First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT, and you should be able to celebrate however you see fit. It is your birthday after all. I hope you have a great one.
Last night, I used my brother's ID for the frist time. Every other time I have had it wiht me they didn't ask for ID but last night at the bar on elmwood and bidwell whose name I can't remember they did and I passed. Woohoo! Although I was in a weird mood yesterday and not so St. Patrick's Day spirited.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/18/2004 11:54 #28619
March 18, 200403/17/2004 13:15 #28618
Today is Jill's 21st birthday so if you see her buy her a drink or two, heck buy her a dozen. And continue to buy her drinks for the next few weeks. Last night me, teres, yosepha, and other mike went out for her birthday and saw Mates of State and they were good. They reminded me of Ace of Base no matter what anyone else says. I think I might buy their cd.
Today is Jill's 21st birthday so if you see her buy her a drink or two, heck buy her a dozen. And continue to buy her drinks for the next few weeks. Last night me, teres, yosepha, and other mike went out for her birthday and saw Mates of State and they were good. They reminded me of Ace of Base no matter what anyone else says. I think I might buy their cd.
03/16/2004 12:01 #28617
Slideshow InsanityFirst, I'd like to say I like all these new updates, especially the last ten updaters thing that says who updated most recently. It's good to see who updated yesterday but I didn't read and there star was gone cuz it is a new day.
Right now I am watching the slideshow/video montage I made for me and my friends after highschool and it is really good. Not like in a tooting my own horn since I made it kind of way (ok that too!) but like I mean I haven't watched it in a while and it was fun seeing it again. Yes it is a two hour behemoth of a video, but how could I pack all our years of fun into anything less?
Right now I am watching the slideshow/video montage I made for me and my friends after highschool and it is really good. Not like in a tooting my own horn since I made it kind of way (ok that too!) but like I mean I haven't watched it in a while and it was fun seeing it again. Yes it is a two hour behemoth of a video, but how could I pack all our years of fun into anything less?
03/13/2004 16:57 #28616
It's Up To You To Make It HappenDo you ever think like everything is working against your goal and you just think maybe it is time to give up but then you get another chance. But then you waste that chance and just are like eh there'll be another chance. Well I do that all the time and I think it is definetely time I start to realize there may not be another chance and need to start just going for what I want.
03/10/2004 01:55 #28615
Spring Break FeverTwo more days of classes and then SPRING BREAK!!! Thank god for undedicated teachers who cancel classes on the Friday before spring break, making it come that much sooner. Not that I am going anywhere exciting in particular but just being off of school is exciting and Jll's birthday, and Maureen will be home and St. Patrick's Day and who knows what else. Too much excitement for one boy.