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08/22/2006 20:07 #28452

Tom and Jerry...
Category: art
Ok so I read on Yahoo that Tom and Jerry got in trouble for smoking in a cartoon in the UK. Not sure if it was an old or new cartoon I can't remember. But what I don't get is that people are affarid kids will see the smoking and then want to do it. But hold on I thought cartoons didn't effect people. Wait they maybe be right, I think they could be. I think cartoons might effect people and so kids might want to smoke. But then wouldn't that also mean that the kids would then learn to be violant. So it is ok to be violant and settle your problems through violance but smoking is wrong. I want to fucking scream!!!!!!!!!

But then a remebered something i heard. Supposdly Tom & Jerry where taken off the air originaly because they where a racist cartoon. Remeber Momma you only saw her feat and legs and her broom and she was black, so it was offensive. I don't know if that is really true or not.

But that brings me to my next point. I want my cartoons edgy and even offensive as long as it is funny. That is assuming that the cartoon makes fun of everybody and isn't just a racist message being sent to try to recruit for a hate group.

That leads me into the fact that I don't want my cartoons edited. Bugs bunny wears a dress so do we have to cut that out so we don't upset the cross dressers. I know there where some offensive Bugs Bunny and other cartoons made a long time ago. But I want to see them in there original form. Cartoons should never be PC and should never be altered to be PC. Oh and if they are in Black and White leave them that way.

I hate political correctness and here is why. It is a way to cover racism. No one wants to admit they maybe prejudiced. I will admit it I am. I think that as long as I treat everyone the same and don't let that affect how I treat people then that is ok. But what being PC means is you call People Afro Americans then don't hire them because they are black but you use a word that have positive annotations instead of negative (or is that connotation I forget). Being PC is also about not offending everyone and trying to have everyone like you and not be offenend it is so fucking dishonest and so fake. With politcal correctness there would be no comedy. I'm a little off point here but my main point is lets not change cartoons cause some one is offendend. Cartoons are supposed to be funny and offensive.
libertad - 08/23/06 10:15
I agree with you old cartoons should not be edited because they are not PC. It would be like erasing History because you don't like what it says. On the other hand, new shows have an important responsibility in not promoting hateful messages. I kind of like shows that show how funny and absurd things like racism, sexism or homophobia are. They don't have to be PC. They can make fun of these things so long as they do it in a way that does not encourage hate. I think a good example here would be the Simpsons. They display stereotypes in a very satirical sort of way. I have a very good sense of humor, but commercials, such as the dodge ad, are really not a great thing for society. SOrry to go off topic a bit, but this is something we have talked about before. If you can't be funny without hurting other people, than maybe your not funny at all. Cartoons are not supposed to be offensive, they are supposed to be funny. Shows like the simpsons or south park really aren't pc, but I have never been offended by them either.

08/21/2006 18:48 #28451

Katrina Prision Break
Category: tv
On monday nights I Usaly watch Monday Night Raw. Tonight it should be verry good Since Summer Slam was last night, it was good last night some good matchs. Prision Break returns to Fox at 8pm I'm really looking forward to see where the story goes it was so great last year we shall see. I will taping on HBO at 9pm Spike Lee has that Documentary about New Orleans and the floods. It is on in two parts tonight and then 2 parts on tuesday also. At the verry least it should be verry interesting. I think Spike will show things in a differant way then we are used to seeing them. I belive Spike is also making a Feature Film for theatres about Katrina but that is going to be completely differant and isn't this but I'm not sure. I will admit I don't completely agree with Spike Lee on a lot of things. But the movies I have seen of his I have really enjoyed so we shall see about this one. On a side note if you havn't seen them I have fair pictures up on my previous post.

08/18/2006 20:13 #28449

Paris Hilton
Category: music
I will admit I did hear what ever her song is on the radio. This is going to sound weird but it wasn't that bad. It might have been on Wild 101 or maybe Kiss 98.5 not sure. I will admit it isn't my type of music but it soundend like you typical KISS pop song not really any better or worse. Then I was fliping chanels and saw a little bit on her I would say on mtv and belive it or not she wrote her own songs, I almost shit my self no body in pop music writes there own songs anymore, well she at least wrote one of them not sure if she wrote all of them. I guess there is another Simple Life reality show on some station also. I opened up playboy and saw Her, no wait it isn't really her it is the "fake" Paris Hilton who looks just like her. Yeah I admit I have a copy of her DVD a night in paris. It is ok but not graffic enoungh it is kinda hard to get those graffic shots as you film your self. Why am I writing about Paris when I think Nicole Ritchie is hotter I have no idea, plus she seems more down to earth. Maybe it has something to do with someone saying something saying people are using dogs as an accesory.

08/20/2006 14:41 #28450

Fair Bus Derby 06
Category: photos
So I went to the fair again. With the rain I took things inside and did walk through the rain. I never did get a fried dough but I did get to see some animals and take pictures that you can see down below. I did put up a lot of pictures but these aren't the only ones I took. I think I would have just stayed home If I wasn't going to the derby. One thing that was to bad about the rain was that the parade was Cancelled that meant I didn't get to see all the Clydesdales but I did get pictures of some of them and the Donkey from the Bud adds. I also saw other horses also. You may notice the Elvis Hot Sauce that was to good not to take a picture. The place setting where in the creative arts building. The carved out tree was preaty cool to, not sure if the pictures do it justice or not. hope you all enjoy the pictures.



















































That is a praying mantis on the seat at the bus Derby. It did wind up crawling up me. The odd thing is you or at least I couldn't feal it. Not sure really how many and what pictures to put up once the derby starts hopefull I put up enough to give a general sense of it with out them being to many and boaring. I don't think the carnage and damage really shows up in pictures and of course there is no crashing sound. Yes granted maybe I should have put this up a few pictures earlier but now is good enough. I saw the Fix the Logo bus from a far and thought thats awesome. I think my favorite was the #16 Sabres Bus, yeah it dosn't really say his name on it nor did he drive it but it is great looking.











There was also a minivan Demolition derby heat the vans where verry quick and hard to get good pictures of but there are a few up above.





















On thing I maybe should have explained is that the buses goes in heats. The last two buses running in each heat advance to the finals. There is a last chance heat for all the buses who didn't make it but can still move. All in all it is preaty fun to watch.
#23 won in the end, they also had a best in show at the begining that the fans voted on but not sure who won that I think it was the #16 bus.

08/16/2006 19:49 #28448

I Admit I havn't had really anything journal worthy to say. I did change my Journal Music to Frantic By Metallica. There are a few concerts I do want to go to but I forget when they are. Hope it is nice Saturday for the Bus Derby at the fair. There will most likely be some pics of it going up sometime on sunday. It is odd that I have more to say in comments than in actually journals. On TV thing I belive on Monday Prision Break starts up again.
carolinian - 08/17/06 20:07
Ditto on SG1, although I find Atlantis a little hokey. My parents got me addicted to NCIS (the forensics girl is so hot!) and that's now my favorite show of the week (when the next season starts up again).

metalpeter - 08/17/06 19:31
I think you may find this funny I saw Stargate the movie and thought it was awesome. But I think I have only seen one episode of Stargate sg-1 .
jason - 08/17/06 09:52
Also if you are a Sci Fi dork like myself you will enjoy Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG1.