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03/09/2004 04:08 #28614

It's 3:05 AM ?
So I thought I could be the first person to have a star today as it is only 3:05 AM but lo and behold I get here and four other people already have stars. Well I am trying to do two homework assignments that are due tomorrow and of course I am procrastinating to the fullest. I finsihed like a rough copy of my paper on Reyataz the HIV drug but now I need to write an opening sequence for my movie and describe my character's locale. Rigth now my movie for scriptwriting belongs in the crapper. It is like just a bad idea infused with extremely worse ideas. There is something about the class that just makes me produce my worst creative work ever. Eh, at least I'll pass. She can't fail me for bad ideas. Ok that's all for now, its back to work I go.

03/07/2004 17:20 #28613

Roomates/Apartment Happenings
So I really really need to move out of my house. Each day there is more arguing and/or I become more like a 50 year old and so it is really becoming an emergency. Jill and I were going to get an apartment this summer but now she is most likely shipping off to Sri Lanka instead. (Wow that totally doesn't sound real but she really is planning to study abroad there). I also had a prospect for an apartment in January but I cannot wait that long and frankly I don't trust that that would actually happen especially since what is going on recently as in I don't really actually talk to the person anymore.

So it looks like I may need to get a single apartment but I am not really sure I can afford that but it really is time for me to move out. So if anyone knows of cheap single apartments (preferably around elmwood) or people looking for a roomate (or no prolly I actually don't want to live with someone I don't know or well maybe) let me know.

03/05/2004 01:50 #28612

Gay or Jesus?
I was reading Details magazine the other day when me and Jill read every magazine and took every quiz at Wegmans and thye had an articles entitled Gay or Jesus. It has a picture of a jesus-sorta looking man and talks about what he is wearing and I thought number 7 was hilarious......Leather Bands: Accentuates slender wrist on bedpost or crucifix.

It just seems so wrong but so funny. Maybe you have to see it to appreciate it.

03/03/2004 01:31 #28611

Buddhist Corrections and Talkin Loud
Ok first off I've heard that many people thought I typed lama sutra by mistake and meant kama sutra. No I was not at a sex party and the book they study is called something sutra and I just don't remember what it is but I"m pretty sure it started with an L. When I find out I will post it here.

So today I was reminded how I talk really loud sometimes and all the strangers around can hear/listen to what I'm saying. Well if it is that easy to get people to listen to you, I think that's great and that it really makes it seem easy to get your word out. Too bad I am usually talking about one of my friend's relationships or a celebrity or some gossip like that instead of something useful. Although what I'm talking about is usually more entertaining than any political/social message I can think of.

03/02/2004 01:01 #28610

Two Cheers for Good Weather
Can I just say how nice the last two days have been? Today I wore a tshirt and no coat, how great is that? TOO GREAT!!! It can never get cold again. Hooray for Global Warming.

And now I am watching Golden Girls instead of studying for my midterm tomrrow. It's been too long since I"ve seen them. I used to watch them numerous times a day but I seriulsy haven't seen them in weeks. It's good to have them back in my life for the night.

This whole draft thing I have been reading about in other people's journals freaks me out. I could never be in the army. I would truly be a hinderance though not a helper. I doubt they are in dire need of the skills I possess, namely slideshow making and 90's tv trivia. Hmm maybe I can outwit the enemy with Full House facts...maybe.