A few years back I began to write a soap opera called Behind Closed Doors. I have mentioned it in my journal before I am sure and even had some episodes on estrip as a separate journal at one point. Anyway, I decided that I want to tape a few episodes this summer. Each episode is really quite short, probably like 10-15 minutes if that and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in being in it. There are many characters that are needed in a wide range of ages though the most characters are in their 20's. Its like almost a spoof on soap oeras but not, just like i don' tknow I will include episode 1 at the end of this . Its not very good, and I've changed it a millon times but I would really like to see some of it taped. It would be like a dream come true. If you would be interested in being in it, please let me know through a comment or an e-mail to WalBumbalo@aol.com . I will let you know a list of parts and see if you would be interested in any of them. PLEASE!! I may never end up taping it but i would really like to try. There are barely any lines and it wouldn't take a lot of time. OK thanks
MARIA is walking up to the Kenmore sign.
I’ve finally found it. The place I’ve been searching for. The answers to all my questions must be here. Hopefully this is the place that will tell me who I am. This little town holds all the secrets to my past. Who knows? Maybe that’s my mom driving by , or over there, that could be my sister sitting down waiting for the bus, anything is possible. Finally, Finally I feel like I’ve found my home. I hope your ready for me Kenmore, because I’m here to stay.
KAYLA and SHANA are walking by in the opposite direction
Excuse me
Hi, my name’s Maria, and I’m new to town. I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find a hotel, or someplace to stay for a while.
Well, there’s a nice hotel, not too expensive, it’s called the Lennox. It’s on the corner of Victoria and Elmwood. Just go straight down this street all the way to the church, make a left, and follow it until you get to Elmwood. You can’t miss it but you might want to take a taxi. It is a little far to walk.
Thanks, I’ll try it out. You don’t happen to have a pen I can borrow so I can write down the directions do you?
I must have one in here somewhere, let me see.
SHANA goes through her purse to find her phone book. A picture falls out of her purse but nobody notices.
Here you go
Thanks so much for all your help.
No problem. Welcome to Kenmore. Here’s my number, my name’s Kayla, if you need anything else just give me a call.
Wow thanks! Is everyone here is as nice as you guys?
Well it’s a pretty small town. Pretty close knit. We all try to help each other out.
Well thanks again
KAYLA and SHANA walk away and MARIA notices the picture on the ground.
MARIA (cont’d)
Hmmm. What’s this? Hmmm…. Well I’ll find this hotel and get situated first, and then it’s time to find my family.
SETH is dropping BETH off in front of her house and they are talking in the car.
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon.
You’re welcome. So are we still on for our date tonight?
Of course we are. Why?
Well, let’s just say I have a little surprise for you tonight.
A surprise? What is it?
I can’t tell you! Then it wouldn’t be a surprise. But I can tell you that there will be an extra guest at dinner tonight.
But tonight was supposed to be just us. We haven’t been alone in over two weeks and I’ve been looking forward to it just being us.
I know but I think this surprise will be worth it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I hope so!
Trust me, you will. So I will pick you up at about eight?
Sounds great, see you at eight. VO: Who can it be?
RENE is looking at rings at the jewelry counter
Can I see that one please?
The CASHIER hands RENE a ring.
Ok, I think I’ll take that one.
Would you like a box for that?
Yes, Please
As RENE is paying the CASHIER, ALEX walks up.
Hey Rene
Hey Alex, what are you here buying jewelry for? Or should I say whom?
Well since my mom is retiring as president of the Kenmore Business Association after 20 years I thought I would get her a new locket. She wears hers like 24 hours a day and it is starting to look old. Do you think she would like this one?
ALEX holds up a locket.
Yeah, that is really gorgeous. I’m sure she’ll love it. What pictures does she keep in her locket? Is it pictures of you and your sister?
You know what? To tell you the truth I have no idea what pictures are in there. I guess she’s never shown me. So what are you shopping for?
Oh I’m just getting something for a friend.
Really? Who? There aren’t any birthdays coming up I have forgotten about are there?
No it’s someone you wouldn’t know. He doesn’t live around here.
Oh how do you know him?
Um, he um he’s just an old friend of the family. Well I really better be going.
Ok, I’ll see you around. Oh by the way. I’m throwing a retirement party for my mom sometime next month so get ready to party!! I’ll call you with more details after I meet with Bianca.
Ok, talk to ya later.
RENE walks out of the store.
ALEX (Outloud to self)
Sure. First she is out with some mystery person almost every night and now she is buying jewelry for someone. She must be hiding something.
RENE stops outside the jewelry store.
RENE (Outloud to self)
Good!!! I think that Alex believes I was just shopping for a friend. He doesn’t suspect a thing. Well at least I hope he doesn’t!!!
GIOVANA and JACOB are waking up in bed. She jumps out of bed and begins to get dressed.
Oh No! What time is it? 12 o’clock. Damn! Now I’m going to be late. I thought you said you set the alarm.
Gee! I thought I did. Sorry. Why are you in such a rush to get out of here anyway?
I am supposed to meet Alex in like a half hour and I can’t be late. What am I going to say if he asks why I am late? That I was sleeping with you? I don’t think so.
Why can’t you just lie and make something up?
Alex and I are too close. He would see right through it. I feel bad enough that I haven’t told him about you but I know he would tell Peter and we both know that can’t happen. I’ve never kept a secret from Alex before and I am afraid he is going to find out at any minute and tell Peter. Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore.
Stop overreacting! Alex doesn’t know anything about us and either does Peter. Don’t worry, he’ll never find out. We are definitely careful enough.
I hope so! Do you ever wonder if it’s not worth it. You do realize that if Peter ever found out, he would kill you. Like literally, he would shoot you or slash your throat. And if he didn’t, we both know my brother would. Is all this lying and deception worth the risk? Is it really worth risking your life for some passionate moments here and there?
Definitely! Every minute of it! I can’t imagine my life without you, even if it is just a few stolen moments here and there.
Well, you know we can never get any more serious than this. I am committed to Peter and I will marry him someday and then this will all have to end.
Let’s not talk about that now. Let’s just enjoy what we have. We may not go out and people may not know about us but that’s what makes what we have special. So let’s not worry about it now.
I suppose you’re right. But I do have to get going or I’ll be late for meeting Alex. I’ll call you later.
I’ll be here waiting.
RENE is knocking on BETH’S door where LINDA answers.
Hi Rene.
Hey Mrs. Lawson.
Oh my gosh, Did you see Days of our Lives today?
Yeah, it has just gotten so outrageous but I still love it.
I know, they’re killing all my favorite characters. It almost makes me wish for the days of Hope being an imitation princess and the swamp girl.
Oh I know! Is Beth around?
Yeah, just a second, I’ll get her. Chadios
LINDA walks into the house and BETH comes out onto the porch.
Hey Rene. What are you doing here? I can’t talk long because I have to get ready for my date with Seth tonight.
That’s ok. I just wanted to make sure you haven’t mentioned anything about Wayne to Alex.
No, I haven’t said anything. Why? Has he mentioned something?
It did seem like he was suspicious of something the other day.
Well he seemed like he was searching for information from me when I saw him in the jewelry store today.
Well you know I wouldn’t mention anything and I know you would do the same for me. Speaking of secrets, do you know what Seth’s surprise is for me tonight?
No, I haven’t talked to Seth all week. I’ve been so busy planning my one-year anniversary with Wayne. What kind of surprise do you suppose it is? A gift?
No, he said he has someone with him to surprise me, but I have no idea who it can be.
I don’t know. Maybe someone you guys used to know that moved away or something or a friend you had when you lived in Florida?
I have no idea how he would find them, but maybe?!?!
Well call me when you get home and tell me who it was.
I will, I have to go get ready though, so bye.
BETH (outloud to self)
Please say my surprise isn’t from Florida. I have finally escaped my past by moving to Kenmore. I don’t want to face it again.
ALEX and BIANCA are sitting at Sweet Aroma having a coffee outside.
Bianca, do you know if Rene is hiding something from me?
No why?
She has been acting strange lately. She keeps talking about this friend she has but she will never tell me his name.
No I have no idea what she could be hiding. Maybe she has just been in a weird mood lately. Maybe there really isn’t a secret.
Well if you find anything out you know where to reach me. But on a happier note, I am throwing a surprise party for my mom’s retirement and since you are her favorite niece I figured you’d want to help plan it.
I’d love to. You know I am always ready for a party. When were you thinking of having it?
After the next elections, which I believe are sometime next month.
Well then we will have to start planning right away. We’ll need to find a caterer, and have invitations made, and I mean all the women will want time to be able to find dresses to wear. This is going to be a formal occasion right?
Of course! I was thinking of just having it in the mansion though. Does that sound good to you?
That sounds great! The ballroom is so beautiful! By the way do you know who is running for president now that your mom is finally retiring after 20 years?
Well my mom hasn’t told anyone that she isn’t running yet. I have a feeling Joan Brook is going to run though and Linda Lawson. They never would have thought of challenging my mom but I have a feeling they will run now.
Yeah, I’m sure they will. Call me when you want to start making the plans.
Ok, I will. We have to start planning soon!
Don’t worry, we will.
JOAN and BRIAN were sitting behind ALEX and BIANCA at Sweet Aroma and are sitting, talking about what they just overheard.
Another great job Brian! You are such a great pawn in my games. I know I can always count on you for help since you are my godchild. Well actually it probably has a little less to do with God and a little more to do with the fact that I know you abuse Shana and I will show everyone the video I have if you don’t cooperate with everything I say.
I really do hate you Aunt Joan! While I don’t mind ruining the occasional life here and there, I don’t like being at your beck and call 24 hours a day. Don’t you think I have done more than enough of your work by now? Don’t you think it is time you hand over the tape?
Never! I need you to accomplish so much more. Especially now that I just overheard Silvia is retiring as Business Association president. This is my chance to regain my respect in this community. We both know how much the affair I had with Joe ruined my standing in this community but becoming president could just be what I need to get it back.
Do you really think anyone will vote for you over the lady whose life you ruined? I mean everyone knows you are pure evil!
First of all, not everyone thinks I am pure evil. Most people think I just made one innocent mistake. And second of all who are you to talk. You are the one carrying out most of my plans.
I’m just saying it will be a tough election for you to win.
I know, but I think I know just what needs to be done, and of course I will need your help! crazy Joan hand movement look
KAYLA and SHAWN are sitting on the couch in his living room.
Shawn, I’m worried.
About what?
You know how I can get feelings, almost premonitions about people, like even strangers. I usually have pretty good judgment of people right?
Why, what is it this time?
Shana and I were out walking earlier and we met this girl. She seemed nice enough and all but I just, I don’t trust her for some reason. I think she is going to cause trouble here in Kenmore.
I hate to say it Kayla, but you know that your premonitions are usually not right, or at least not exactly right. I think you just have a vivid imagination.
No, I’m serious this time. I gave her my phone number and told her to call me if she needed anything. I figure this way I can keep an eye on her and try to figure out what she’s up to.
What can you do? Just let it go. I’m sure she’s a nice girl. Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to get yourself involved in everyone else’s business all the time you know.
I suppose you’re right. We’ll probably never even see her again. But I’m still going to keep my eye on her just in case.
GIOVANA is getting into her car.
Sorry Alex, but I can never tell you Rene’s secret. If she found out I told you, she would tell Peter I cheated on him and then my life would be over
ALEX is still sitting at the table alone, looking over at BRIAN.
Why is he so great? Why would she leave me for him? I thought everything was so great! But then it all crashed down and for what? For him? Joan’s evil pawn. Everyone knows he is involved in her schemes. What can Shana possibly see in him?
ALEX looks off into the distance and it blurs into a flashback.
EVERYONE is dancing in a big dance hall as BETH is at the microphone about to announce prom king and queen opening the envelope.
And this year’s Prom King and Queen are Alex Evol and Shana Wendt
ALEX and SHANA get crowned and flowered and go to the center of the floor to dance.
Could life be any better than this? Our two year anniversary on prom night and we’re voted king and queen and next year we’ll be going off to college together at Westland.
I know, being here in your arms is so comforting,, I wish we could stay like this forever but Alex we need to talk.
About what?
I don’t know how to say this.
What, what is it? What’s bothering you?
I want you to know that I can’t imagine life without you but there, there are things out there, things beyond our control, things that can tear us apart.
What do you mean? You just said you loved being here in my arms
I do and that is why it is so hard, but if you knew what I’ve done you would understand. I’ve done something terrible, you’ll never be able to forgive me, you shouldn’t have to.
What are you talking about? What have you done? If you are still talking about your one night stand with Brian, I understand, we were having a rough time. That was a year ago. I don’t hold it against you.
That’s not what it is Alex. There’s something else. Something I can never share with anyone. If you knew you would hate me and I can’t live with you hating me. And I can’t stay with you knowing what I’ve done. It’s better for everyone if we just go our separate ways.
No I won’t let you go Shana! We can work through anything! There’s nothing you could’ve done that I can’t forgive! You are my soul, my reason for living, we need to be together. You can never do anything to make me stop feeling that way. Never!
Alex, please don’t make this any harder. I have been dreading this for so l long and I couldn’t put it off any longer. I needed to make things right.
Make things right? What? saying you need to leave me and not giving me an explanation is making things right? What is that making right? Tell me, please, how is this right?
It just is! I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but in time you’ll understand. If you knew what I’ve done, you’d be thankful to get rid of me. I am a terrible person and I don’t deserve you.
Shana, that is not true! Let me help you with whatever is wrong. Just tell me what is bothering you. We can work it out together.
No! We can’t! I need to deal with this alone. It hurts too much.
Don’t push me away Shana! Let me help you! I love you!
I’m sorry, I can’t let you. I want you to know that I love you and I will always love you but I can’t be with you. I just can’t! It’s too hard ! I don’t deserve you…
SHANA runs off as everyone looks on astonished and Alex falls to the ground crying and screaming after her
Alex sitting alone at the table coming out of his dream.
What happened Shana? What did you think I couldn’t forgive? Why did you want to suffer alone? Why wouldn’t you let me help? Why?
Everyone here seems so nice. I’ll find my family in no time. I wish dad was still alive so he could be here with me.
MARIA holds up a picture of her dad and looks at it.
MARIA (cont’d)
I know he’d be glad that I’m searching for mom. I know that he truly believed she died but I just , I just can’t believe it. I mean no body was ever found. And just the whole circumstance seemed so suspicious. Hopefully my informant wasn’t lying just to get the reward money. Hopefully my mom is somewhere here in Kenmore. It will be so weird meeting her for the first time. I feel like I know her so well already from dad’s stories. I can’t wait! Tomorrow I’ll follow this first lead and call Fantastic Flowers and talk to someone named June. Hopefully she can help me. I should find my mom in no time.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/21/2005 09:29 #28855
Casting Call07/19/2005 22:24 #28854
Holy Crap HangoverSo Monday at work was ridiculous. I have no idea how it happened. I did not even drink that much Sunday night, and sure I only had like 3 or 4 hours of sleep but that is not all that unusual. Yet, Monday morning I felt the worst feelings I had ever felt. I went to work , just a little late, but was basically functionally useless, if I wasn't running to the bathroom about to try throwing up again, I was sitting down holding my head. Everyone was like "you have never looked this terrible" and they have seen me in some pretty terrible situations. I seriously don't understand how it happened. I almost never have any type of hangover whatsoever, and I have dranken like at least double or triple the amount I drank Sunday night. Maybe it was swithcing from drinking some beers with the (e:PMT) and then switching to mixed drinks. I did kinda already feel sick the night before while I was drinking. Maybe that made it worse! Something must have! All i know is I gave up drinking, well gave it up utnil the next time I go out drinking, which will prolly be soon, but hey I haven't had a drink in the last 48 hours!
Otherwise Sunday was fun, though I don't think I was very fun for the people I was with. They seem really fun though and I would like to go out with them again sometime! I did some stupid unlike me things while I was out, and I think it may have made me seem like a whorish jerk. I'm really not like that usually, I don't know what got into me. And i wasn't being a jerk, just honest, though that can really be the same thing sometimes I guess. I never go out with people I don't really know, and it was weird to go out Sunday without any of my friends to surround me and be my social blanket. But it turned out goodish, I think, maybe this is a new beginning of meeting new people and being more independent from my friends......
Otherwise Sunday was fun, though I don't think I was very fun for the people I was with. They seem really fun though and I would like to go out with them again sometime! I did some stupid unlike me things while I was out, and I think it may have made me seem like a whorish jerk. I'm really not like that usually, I don't know what got into me. And i wasn't being a jerk, just honest, though that can really be the same thing sometimes I guess. I never go out with people I don't really know, and it was weird to go out Sunday without any of my friends to surround me and be my social blanket. But it turned out goodish, I think, maybe this is a new beginning of meeting new people and being more independent from my friends......
jason - 07/19/05 22:24
It's always good to go and put yourself in situations where you need to stick your neck out a little more, outside of your comfort zone. Go and get some Chaser for future hangovers Mike!
It's always good to go and put yourself in situations where you need to stick your neck out a little more, outside of your comfort zone. Go and get some Chaser for future hangovers Mike!
07/15/2005 22:53 #28853
E:poetryNow that i finally decided to look at the automoatic poetry generator on this site, I am truly amazed. I was always skeptical and never really cared about it but I finally decided and seruisly it is so fun!! And so interesting, and then you can see everyone's journal. Ok it seriously fun, well actually maybe it isn't fun to look at, maybe it is , I don't know , I had the poetry read to me, but that was very fun and interesting. Like it is such an encapsulation of eveyrthing going on in this site, in people's mninds, and all over Buffalo through one line thoughts. In case you don't know what it is , it like goes through all the jourannls and picks liek 10 lines randomly that start with soething in particluar like one is called like Why? and it hs like everything that starts with Becasue from random journals. It is so cool!1 To see it click on the (e:poetry) link in the pink bar on the top of the screen.!
07/14/2005 16:36 #28852
Desk Shopping, Lunch and the SquareMe and (e:maureen) headed to Gabriel's Gate for lunch today. It was very tasty, I had a chicken casear salad. Afterwards Maureen decided she needed a desk for her new Harvard apt and so we went to Neo to look. FIrst we went to eminent design by mistake thinking it was Neo and they had some fun coasters but I ddn't get them because they were $25 and I don't need $25 coasters until I at least have an apartment!! We hit up Hyatt's on Main St. because we were right there and (e:Maureen) was looking for mosaic tiles for a wall she was making, while we didn't find those, we did find some things she was looking for, for a certain package she is making, so while there was some dissapoint (for more reasons than one, right (e:maureen)?), some good came of it. We then hit up Frizb's where i got the Kylie MIngoue cd. It is seruisly so exciting. I couldn't' htink of anything I wanted and then I thought of that and was so happy. It is the perfect dancy, happy music I am looking for for the summer! WE also hit up Calvin's Furniture and Adavantage Furniture on my corner, but no success in finding a desk. ANy suggestions anyone?
I think (e:amanda), me and maybe (e:mk) and others will be hitting up downtown after the square tonight. Unoless we go to the Italian Festival instead but I don't really want to go today, I rather go this weekend. Anyone else heading to the square or after parties? Chadi for now
I think (e:amanda), me and maybe (e:mk) and others will be hitting up downtown after the square tonight. Unoless we go to the Italian Festival instead but I don't really want to go today, I rather go this weekend. Anyone else heading to the square or after parties? Chadi for now
07/13/2005 20:07 #28851
OH AvrilIn the most recent issue of Star magazine I got while grocery shopping wiht the PM portion of the PMT today, it takls about Avril Lavigne's engagement. It talks about how she was seen out at a club in LA freak dancing with her fiancee from SUm41 to the song "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani. I was never a big fan of Avril but I feel like her freak dancing to Hollaback Gril was something she would have been hugely opposed to a few years ago, before she was actually famous! Oh how much i wish i was famous.
Sounds like fun. I've done a few college films in my day. So long as I don't have to strap an M-80 to my chest over a baggie full of Kayro, I'm good! (note: this is stupid, dangerous, and it hurts) Ciao.