SO last night me, (e:paul), (e:terry) and (e:matt) went out for Mardi Gras. Holy Heck did I get wasted. I don't remember any of it. Too many shots of Soco and too much of everything else. I honestloy aclled everyone I know I think while drunk, ok well a lot of innaprotpriateness I guess from the comments and calls I've got today. Hmm uh oh! Anywho, Today I get in my car to go get lunch and think hmm it feels like I had a parking ticket in this car. LIke I couldn't remember it but like that weird like I remember sitting in this chair and having a parking ticket. I search the car and find no ticket and decide it must have been a dream...but then tonight I found a ticket in my mirror, so I guess I did get one. Darnit!@
So after that crazyness today is Ash Wednesday and so I start my abstitence from french fries and potato chips. Anyone who knows me knows that french fries are about 50% of my diet. Whenever I give them up I end up eating more potato chips so I decided to give both up. I hope it sticks after Lent. That usually happens and that is how I have gotten over pop, gum and other addictions in years past. This will also help in my gym endeavor though right now I think I am the fattiest ever even though I have been going to the gym a lot.
So craziness of hangover, being at work at 830 am and not being able to eat my normal hangover diet of pizza logs and french fries with blue cheese (cuz also no meat today) and then going to the gym tonight makes me have a headache. And now in two days is Michelle my bestest coworker and now friend ever's last day at Eckerd and Teres leaves for Alaska on Monday. Ok this is gonna be an insanely emotional rest of the week../.
Mike's Journal
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03/01/2006 23:10 #28956
Mardi Gras/Lent/Weekend Festivities02/26/2006 16:26 #28955
Art Shows and Car Love and Geek MeetsSaw many an (e:peep) at the art show at the Hotel Lenox last night. (e:robin)'s room was by far the most fun, what can be better than a room full of people in their pajamas and free booze. Not much is better than that if I do say so myself. I'm sure the fun onlyc ontinued and got better after I had to leave to meet up with a friend.
So last night I ended up wihtout a car becuase I went to the mall with (e:beast) and (e:mk) and then we went to spot where (e:pmt) picked me up to go to the art show. So then I had no car for the night. That freaks me out. I don't know why but i just like to know I have a car in the general area, otherwise I feel so trapped. LIke i Know i can always stay at (e:pmts) and stuff but I don't know I just like to have my car around. ANywho it always works out either if I end up walking home at 5am or much nicer this time my friend Dave drove me home after spending the night watching his photo slideshow of Cuba. It was really cool, it was a lto of just like candid shots of the poeple and stuff which like you never see. It wasn't touristy and liek scenic things but liek the real life of the people. It was cool cuz like who goes to Cuba.Anyways, I just always feel bad cuz like I live in Kenmore, not like it is sooo far but it isn't around here where eveyrone else lives. I feel bad he had to drive me home but thanks Dave! I think it is def time to get an apt soon! If only I could win the lottery...maybe if I played it I could win it!
So last night I ended up wihtout a car becuase I went to the mall with (e:beast) and (e:mk) and then we went to spot where (e:pmt) picked me up to go to the art show. So then I had no car for the night. That freaks me out. I don't know why but i just like to know I have a car in the general area, otherwise I feel so trapped. LIke i Know i can always stay at (e:pmts) and stuff but I don't know I just like to have my car around. ANywho it always works out either if I end up walking home at 5am or much nicer this time my friend Dave drove me home after spending the night watching his photo slideshow of Cuba. It was really cool, it was a lto of just like candid shots of the poeple and stuff which like you never see. It wasn't touristy and liek scenic things but liek the real life of the people. It was cool cuz like who goes to Cuba.Anyways, I just always feel bad cuz like I live in Kenmore, not like it is sooo far but it isn't around here where eveyrone else lives. I feel bad he had to drive me home but thanks Dave! I think it is def time to get an apt soon! If only I could win the lottery...maybe if I played it I could win it!
02/21/2006 23:08 #28954
Pilates Kicked My A**So first at the gym tonight I learned how to use how the muscle building machines. I did all those to the point where my arms were about to fall off. Then I did some cardio with JIll. Once we were done and ready to leave we decided we wanted to try Pilates. But it was too late for a Pilates class at the downtown locatio nso we went over to the Bouleard location for Pilates. HOLY HECK! I was thinking Pilates is like YOGA! NO IT IS NOT!!! I thought i was gonna die. First off all i can't handle five pound weights with the exercises but that is what I tried to do. Secondly me and Jill laugh a lot and cause scenes. Of course at some point I dropped the ball that was supposed to be between my knees causing others to do the same as it bounced around and lots of laughing. The teacher also called me out on not following directions, such as letting my legs touch the ground. IF THEY DIDN"T TOUCH THE GROUND I WOULD HAVE DIED!! it was fun though, she said in a funny way not in a mean way. She also started luaghing at least once at whhat me and jill were saying to each other. I also was way too close to the guy next to me and we both couldn't really stretch out wihtout hitting each other. Next time I will know to set up further away....thatassumes there is a next time....that assumes I wake up in the morning and can walk and/or move my arms....that my friends is unlikely!
02/20/2006 22:39 #28953
Speedos to WorkSo I went to the gym by myself for the first time today. It wasn't so bad. Except in the locker room i couldn't figure out how to open the locker. Am I that stupid? Why yes, yes i am. I thought they were broken and so i kept trying different ones before figuring out how to do it. Then I tried three cardio machines that I couln'dt figure out how to start befroe taking my place on the glider thingy. It was fun and I did the rowing machine too. I am super pooped. I am super out of shape. I cna't wait til Jon just tells me what to do. It will give me a goal becaues right now when I am done I don't know if i actually accomplished anything. But al lI keep thinking is how fit and hot I will be this ready..........I think if i get realy fit , i will soley wear speedos for the entire summer...even to work.
Speaking of work...a girl threw up in the waiting area today...and passed out...we called the paramedics....she may or may not have had a disease we didn't want to catch. I got to close down the waiting area and tape it all up with signs while it was cleaned. Noone wanted to wait for their prescriptio while we were cleaining out the horrid vomit work was slow and life was fun.
Speaking of work...a girl threw up in the waiting area today...and passed out...we called the paramedics....she may or may not have had a disease we didn't want to catch. I got to close down the waiting area and tape it all up with signs while it was cleaned. Noone wanted to wait for their prescriptio while we were cleaining out the horrid vomit work was slow and life was fun.
maureen - 02/21/06 13:34
glad to hear you are making use of your no time that will be you throwing up in the lobby!
glad to hear you are making use of your no time that will be you throwing up in the lobby!
02/18/2006 16:34 #28952
Clue: The MusicalSo me and some friends are going to see Clue the musical at the Riviera Theater in North Tonawanda. I love Clue the game and Clue the movie so this must be good right? It is somewhat interactive I read. That's kinda cool and everytime it is performed it has a different ending. I don't now, we'll see. We also are going to try to go to eat at a new restaurant we have never been to. We haven't picked one yet, but we want to go to one in North Tonawanda near the tehater. Not that I have ever heard of any partiuclarly good restaurant in NT. We might try the HIdeaway Grill or sometihhng like that. After that hopefuly we go out to get some drinks...not as strong as the ones last night hopefully....seriously me, (e:paul), (e:terry) and (e:sarah) went out and had only one drink each I bleive and seriuly i was tipsy and paul was drunk and sarah still feels kinda hungover. THey were so freakin strong. Insanity. I honelstyl belive we eadch just got a big glass of liquor. ...lata gators.
theecarey - 02/19/06 03:20
hehe.. were you at Cathode Ray? Now those boys know how to make a drink.. the kind where it takes just one to knock you on your ass :)
hehe.. were you at Cathode Ray? Now those boys know how to make a drink.. the kind where it takes just one to knock you on your ass :)
as a part time pilates user I say keep up with it it's going to work wonders on that ass.
yeh, try "Pilates for dummies", seriously, lol. Its good for beginners..
pilates is great fun! but there are varying degrees, so give it another try :)