each muscle on the performers is one of the best parts. I relaly liked this one part where like water rushed across the screen and the man hanging from the balloon tossed in the waves. It was crazy cool. THanks Again (e:Paul)!!
ladycroft - 02/15/06 03:31
Yah, I'm jealous, I reaaaaaaaally wanted to see this show. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Oh - and I left a treat for you at PMT's.
theecarey - 02/14/06 22:04
I am so envious!! I wanted to go.. but I think crappy seats were asking $70-80. I'll see Cirque du Soleil sometime when I am not living off of school loans :) hmm, I see a trip to Vegas in my future..

02/06/2006 22:18 #28949

New Job?
So I was just looking at the Independent Healh Website and I found the perfect job. It is like a job to coordinate their presentaions of Medicare Part D program to customers and other people within the compnay. That is baisclaly waht i already did for Eckerd. Now I just need a resume!

ladycroft - 02/07/06 02:13
maureen - 02/06/06 22:50
Go for it!! You are the ultimate Medicare presentation celebrity...who better for the job!?