Here are a few Pictures of Kat and a few Tattoo pics. First of all I'm sorry that I didn't mention earlier that I have been watching new episoded of Inked (Tattoo shop in the palms in vegas). Then last week I saw Miami Ink is new also (TLC). I really like both shows they are both about Tattoo shops but are so differant then each other still. Well since I'm talking about reallity shows there are 2 others I might as well write about. On Tuesday nights There is a cool show called Rockstar Supernova. Supernova is a what they refer to as a super band that is when stars from other bands get togather but they don't have a lead singer. Everybody performs but unlike Idol they have a real band playing behind them and if they want they can play guitar and sing. There have been some great performances. I know it isn't original material but some of the performances have seemed like it the way a song has been alterted. Viewers of the show watch and vote. Unlike those idol shows the next day the 3 people with the lowest amounts of votes wind up performing the next day for supernova and they pick who gets the axe. Unlike that idol show it is verry positive and the constents get advice or construtive cristicism it isn't you fuckin blow and will never make it like old simon. I think the show has a great energy. The only problem is it is on at the same time as last comic standing. Some of the comedy is verry good. Yeah I know I'm a little off topic but back to my point Kat is so hot, her lucky man. Oh yeah plus she is so amazingly talented. Oh the pics I got off a web search not Miami Inks site. Yeah I admit I am to much of a pussy to get a tattoo but I do really like good ones. Sometimes I wonder if the stories about the tattoos are made up. The reason being is that they all seem to have meaning that they show. So if someone wants to get a tattoo and get on tv they may make up a story. I think most of them are real. I would like to see an actual study if they help people heal. I would think a memorial tattoo might not really be the best thing. Yes it is a way to remember that person but I would think each time you see it on you it brings back the pain, but not sure. I'm guessing for somepeople it really is a big help.

Got to do the Square -- Robert Randolph puts on a great show