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01/27/2006 00:30 #28943

Dream part II
That person tha thas been in all my dreams lately...I just talked to them for the first time in a while today...and they moved out of town...random

01/25/2006 22:08 #28942

Dreamy McDreams
I have been having really real like dreams lately. Just like I am at work or at the store or out for coffee or something. But in every single one one there is this person who I haven't seen in a while. In real life that is I haven't seen them. It isn't someone I ever even knew that well .But for some reason they are in all my dreams lately. Just so normally fit in that I keep thinking I saw them and then realize I haven't. strange....

01/24/2006 17:46 #28941

Craziest Night and Not A Drink Was Had
So last night seriuosly the craziest thing ever happened to me. I can not even write it here because it is just insane and I am glad there was no Page 7 around to report it. Lets just say it involves one of my customers, an old friend of a relatives, someone who used to be my priest, one of jim's friends and lots of awkward moments. Who asks these things in the middle of Spot coffee?, while you're with a priest?, Who also happens to be pseudo-related to me? If you know me, ask for the details, trust me, its worth it, if you don't believe me ask (e:paul). I feel bad for Jim's friend, the innocent bystander in this crazy ordeal!
leetee - 01/25/06 01:03
oh... this sounds juicy! lol. More details please? :O)
jenks - 01/24/06 23:07
No, but now I wish I had!!!
paul - 01/24/06 21:28
omg, jenks has a picture of you on her journal. Do you think she overhead?

01/22/2006 00:15 #28940

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!! MY WISE ELDER BROTHER!!!! Hope you have a great one!!! Well I will be there so of course it will be great, as I always bring the fun!!!

01/18/2006 17:53 #28939

Poor Brother Jon Never had a Chance
So I think this story I am about to relate means I was a terrible person as a kid. My friend brought this story up the other day and really it is quite incredible. When I was in like maybe 6th grade a new girl moved in on our street and she was really annoying and so me and my other friends would sometimes tell her she couldn't come over because my little brother Jonathon was sleeping. Mind you I had no such brother. Ok, that's not the bad part but you seee when we thought the lie was getting out of hand and like we wanted to be loud and hang out at my house and she asked about Jonathon, I eventually told her that he had died, I believe it was of AIDS. That is terrible, who creates a little brother just to kill him off weeks later with AIDS. Sorry Jonny! I think she felt bad, ... I didn't...does that make me a bad person? I think though it was screamin gthis is a future soap opera writer!!!
ladycroft - 01/18/06 21:52
Now I had, or rather have, an imagination...but coming up with a fake sibling and killing them off with AIDS. THAT, is something! Love ya mike.