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06/08/2005 01:00 #28837

So Long
So i think we will lose our canisius email addresses soon since school is over and i graduated so today I did the daunting task of deciding what emails to save and forward to my aol account or print out. I had saved about over 600 emails or something crazy like that but I have parred it down to the 80 or so I really want. I prolly could get rid of some more but I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. It took forever but it feels like an accomplishment to have it done. So long tons of useless cnaisius correspondence and information..

06/08/2005 00:36 #28836

Emancipation of Mimi
I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I love the new Mariah Carey song. WEll not so new it came out a few weeks ago. It is the slower more like RandB song not the rappy one. I seriulsy love it and hearing it makes my dya. I'm not sure why but it is really good...eveyroen should go listen...NOW

06/06/2005 22:28 #28835

Fun Times
Yesterday was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile like (e:lilho), (e:chris), rachel, Holly and Dave from Coffee & and others. It was so hot though and walking from Bidwell back to the PMT's alone was a little long and warm and I thought I was going to die. It was my first like get together at the PMTs without a Jill or Teres with me. It makes it completely different and forces me to actually mingle with other people. It was a lot of fun. SOmetimes though I say things I really shouldn't. WHy do I always say things that embarass myself. I think it is my destiny.
Seriously, I need a better battle plan with this whole dating situation. When Teres and Jill were around I totally didn't feel any lack by not dating but now it is defientley setting in and I have no skills at making it any different. I can't even ask someone I basically know for their phone number but instead need to have others get it for me. I really need to work on that. I was reading something about summer flings and that sounds like it would be fun right now. NOthing real serious, just a summer fling. Ok this entry is random , time to go for a walk. Sidenote: I love walking lately and if anyone wants to join me for some nighttime walks , just leave me a note.
OH yeah i foudn out three exciting things yesterday too, 1. me and (e:lilho) are gonna hang out one day and be the cool kids we are 2. Chris is gonna let me hav ethe old cash registers from the Pet Store (where i am gonna store them is a whole nother question) 3. Dave reminded me about how I wanted to read the book The Lottery but the librayr doesn't have it and he does so maybe i can borrow it and read it. All in all a good day.

05/31/2005 01:25 #28834

Back to the Grind and Fatness
So tomorrow I go back to work after not working for like two weeks because of graduation things and stuff going on with my nonna. I hope I remember how to do the job still, though I think after 6 years, I prolly should. Today going through stuff and cleaning up Nonna's I found a New Kids on the Block pin in her dresser drawer! How awesome is that! She still had it after all these years! I bet she was their biggest fan!

Sidenote: This was supposed to be the summer of getting hot yet so far I have exercised not even once and am getting even worse then when the summer began. I haven't even went to the Outlet Mall (which I consider exercise because there is a lot of walking ot outside stores, ok its lame, but i still consider it exercise) basically tomorrow I better exercise or its off to the fat farm for me..

05/29/2005 14:26 #28833

test post
This Is Paul On Mikes New Phone.