Almost too late but I just made it, though i was one of the first to wish it at midnight.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (e:TERRY)!!! HOPE IT IS A GREAT ONE YOU OLDIE!!!
Mike's Journal
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08/28/2005 20:44 #28874
Happy Bday TERRY08/26/2005 17:53 #28873
Artvoice AwardsDid everyone see that in the current issue of Artvoice, Estrip has made it in the top three nominees for best online blog! Congrats Estrip! I am not sure if they pick a top one from that or what the next step is? Does anyone know?
08/25/2005 00:17 #28872
Early Birthday SurpriseWhat more could I ask for? I am walking down aisle 8 at work to put something back and what do i catch out of the corner of my eye but an (e:jill) coming down the aisle!!! THAT'S RIGHT MY JILLY IS HOME AGAIN!!! SHE decided to come home a few weeks early from Scottland and didn't tell me! I was super suprised but saddened by the fact that I still had to work like 3 more hours after that. 3 Hours of shaking excitment!!! WELCOME HOME JILLY!! That's the bestest birthday gift a guy could ask for and my birthday still isn't for a week. What a great improvement to my working 9 days in a row and only having the tenth day fof cuz i need to get a cavity filled!!!
08/21/2005 23:59 #28871
Peely MCPeelsMy oh so attractive and painful lobster red back has now turned into a maze of peeling skin. It is so itchy and gross. On a better note (e:amanda) is back in town and ready to go out and party so hopefully some hardcore fun this week, or at least cheap beer at the Deuce!
08/18/2005 00:22 #28870
Sooo ItchyMy sunburn back is now one big itchy mess!!! I seriously have never felt so crazy in my life. I don't know what to do to make it stop. I have been using lotion and lidocaine and aloe and blowing a fan on it and put my back in the freezer and ice and water and everything. I get a few minutes of relief yhere and hthere and then back to the complete itch. (e:maureen) seems to be liek half a day ahead of me in her sunburn stage and her itching isn't as bad anyjmore. SO hopefully only 12 mor ehours of this!! AHHH Any suggestions?
Mike I so know what you are talking about. It's like P. Diddy was carrying on for Biggie and Tupac, but now I realize no one can fill the hole they left. RIP Biggie...