Today I was reading a story in the Buffalo News about the new downtown Casino and one of the reasons that it is bad is because Buffalo isn't a tourist town. And I started think well it should be. We Have a NHL Hockey team, NFL Football, Niagara Falls, and sord of a six flags. I think all we need to really do is to get a great waterfront and we maybe on our way. But Buliding on the waterfront should have expandend further then it has years ago. Hopefully Bass Pro and all these plans come to gather to make a greater Buffalo and one that people from other cities would like to Visit. Sheas always has a great broadway series and for some people who don't want to go all the way to New York maybe that can draw some more people in. But that got me thinking about both Toronto and Cleveland and they both have things to draw people there Like the CN Tower and Hockey Hall of fame or the Rock and Roll Hall of fame. But one other thing they have in common is there street signs let you know what district or part of the city you are in. That has started in Buffalo a littel bit with those A's on the allentown signs. I think it would be really nice to do something like that in all of Buffalo. I know we do get some tourism hear but not as much as we could.
Metalpeter's Journal
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08/09/2006 20:21 #28444
Buffalo should be and some ideasCategory: tourism
08/07/2006 20:51 #28443
Fair The Fair starts this week I think on thurdsday not sure. I hope the weather is nice on Saturday cause I will be there. They really do have a lot of interesting shows. It is also a great place to shop belive it or not with all those venders. I think my concert got cancelled though wich sucks. I have to find out if it did if there is anyway to get a refund on it. This post was going to be a joke post for Carrey or a great post for her cats I was going to put up Kitty Porn pics. But then I realised that would mean I would have to save them to my computer and I really don't want them on a computer that isn't really mine. I also had a nice short walk down elmwood after work to the bank, the weather out was amazing out it really was. Ok that is the end of my boring post.
mrmike - 08/07/06 22:13
do the fair on wednesday - preview night is cheaper to get in
do the fair on wednesday - preview night is cheaper to get in
08/06/2006 19:10 #28442
TrollyCategory: photos

I admit they are not the best pictures but I think the pictures I took on the trolly are ok. It drives like a bus and has a place you pay like a bus and a handicap or wheelchair entrance/exit. It dosn't have a bell. But it is made up inside of wooden benchs and looks old fashioned hope you enjoyed the pics up above.
theecarey - 08/07/06 23:31
it just popped into my head, going off of (e:jenks) and (e:metalpeters) comments.
what we have here is (e:MetalJesus)
k, I am done.
it just popped into my head, going off of (e:jenks) and (e:metalpeters) comments.
what we have here is (e:MetalJesus)
k, I am done.
metalpeter - 08/07/06 19:40
This bus was the #20 Elmwood. I admit I'm not sure how many trollybuses there are. I thought I saw the Trolly on Delaware once but not sure. I know the day I went to the Italian fest I saw it, it was being used as a shuttle of some kind.
For that last picture it is tobad the person didn't get out of there seat earlier it would have been cool just to have the church in the back ground or to photo shop out that building somehow and increase the size of the church :-) .
This bus was the #20 Elmwood. I admit I'm not sure how many trollybuses there are. I thought I saw the Trolly on Delaware once but not sure. I know the day I went to the Italian fest I saw it, it was being used as a shuttle of some kind.
For that last picture it is tobad the person didn't get out of there seat earlier it would have been cool just to have the church in the back ground or to photo shop out that building somehow and increase the size of the church :-) .
jenks - 08/06/06 21:53
I think that last one almost deserves to be in a Gallery, entitled "Jesus on the bus". :)
I think that last one almost deserves to be in a Gallery, entitled "Jesus on the bus". :)
libertad - 08/06/06 19:57
those are nice pics. Where does that bus go, is it #20 Elmwood only? I wish there were real trollys in Buffalo still.
those are nice pics. Where does that bus go, is it #20 Elmwood only? I wish there were real trollys in Buffalo still.
08/05/2006 20:44 #28441
NFL and various thoughtsCategory: sports
First of all there are a few (e:peeps) that when they are on line I usaly feal like there is something I want to ask them or say but can't think of what it is, sorry, I don't want yall to think I'm rude.
I have been enjoying watching the X Games (lots of differant events this weekend)).
I see Time Warner has been forced into keeping the NFL network on for at least 30 days. Apparntly they didn't warn customers that it was going off the air with the switch over. I hope they work out a deal cause it is good network. Today I saw some of John Maddens induction to the Hall of fame, he is an interesting guy. That reminds me NFL network not sure when is showing some presason games and scrimiges I couldn't really care about the scrimages. However Sunday night is the Hall Of Fame game I belive it is the Raiders Vs. The Eagles it will be Maddens first game on Chanel 2 NBC, should be interesting to see some of it.
I saw Talegdaga Nights with Will Farell today. I thought it was good. It is preaty much what the preview shows you. I don't want to say anymore cause I might give something away, but I enjoyed it. On the way home catching the bus I got the trolly bus. It is small but preaty cool wood seats and and wood ceiling it was preaty interesting.
Yahoo News. You can wind up spending a lot of time on there news site. After each news story you can discuss the article. It is a message board. You could really spend a lot of time there if you wanted or you can just post your view and leave it at that. The one thing that I think they should add is that anyone who is logged in would get a message in there in box when someone replys to your message. On some topics there are so many posts that someone could reply and you would never know.
I have been enjoying watching the X Games (lots of differant events this weekend)).
I see Time Warner has been forced into keeping the NFL network on for at least 30 days. Apparntly they didn't warn customers that it was going off the air with the switch over. I hope they work out a deal cause it is good network. Today I saw some of John Maddens induction to the Hall of fame, he is an interesting guy. That reminds me NFL network not sure when is showing some presason games and scrimiges I couldn't really care about the scrimages. However Sunday night is the Hall Of Fame game I belive it is the Raiders Vs. The Eagles it will be Maddens first game on Chanel 2 NBC, should be interesting to see some of it.
I saw Talegdaga Nights with Will Farell today. I thought it was good. It is preaty much what the preview shows you. I don't want to say anymore cause I might give something away, but I enjoyed it. On the way home catching the bus I got the trolly bus. It is small but preaty cool wood seats and and wood ceiling it was preaty interesting.
Yahoo News. You can wind up spending a lot of time on there news site. After each news story you can discuss the article. It is a message board. You could really spend a lot of time there if you wanted or you can just post your view and leave it at that. The one thing that I think they should add is that anyone who is logged in would get a message in there in box when someone replys to your message. On some topics there are so many posts that someone could reply and you would never know.
08/04/2006 19:53 #28440
out Well I feal kinda out of it. Last night couldn't stay awake for all of X games just to tired. On wendsay I had a black out during the storm and missed the end of 30 days. Then when I stepped off the bus this morning I thought of something I should have or could have done for someone a few weeks back that I didn't think of then, and that got me a little up set. I admit I do like the heat and it is better then rain. But why is my house all ways so much warmer then outside I don't get it, and ware I work is the same way. It kinda wears ya down after a long week. I had more I wanted to say but forgot what it was so hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh yeah that what it is. I think I really need a trip somewhare and maybe even find a little bit of trouble on that trip of the fun kind ah who knows hope I also have a good weekend to.
The trouble is that the leaders of Buffalo have long believed that one thing will set things right. They are so wrong, its lots of little things working together. I have a 40 year old newspaper with the headline of Buffalo Waterfront ready to bloom....and here we sit. The Bass Pro store is not the cure for anything, but I think it can trigger more development if they do it right. Let the Senecas have friggin Fulton Street and give in to Bass Pro. Getting some investment in downtown will help, till then the only crowds will be at the Sqaure on thursdays
I admit I don't know a lot about it myself. from what I understand is. Bass pro belives that people will travel here to go to bass pro. They claim that one of there other super stores aka fishing center people travel to go there. I guess it is a super store and you can buy fishing stuff but do more. Maybe they book fishing tours not sure. I think they have tanks in store that you can fish from not sure.
I don't think that it will save Buffalo. I do think that if it happens and it is successfull that it is a good first step. I think what it might do is start more devolpment and get something going on the waterfront. I have lost track of how many times shooters has gone out of buisness. I think one of the problems is it was hard to get to and there was nothing else around it.
Ok- I know ZERO about the Bass Pro deal. Just that it is some sort of big deal. I should probably learn about it before asking this, but- It's a FISHING SHOP, right?? And that is supposed to be what saves Buffalo? I just don't get it. But I'm sure there's more to it than that.