Welcome to all the newbies!!! I hope you enjoy the site. I made an elmwoodstrip.com tshirt last night and it definetely looks like the work of a kindergardner, a slightly sophisticated but a five year old none the less. You can see it today out on the streets on me. I have become an advertising whore for this site, I just can't get enough.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/06/2004 12:50 #28669
Welcome06/05/2004 20:30 #28668
See You On the StreetEveryone look for me and Jill tomorrow with the video camera at the Pride Parade and festivities. We will be the ones in elmwoodstrip.com tshirts obnoxiously using a camcorder and microphone to tape footage for elmwoodstrip.com and hopefully getting some more people to sign up. If you see us say hi or wave or talk to our camera or tell us we're hot. Whatever you think is most importnat. When we were trying to decide what to ask people on camera tomorrow we thouight maybe we could ask all questions about ourselves like:
1. Do you think we look like a couple?
2. Are we hot?
3. COuld I stand to lose a few pounds?
4. Would JIll be better as a blonde?
or we could ask questions pertaining to the event I suppose but that is not nearly as fun. See you tomorrow!!!
1. Do you think we look like a couple?
2. Are we hot?
3. COuld I stand to lose a few pounds?
4. Would JIll be better as a blonde?
or we could ask questions pertaining to the event I suppose but that is not nearly as fun. See you tomorrow!!!
06/04/2004 20:34 #28667
Fit but You Know ItI was just watching the video for Fit but You Know It by The Streets. It is a really good video. If you have itunes it is free to watch at the itunes store. I think it is a new feature that you can watch tons of music videos for free. How fun!
06/04/2004 18:01 #28666
Sunglasses means SummerI love sunglasses. There is something so inherently nice weather about them that puts a smile on my face. They are my essential summer love. I just bought another pair today. Brown ones at Kaufmanns b/c I don't have any brown ones. I was going to buy two pairs but I was respnsible and only bought one considering I already have at least 3 other pairs I like and numerous ones I don't really wear that often. Sunglasses are so fun though!
06/04/2004 02:04 #28665
Name Your Pleasure at Elmwoodstrip.comHopefully some of you are reading this for the first time since last night Me, Teres, Jill and Paul plastered the elmwood area with elmwoodstrip.com sidewalk chalk ads and paper bookmarky things. We really tried to make the ads relevant to where we put them and make them engaging for the reader. If you are readiding this for the first time I think you should sign up because reading them is only half the fun as reading and writing. Enjoy
Feel free to email me with the link on the right if you have any questions.
P.S. If by some crazy coincidence you decide to go back and read old journal entries, you might want to skip over my early ones from around sep. 2003 when the site started. I got a little crazy and seriuly wrote like thousands upon thousands of words in each entry. I don't recommend that.
Sorry this entry was kinda boring and newslike.
Feel free to email me with the link on the right if you have any questions.
P.S. If by some crazy coincidence you decide to go back and read old journal entries, you might want to skip over my early ones from around sep. 2003 when the site started. I got a little crazy and seriuly wrote like thousands upon thousands of words in each entry. I don't recommend that.
Sorry this entry was kinda boring and newslike.