SHe was so excited about my graduatin. It is all she ahs been talking about for months. She only went to school utnil second grade and so college graduation impressed her so muhc. She was so proud and she coldn't wait ot go out and celebrate my graduation. I am so sad that she coudn't see it. THe image of her grabbing me and looking despereately for help when i found yher in her ktichen will be frozen in my mind for the rest of my life. I don't htink I can ever forget it. Why did it have to happen then? Why couldn't we at least have had that one last nice day celebrating the hone thigns she had been waiting so long for.
Teres and Jll left for Eurpoe today. THey will be gone for six months so my my support system is gone. Marykate leaves tomorrow for a month. Timing for all this coudln't be worse. I honesly don't know how I am going to make it through. Right now I am a total wreck.I don't know if this is all waht i wanted to say at all , this was not the tribute I planned but it will come later maybe........NONNA I LOVE YOU...YOU WERE THE BEST NONNA ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR!!!!! On her table was the note she wrote me fro my graudtion. SHe must have just finsihed it as she hadn't transfered it to the card yet.....I'm glad at least I will always have that...she wrote it in Italian because I have finally learned Italian...too bad I will never be able to use it with er..........