So tomorrow I go back to work after not working for like two weeks because of graduation things and stuff going on with my nonna. I hope I remember how to do the job still, though I think after 6 years, I prolly should. Today going through stuff and cleaning up Nonna's I found a New Kids on the Block pin in her dresser drawer! How awesome is that! She still had it after all these years! I bet she was their biggest fan!
Sidenote: This was supposed to be the summer of getting hot yet so far I have exercised not even once and am getting even worse then when the summer began. I haven't even went to the Outlet Mall (which I consider exercise because there is a lot of walking ot outside stores, ok its lame, but i still consider it exercise) basically tomorrow I better exercise or its off to the fat farm for me..
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/31/2005 01:25 #28834
Back to the Grind and Fatness05/29/2005 14:26 #28833
test postThis Is Paul On Mikes New Phone.
05/25/2005 14:38 #28832
Wake and stuffSo surreal seeing my nonna's name in the obituaries. I read them everyday to keep track of any eckerd customers who have passed away and it was almost unreal seeing my grandmother's name right there, but there it was, Pierina Armenia. Today we have nothing to do. It seems like we should be doing something but the wake isn't until tomorrow and the funeral is on Friday so today just feels odd. Thansk to everyone who have sent messages and condolences.
05/24/2005 15:53 #28831
Nonna Passed AwayMy Nonna passed away this morning.I'm sure you've all read about it in (e:paul) journal and I've been wanting to write about it for the last few days about everything that happened but just don't' kjnow what to say. All I can say right now is she was an amazing lady...she was the nicest like most always thoughtful lady but ina totally sincere way. She would excuse anythign we did...I see this family tree picture frame sittting here that I had gotten her last year and was putting together the photos to put in it. I kept putting it off because I thought oh there will be more time and now there isn't. Its so sad that she devoted her whole life to everyone else and in a year I couldtn' even find the time to put together this photo frame. It will always haunt me.
SHe was so excited about my graduatin. It is all she ahs been talking about for months. She only went to school utnil second grade and so college graduation impressed her so muhc. She was so proud and she coldn't wait ot go out and celebrate my graduation. I am so sad that she coudn't see it. THe image of her grabbing me and looking despereately for help when i found yher in her ktichen will be frozen in my mind for the rest of my life. I don't htink I can ever forget it. Why did it have to happen then? Why couldn't we at least have had that one last nice day celebrating the hone thigns she had been waiting so long for.
Teres and Jll left for Eurpoe today. THey will be gone for six months so my my support system is gone. Marykate leaves tomorrow for a month. Timing for all this coudln't be worse. I honesly don't know how I am going to make it through. Right now I am a total wreck.I don't know if this is all waht i wanted to say at all , this was not the tribute I planned but it will come later maybe........NONNA I LOVE YOU...YOU WERE THE BEST NONNA ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR!!!!! On her table was the note she wrote me fro my graudtion. SHe must have just finsihed it as she hadn't transfered it to the card yet.....I'm glad at least I will always have that...she wrote it in Italian because I have finally learned Italian...too bad I will never be able to use it with er..........

SHe was so excited about my graduatin. It is all she ahs been talking about for months. She only went to school utnil second grade and so college graduation impressed her so muhc. She was so proud and she coldn't wait ot go out and celebrate my graduation. I am so sad that she coudn't see it. THe image of her grabbing me and looking despereately for help when i found yher in her ktichen will be frozen in my mind for the rest of my life. I don't htink I can ever forget it. Why did it have to happen then? Why couldn't we at least have had that one last nice day celebrating the hone thigns she had been waiting so long for.
Teres and Jll left for Eurpoe today. THey will be gone for six months so my my support system is gone. Marykate leaves tomorrow for a month. Timing for all this coudln't be worse. I honesly don't know how I am going to make it through. Right now I am a total wreck.I don't know if this is all waht i wanted to say at all , this was not the tribute I planned but it will come later maybe........NONNA I LOVE YOU...YOU WERE THE BEST NONNA ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR!!!!! On her table was the note she wrote me fro my graudtion. SHe must have just finsihed it as she hadn't transfered it to the card yet.....I'm glad at least I will always have that...she wrote it in Italian because I have finally learned Italian...too bad I will never be able to use it with er..........

05/16/2005 19:24 #28830
PMT's APTI'm staying at PMT's crack mansion for the week while they are on vacation. I have to make sure their zoo house of animals survives without them. Thankfully (e:matt) did all the cricket feeding that needs to be doen for the week so I don't have to touch those scary jumping creatures!! This apt is much nicer than their old one in style and niceness but I liked the old one better because it was more in the middle of things. LIke there were always people walking by and I could go outside and see people and take walks. ALthough this one is only like a block away it seems like a different world. Plus, at the old one there were plenty of random visitors stopping by b/c they were in the neighboorhood, that doesn't seem to happen here....soo feel free to stop by and remember THIS SATURDAY AT OFF THE WALL: GOODBYE TERES AND JILL PARTY!!! Everyone must attend, it is like an order! Ok that's all for now