I was talking to my mom about the Sopranos the other day and she was telling me how she wouldn't want to watch it because it stereotypes Mafia people as violent and swearing. And I was like "you mean Italians, becuase I am pretty sure that the mafia is violent and probably they swear a lot" And she was like no I mean the mafia. She espoused how there are a lot of not so bad people in the mafia and they aren't all violent and mean. Hmmm... not many people would try to argue about the goodness of the mafia...not many....except those involved....i still think my parents are just waiting until my 21st birthday to tell me the truth about our "family" connections.
What else would explain the time my dad drove through a park just to hit a man with his car and then proceed to get out and beat the man up. At the time I just thought it was good clean fun, but now I'm not so sure.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/19/2004 23:40 #28621
Mafia Mama03/19/2004 12:50 #28620
Spelling Bees and Butchering PigsLast night we rented Spellbound which is a documentary about the National Spelling Bee. I know it doesn't sound exciting but it was really funny and good. I felt a little bad for some of the contestants whose whole life was spelling and then they lost such as the kid who had 1,000 people praying for him 24 hours a day in India to win. His dad said he would feed 5,000 people in India if his son won. Now I hope those people were not like starving and that he just meant a party because otherwise it is just mean to deny them food after they prayed 24 hours a day even if his son did lose.
My Nonna explained to me and Paul how to butcher a pig, goose and chicken. So the next dinner party I throw will start with the butchering process. MMMMMM MMMM Good.
My Nonna explained to me and Paul how to butcher a pig, goose and chicken. So the next dinner party I throw will start with the butchering process. MMMMMM MMMM Good.
03/18/2004 11:54 #28619
March 18, 2004First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT, and you should be able to celebrate however you see fit. It is your birthday after all. I hope you have a great one.
Last night, I used my brother's ID for the frist time. Every other time I have had it wiht me they didn't ask for ID but last night at the bar on elmwood and bidwell whose name I can't remember they did and I passed. Woohoo! Although I was in a weird mood yesterday and not so St. Patrick's Day spirited.
Last night, I used my brother's ID for the frist time. Every other time I have had it wiht me they didn't ask for ID but last night at the bar on elmwood and bidwell whose name I can't remember they did and I passed. Woohoo! Although I was in a weird mood yesterday and not so St. Patrick's Day spirited.
03/17/2004 13:15 #28618
Today is Jill's 21st birthday so if you see her buy her a drink or two, heck buy her a dozen. And continue to buy her drinks for the next few weeks. Last night me, teres, yosepha, and other mike went out for her birthday and saw Mates of State and they were good. They reminded me of Ace of Base no matter what anyone else says. I think I might buy their cd.
Today is Jill's 21st birthday so if you see her buy her a drink or two, heck buy her a dozen. And continue to buy her drinks for the next few weeks. Last night me, teres, yosepha, and other mike went out for her birthday and saw Mates of State and they were good. They reminded me of Ace of Base no matter what anyone else says. I think I might buy their cd.
03/16/2004 12:01 #28617
Slideshow InsanityFirst, I'd like to say I like all these new updates, especially the last ten updaters thing that says who updated most recently. It's good to see who updated yesterday but I didn't read and there star was gone cuz it is a new day.
Right now I am watching the slideshow/video montage I made for me and my friends after highschool and it is really good. Not like in a tooting my own horn since I made it kind of way (ok that too!) but like I mean I haven't watched it in a while and it was fun seeing it again. Yes it is a two hour behemoth of a video, but how could I pack all our years of fun into anything less?
Right now I am watching the slideshow/video montage I made for me and my friends after highschool and it is really good. Not like in a tooting my own horn since I made it kind of way (ok that too!) but like I mean I haven't watched it in a while and it was fun seeing it again. Yes it is a two hour behemoth of a video, but how could I pack all our years of fun into anything less?