Hopefully some of you are reading this for the first time since last night Me, Teres, Jill and Paul plastered the elmwood area with elmwoodstrip.com sidewalk chalk ads and paper bookmarky things. We really tried to make the ads relevant to where we put them and make them engaging for the reader. If you are readiding this for the first time I think you should sign up because reading them is only half the fun as reading and writing. Enjoy
Feel free to email me with the link on the right if you have any questions.
P.S. If by some crazy coincidence you decide to go back and read old journal entries, you might want to skip over my early ones from around sep. 2003 when the site started. I got a little crazy and seriuly wrote like thousands upon thousands of words in each entry. I don't recommend that.
Sorry this entry was kinda boring and newslike.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/04/2004 02:04 #28665
Name Your Pleasure at Elmwoodstrip.com06/03/2004 12:19 #28664
Summer ColdWell wouldn't you know. After eating 12 slices of bacon in one sitting about two weeks ago I decided maybe I needed to be a little more healthy. Not like lose weight really but just be more healthy so I have been going walking everyday and trying to eat a little bit healthier. And what do I get for that? I've had a freakin cold for the last few days. A cold in the summer, how ridiculous especially when added to my allergies it makes me at minimum a box a day nose blower right now. It is insane. But I think I may just know how to cure it.... a pound of bacon and french fries with blue cheese.
06/02/2004 19:44 #28663
Thank You vs. Have A Nice DayAn old man at work today told me that Have A Nice Day is a meaningless phrase and he will not and that he was once in retail and they said "Thanks its been a pleasure doing business with you" basically implying I was rude. Well let me tell you sir that I get numerous comments about how nice I am and how much the customers miss me when I am on vacation. Amd frankly i rather be told have a nice day, i think it sounds better and offers a promise of a better rest of the day, and makes our customer/salesperson relationship closer and less business like. All I"m saying is I don't get many complaints, so shut up stupid old man.
06/01/2004 19:52 #28662
Would you like fries with that?Apparently a lot of people are saying yes. According to the current issue of Time magazine's report on obesity 25% of vegetables eaten in the U.S. are French fries. Oh my that is a crazy amount. Whats even crazier is that most likely me and my coworkers at Eckerd are likely responsible for about 50% of that french fry consumption, with blue cheese of course.
06/01/2004 02:15 #28661
That's How She Became the NannyWhy is it that the people we want to get to know most of all are the people it seems we'll never get to know. maybe more on this later
Welcome to estrip Jesse.
Welcome to estrip Jesse.