Firstly I need to start looking for a new Job. Can't get into to many details but most likely boses are changing and it will be permantant.
Watched Dane Cook on HBO last night He was preaty funny. It is nice to see that some people can still do physical comedy that isn't slapstick. I enjoyed his show it was preaty good.
I watched Unleashed staring Jet Li and Morgan Freeman last night. I had seen It a couple times before. I like that it takes martial arts in another direction. Where he is a man trained and known as a dog and he only fights when he Collar is taken off. Eventully he winds up not wanting to fight anymore. I think that I good Martial arts movie has to have a good story to it. Yeah the fight scenes are cool and everything but it has no meaning with out a story. Sometimes it is tough to get the right amount of balance between them cause everybody who sees a movie wants a differant amount of violance and a differant pace.
I have been so tired this week it just felt good to sleep friday night then watch some latenight TV and then well you know skin a max and that was fun for a little bit. I still say that the guys who do porn or light porn should get togather with hollywood and make a hollywood movie and have the porn guys do the sex scenes.
I watched an interesting Documentary on the Bloods. It it hard to imagine that they would let anyone tape them. There was a point in the film where the camara crew was chased out of a place.
The bills Season Starts today. It could be Verry interesting. I don't think they have a chance going anywhare this year but I could be wrong. But the start of Football Season is also when the season changes it starts to get cold and you eat warm foods and have hoodies to keep you warm. Now if I could just find a cute little Football fan to keep me warm everything would be great. On monday two of my Teams play The Redskins are the first game and The Raiders are the second. I wish I could watch all of both games and do the double header. I will be fliping a lot during wrestling. On a side note I was so tired I couldn't stay awake for the steelers game last week.
There is an interest article that I don't have time to get into in artvoice and part of it is about the war on drugs. Hopefully I can tackle that debate at a later date.
On a odd side note why is mornig wood so strange. You wake up it feals like it is larger then it normally is but it is the same size. Then you get all these sexaul fealings but at the same time you know that all it is, is that you have to piss but that it dosn't feal like that.
I forgot another thing about Football season it means there are new episodes of the simpsons on. Not sure if the entire sunday lineup is all new or not but I will have to check in on the battle of the Manning brothers on chanel 2 sunday night football. If you havn't seen it on HBO in demand yet (shows 6 days before regular hbo) the Season Premiere of the Wire is on tonight it is a verry good show.
I had some other thoughts to but they got lost somewhere in reading journals. Oh yeah it is almost Hockey season again.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/10/2006 11:19 #28461
Varrious ThoughtsCategory: tv
09/07/2006 20:13 #28460
Starts TonightCategory: nfl
Regular season of the NFL starts tonight. I think the pregame stuff has allready begun. Well it looks like if I ever start a free fantasy football league I will all ready be behind. They can be fun. I usaly wind up kinda in the middle of my group. I do better then a lot of people but not good enough to be an expert. Hope those steelers win tonight. also on a side note 3 good shows are now all back on allready Bones, House and The Wire. Well goodbye sundays football season is back and it is that fall season, man that was quick.
09/04/2006 14:19 #28459
someshots test PartyCategory: photos
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The fire works are from July at two bisions games I went to. Since they show up fine that means the problem isn't (e:strip) it is my pictures and how they where named or downloaded or something. This same thing happend once before with some Toronto pictures. For now if you want to see some pictures from the party visit my webshots page. I'm going to try something and see if it works.

Doing it this way is verry time consuming. But it is a little sample of the pictures I took. If you want to see more then the previous journal should Have a link to the page. I should also have a link to it undermy links . Hope everyone is having a much better labor day then I am. It is nice to have a day off and now go watch some tv and find a movie to watch before Prison break and wrestling.
09/03/2006 13:01 #28458
T&J Party Part (updated)Category: party
Well I'm currently having technical diffaculties with loading pictures for some reason they don't want to show up so maybe I'll try again later. But I had a great time and met a lot of interesting people. Not that I will be able to remember all of there names. Hopefully Timika will post some of the pics she took.. I do have another site where I put pictures up maybe I will try there and then give a link to it.

The Link above will take you to my webshots photo album. On a side note I forgot to Mention that Jen Rocks and Timika is so fucking rad I wish you both a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
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The Link above will take you to my webshots photo album. On a side note I forgot to Mention that Jen Rocks and Timika is so fucking rad I wish you both a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
08/29/2006 18:37 #28457
Terry Mike Bday PicsCategory: photos
First things first thank you verry much Lisa or as you are known on the site as (e:twisted). I tried clicking on lib as you suggested and most of the pictures where there You really saved me a lot of time, and frustration. I hope everyone that made it had a great time and a Happy Birthday to both (e:Mike) and (e:Terry).
Picture wise one thing I should have done was to take pictures as I was being given the tour by Paul. Also the pictures I took of (e:southernyanke) and (e:Terry) dancing came out dark. I used a setting called drive but I forgot that with drive there is no flash so they looked nice on the camara screen but not on the computer. So I brightend them up and hughed them up and they came out interesting. The one odd thing is that in the originals you could read if you eyes where good enough the computer screen for what songs are on but once you add brightness you lost that.

Picture wise one thing I should have done was to take pictures as I was being given the tour by Paul. Also the pictures I took of (e:southernyanke) and (e:Terry) dancing came out dark. I used a setting called drive but I forgot that with drive there is no flash so they looked nice on the camara screen but not on the computer. So I brightend them up and hughed them up and they came out interesting. The one odd thing is that in the originals you could read if you eyes where good enough the computer screen for what songs are on but once you add brightness you lost that.

i love that last pic!
Glad that helped, and thanks for posting the pix! It's the next best thing to being there, for those of us who can't be.
MetalPeter I'm sorry I did not shake your hand or anything. I guess I didn't realize that you were in fact the MetalPeter.
Also, becuase you were the first Peter on the estrip scene, I waive all rights to the use of the name Peter/Pete.
Great pics. I don't look too horrid. Thanks for sharing
wow... you guys are, like, all moved in! That was fast! Looks great! Sorry I missed out. :(