So driving my brother home the other day from my nonna's he says "Mike you have to start having relationships, you are going to become that red haired brother of the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond" . For those of you who don't watch, he is a like 40 year old compeltye socially awkward man who runs a comic book store and has no friends, future, life, social skills. Uh, oh, do you think it is possible for me to become that. I still think I don't need relationships, well not that I mind them, just I am not actively looking and I think I am ok with that. Is that crazy man really my future?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/12/2005 19:39 #28849
My Future According to Paul07/11/2005 11:01 #28848
Soo Much Tasty Food EverywhereSo this was the weekend of tasty food. Me and (e:maureen) went to the Taste of Buffalo on Saturday and ate up a storm. It started off badly with some cactus strips which I hated but got tastier as we went along. I think my favorite thing was a scallop wrapped in prosciutto with red pepper sauce kabob. It was so good, i could have eaten a million of them. THe fried twinkie was interesting, one bit was defiently all I need for the rest of my life but I am glad that I tried it. COntrary to (e:paul) , the rice balls were not very tasty and paled in comparison to my mom's cousin Rachel's rice balls, though he wouldn't have eaten them sinc ehe has skipped every family event for like the last 10 years. So after all that goodness, I went home for like an hour. Then I went to the Kenmore Days Carnival with (e:chris) and the other chris(if you can even consider him an e : Chris anymore since he hasn't ' posted in years) and had a "bucket o fries". Then I went to watch the fireworks with (e:maureen) at Kenmore Days and we had snow cones, fried dough and cotton candy. It was all so very tasty but all so very filling too!!! SO much tastiness and the summer of festivals has just begun, Italian Festival I belive is next week and then Canal Fest...Woohoo to eating my way through the rest of the summer.
SPeaking of the Kenmore Carnival, it used] to be way cooler when it was on Delawera nd not in Mang Park or maybe I just think that cuz i used to be 5 and now I am 22 almost. But it is so spread out here so suere you have more room to walk around but it also makes it seem like there is less stuff and less excitemenet. THe fireworks were good though> They had such different kinds of fireworks than I had ever seen before. I am sure they were the cheapre ones cuz it is Kenmore but they were cool just because they were different. I dn'ot think I ever sat so close to where they set off the fireworks before. It was really cool!!! Unfortunately I was confronted by the nine year old who a few weeks ago I tried to get to do shots at my work party. She called me crazy again. I guess I will never be in with the Kenmore nine year olds again. WHat happened to being cool for giving kids alcohol?
Then the good food contineud today with the tasty orange chicken from the China Panda at the Eastern HIlls Mall. I love that place. Me and MK hit up the mall walk sale there and then the one at the boulevard. All I ended up with were a pair of patns from Gap which I am not even sure if I like. Oh and random table confetti and gift bags and stuff from Carlton Cards/AMerican Greetings. I love their semi-annual clearance sales. I swear I probably buy more stuff from that store than most people in the world and I probably also buy more stuff from that store than anywerhe else. Everytime I go to the mall I at least buy something there if they have clearance. YOU never know when you are going to need a st. patricks day gift bag, or 2005 table confettii, etc.
The tasty food didn't end there, At the PMT's today they with a little bit of my help and Sarah doing a lot of the work made a super tasty gumbo with sausage , chicken and shrimp. I think the best part was the way the sausage and chicken was cut which was my job.
I can't wait for the tastiness to continue. Oh and by the by, the Kenmore Carnval had no mozzarella sticks which are my favorite food to have at a carnvial especilaly there. and it was really sad, maybe I cried? So Italian and Canal Fest better step up to the plate on that one.
SPeaking of the Kenmore Carnival, it used] to be way cooler when it was on Delawera nd not in Mang Park or maybe I just think that cuz i used to be 5 and now I am 22 almost. But it is so spread out here so suere you have more room to walk around but it also makes it seem like there is less stuff and less excitemenet. THe fireworks were good though> They had such different kinds of fireworks than I had ever seen before. I am sure they were the cheapre ones cuz it is Kenmore but they were cool just because they were different. I dn'ot think I ever sat so close to where they set off the fireworks before. It was really cool!!! Unfortunately I was confronted by the nine year old who a few weeks ago I tried to get to do shots at my work party. She called me crazy again. I guess I will never be in with the Kenmore nine year olds again. WHat happened to being cool for giving kids alcohol?
Then the good food contineud today with the tasty orange chicken from the China Panda at the Eastern HIlls Mall. I love that place. Me and MK hit up the mall walk sale there and then the one at the boulevard. All I ended up with were a pair of patns from Gap which I am not even sure if I like. Oh and random table confetti and gift bags and stuff from Carlton Cards/AMerican Greetings. I love their semi-annual clearance sales. I swear I probably buy more stuff from that store than most people in the world and I probably also buy more stuff from that store than anywerhe else. Everytime I go to the mall I at least buy something there if they have clearance. YOU never know when you are going to need a st. patricks day gift bag, or 2005 table confettii, etc.
The tasty food didn't end there, At the PMT's today they with a little bit of my help and Sarah doing a lot of the work made a super tasty gumbo with sausage , chicken and shrimp. I think the best part was the way the sausage and chicken was cut which was my job.
I can't wait for the tastiness to continue. Oh and by the by, the Kenmore Carnval had no mozzarella sticks which are my favorite food to have at a carnvial especilaly there. and it was really sad, maybe I cried? So Italian and Canal Fest better step up to the plate on that one.
leetee - 07/10/05 22:56
So THAT"S where the fireworks were coming from? Kenmore!! We could see a bit of them from our front porch last night... Walt, my Mom and i couldn't figure out where they were comeing from at all! Thanks... now i don't feel like i imagined them!! lol
So THAT"S where the fireworks were coming from? Kenmore!! We could see a bit of them from our front porch last night... Walt, my Mom and i couldn't figure out where they were comeing from at all! Thanks... now i don't feel like i imagined them!! lol
07/06/2005 19:57 #28847
You're Never Gonna Leave Right?Last night was Amanda's bday and though many a person ditched it was still fun. I don't remember the end. I don't think I was that drunk was I? ALl I know is I woke up late for work because I never set an alarm and fell asleep in the chair. Hmm...maybe I shouldn't make myself too many rum and cokes before we go to the bar! Anyway I hope Amanda had a good time.
I hope I"m not killing the tortoise. Before he seemed so sad and lethargic and now he seems like a crazy monkey that hates me. Sure he likes me when I bring him food but otherwise give me a generally dissatisfied look. I can't bring him out everyday because it is going to rain and I don't think he can be out in the rain can her? I hope I am feeding him enough, cuz he eats like a champion.
At work today one lady asked if me and michele were ever going to leave because it was so sad that Brian was going to leave. I assured her that me and michele are what you call "Eckerd lifers" whetehr we realize that or accept it yet or not!
(e:Paul) , when are you coming back to the B-lo? OK , that's all for now.chadi
I hope I"m not killing the tortoise. Before he seemed so sad and lethargic and now he seems like a crazy monkey that hates me. Sure he likes me when I bring him food but otherwise give me a generally dissatisfied look. I can't bring him out everyday because it is going to rain and I don't think he can be out in the rain can her? I hope I am feeding him enough, cuz he eats like a champion.
At work today one lady asked if me and michele were ever going to leave because it was so sad that Brian was going to leave. I assured her that me and michele are what you call "Eckerd lifers" whetehr we realize that or accept it yet or not!
(e:Paul) , when are you coming back to the B-lo? OK , that's all for now.chadi
07/05/2005 00:09 #28846
4th of July: A little Different This YeaSo every year on Fourth of July, me and my family along with my mom's cousins family which is quite large all go to my grandma's to celebrate her bday. It is actually my grandpa's bday on the fourth of july but he has been dead for about 8 years and my nonna's bday is June 29 so we always celebrated it then at her house. This year obviously my nonna is no longer around so there was no reason to get together and Paul was out of town, so it was just me , my mom and my dad having a barbq at the house. We sat around this tiny little table in the backyard and ate. It was nice but I miss the big family gatherings. I wish I had a bigger family that did more family things. I miss my nonna a lot!!! We went to the cemetary today to see her and my nonno , it was weird because they still ahven't put up the death date on her stone and so it looks the same as when I used to go just to see my nonno. It was kinda weird.
After the family BBQ it was Anne Maloy's surprise B-day. I think she was truly surprised and enjoyed it. It was fun even if it inclued (e:MK) screaming out at the top of her lungs "Mike is the worst lay ever" she was referring to my handling of a flower necklace but still! Also, one of my least favorite people in the world was there, but he was tolerable.
And then the fireworks. I love fireworks more than anything else! They are so fun. LIke I am glad they aren't everyday though but I love them on the 4th especially. Did you know some pepole don't go to watch fireworks on the 4th? How crzy is that? We went to Niawanda Park. I had never been there for the fireworks before, we alwasy watched them from my grandmma's porch at Lassalle or went to Riverside. They were nice and itw as weird becasue they continteud like after the end, every few minujets another one would go off. It was fun! I love them. I tried to take some pcitures of them with my phone but it didn't go so well. I remember my nonna used to love firewroks espeically because with her eye problems any light was magnified like 10times and super cooler so to her the fireworks were even way better!!!! OK I Hope everyone had a good time today!!!!
oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (e:Amanda) , it is now 7 minutes into your birthday and I Hope it is a good one so far. !
After the family BBQ it was Anne Maloy's surprise B-day. I think she was truly surprised and enjoyed it. It was fun even if it inclued (e:MK) screaming out at the top of her lungs "Mike is the worst lay ever" she was referring to my handling of a flower necklace but still! Also, one of my least favorite people in the world was there, but he was tolerable.
And then the fireworks. I love fireworks more than anything else! They are so fun. LIke I am glad they aren't everyday though but I love them on the 4th especially. Did you know some pepole don't go to watch fireworks on the 4th? How crzy is that? We went to Niawanda Park. I had never been there for the fireworks before, we alwasy watched them from my grandmma's porch at Lassalle or went to Riverside. They were nice and itw as weird becasue they continteud like after the end, every few minujets another one would go off. It was fun! I love them. I tried to take some pcitures of them with my phone but it didn't go so well. I remember my nonna used to love firewroks espeically because with her eye problems any light was magnified like 10times and super cooler so to her the fireworks were even way better!!!! OK I Hope everyone had a good time today!!!!
oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (e:Amanda) , it is now 7 minutes into your birthday and I Hope it is a good one so far. !
07/04/2005 03:35 #28845
Benadryll is my Crack and Stranger HugsFirst seriously I cannot start my day until I take a benadryll. Like every morning I wake up and just like am not allive until it kicks in. I am addicted to the non-watery itchy eyes and non-runny nose it gives me!!!
Secondly, last night I went to the gas station/convenient store by the KFC kinda on Elmwood at like 1 am because I really wanted a fountain drink Cherry Coke and they had them which was a nice surprise! Anyway on my way out a drunk/high/possibly homelless but prolly not man asked me for 50 cents and I had 70 cents change so I gave it to him evne though I know it would not be used for anything actually good fro him, but eh that's his choice. Anyway, he's like thanks , let me give you a hug, and I said "Um no that's ok" becasue anyone who knows me knows I don't like hugs in general, but espeically ones from drunk/high/possibly homeless men. Needless to say he gave it to me anyway and was like "haha he was like no thinaks, I don't want a hug while he did it" so mocking me and hugging me. Well let me just say that next time someone asks for money I wil llay out the no hugging rules at the begining of the transaction.
Secondly, last night I went to the gas station/convenient store by the KFC kinda on Elmwood at like 1 am because I really wanted a fountain drink Cherry Coke and they had them which was a nice surprise! Anyway on my way out a drunk/high/possibly homelless but prolly not man asked me for 50 cents and I had 70 cents change so I gave it to him evne though I know it would not be used for anything actually good fro him, but eh that's his choice. Anyway, he's like thanks , let me give you a hug, and I said "Um no that's ok" becasue anyone who knows me knows I don't like hugs in general, but espeically ones from drunk/high/possibly homeless men. Needless to say he gave it to me anyway and was like "haha he was like no thinaks, I don't want a hug while he did it" so mocking me and hugging me. Well let me just say that next time someone asks for money I wil llay out the no hugging rules at the begining of the transaction.
amanda - 07/04/05 03:35
i loooove your ear nibbles, you can nibble my ears any day!
i loooove your ear nibbles, you can nibble my ears any day!
julie - 07/04/05 03:20
can i have a hug??? i promise i wont stick my hands in your pockets!!!
but i can't guarentee (e:amanda) wont... but you were the one chewing on her ear
can i have a hug??? i promise i wont stick my hands in your pockets!!!
but i can't guarentee (e:amanda) wont... but you were the one chewing on her ear
metalpeter - 07/03/05 15:27
That is odd. Why would someone who dosn't know you wana give ya a hug. Now if it was a sexy chic that might be differant maybe a guy who thought you where hot. But ya really gotta be carefull that is how somepeople slip there hand in your pocket. Some chick years ago did that to me. She was on my cock, luckly I only had a few bucks and My ID. So be carefull still sounds odd.
That is odd. Why would someone who dosn't know you wana give ya a hug. Now if it was a sexy chic that might be differant maybe a guy who thought you where hot. But ya really gotta be carefull that is how somepeople slip there hand in your pocket. Some chick years ago did that to me. She was on my cock, luckly I only had a few bucks and My ID. So be carefull still sounds odd.
I bet he collect cash registers too!