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08/16/2006 19:49 #28448

I Admit I havn't had really anything journal worthy to say. I did change my Journal Music to Frantic By Metallica. There are a few concerts I do want to go to but I forget when they are. Hope it is nice Saturday for the Bus Derby at the fair. There will most likely be some pics of it going up sometime on sunday. It is odd that I have more to say in comments than in actually journals. On TV thing I belive on Monday Prision Break starts up again.
carolinian - 08/17/06 20:07
Ditto on SG1, although I find Atlantis a little hokey. My parents got me addicted to NCIS (the forensics girl is so hot!) and that's now my favorite show of the week (when the next season starts up again).

metalpeter - 08/17/06 19:31
I think you may find this funny I saw Stargate the movie and thought it was awesome. But I think I have only seen one episode of Stargate sg-1 .
jason - 08/17/06 09:52
Also if you are a Sci Fi dork like myself you will enjoy Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG1.

08/13/2006 12:18 #28447

The Fair pictures
Category: photos
Below are a bunch (not all of the pictures I took) of pictures from the fair. I had a good time there is a lot to see, it all depends on what you are interested in. They have this new little santas village that was kinda interesting. As I was walking along I heard this little kid going nuts. He couldn't understand how Santa was here and how far ahead or behind he was. The kid was thinking about it so rationaly and really getting up set. That brings me to my next point as I was walking later on Santa went by on his sled being pulled by raindear wish I could have snaped a picture of that it would have been cool then on the other side of me someone was walking a cow I'm verry glad I didn't get smooched. My next thought as I was walking is what happens if your cow decides not to walk. What if it just decides to be stuborn you can't drag it along like you can with a dog.

I really enjoyed the Peeking Acrobats, they always give a great show. I also enjoyed all the kings horses. The pictures really don't do it justice. Some of the horses walk back wards, in circles, backwards and to the side and can bow. I liked it but a lot of people didn't stay for the entire show. You can't tell it the picture of the minuture but some of the rides move. There where a lot of pieces laid out on other tables that is one of those things you have to see in person. They had some cool things being sold by vendors also. I bought this cool dolphin picture where the dolphin is raised. I'm not really a ride person but they seem to have a lot of them.



















































southernyankee - 08/19/06 11:50
Great Pics Metalpeter
olemanrunin - 08/14/06 21:20
i enjoyed the fair pictures; clear blue skies, cool sunshine - crisp - many subjects - looks like the ideal fair weekend/day.

curly fries caught my eye, little vinegar, salt - mmmm

thanks dude.

libertad - 08/13/06 22:07
great pics MP! that first owl pic after the hawk is super freaky.
metalpeter - 08/13/06 16:33
Not sure if my info is correct but some people near me during the "All The Kings Horses" show said that tuesday they are having a jousting tournament , I belive it is in the grandstand. You may want to look into that it sounds like it could be preaty cool. In any event I hope you have a great time on tuesday. I'm going again on saturday for the Bus Derby.
vincent - 08/13/06 16:09
It looks like a Fun time. I can't wait until I go on Tuesday.
metalpeter - 08/13/06 12:23
P.S. I forgot a couple things. I liked the birds of pray that was preaty interesting also. The carosel that I took a picture of is preaty cool. Those are steps that lead up to a second level and there are benchs you can sit on. I'm not really a fan of spam but I had to take a picture of the Monty Phython poster and bottle in the front of the bus.
mrmike - 08/13/06 12:21
Saw the best of the fair without the $8 admission charge. Thanks

08/11/2006 19:49 #28446

going to fair updated
Well the plan for sat. Is to go down to tops and get my money back from the Seether Concert that got canceled. Then get a ticket for the fair head downtown and find catch that bus out there. I also want to get a ticket for the Bus Demoliton Derby event it was fun last year. If i see the muchcin from Oz maybe I can buy something and have him sign it. My only real plan is to try and have fun. I'm tempted to bring a back pack if I can find one so if I want I can buy stuff. I do know I want to see the Peeking acrobats they are preaty entertaining to watch.

Here now watching the bills surfing on the time warner booth for a few minutes. Having fun saw some really cool stuff. hopefully pictures on sunday.

08/10/2006 19:37 #28445

weird computer
I wan't going to post today, but my computer is acting strange. I like using Yahoo Mesanger, but there are still a lot of things I need to learn and remember how to do. Since I downloaded it I get this strange message about a problem IE if you chose to send and error report it closes the window you are working in and if you don't send one you can keep working, verry odd. So I reset my computer hoping that might help things, it dosn't happen as often but it still happens. But then I log on here with firefox and now the banners are back, that is interesting. The last time they came back it was only for a day. Hopefully I'll keep being able to see them. I did have a nice chat with (e:thecarrey) last night on IM just wanted to say thanks with the help. I still feal as if I'm forgetting something, oh well.

08/09/2006 20:21 #28444

Buffalo should be and some ideas
Category: tourism
Today I was reading a story in the Buffalo News about the new downtown Casino and one of the reasons that it is bad is because Buffalo isn't a tourist town. And I started think well it should be. We Have a NHL Hockey team, NFL Football, Niagara Falls, and sord of a six flags. I think all we need to really do is to get a great waterfront and we maybe on our way. But Buliding on the waterfront should have expandend further then it has years ago. Hopefully Bass Pro and all these plans come to gather to make a greater Buffalo and one that people from other cities would like to Visit. Sheas always has a great broadway series and for some people who don't want to go all the way to New York maybe that can draw some more people in. But that got me thinking about both Toronto and Cleveland and they both have things to draw people there Like the CN Tower and Hockey Hall of fame or the Rock and Roll Hall of fame. But one other thing they have in common is there street signs let you know what district or part of the city you are in. That has started in Buffalo a littel bit with those A's on the allentown signs. I think it would be really nice to do something like that in all of Buffalo. I know we do get some tourism hear but not as much as we could.
mrmike - 08/10/06 10:41
The trouble is that the leaders of Buffalo have long believed that one thing will set things right. They are so wrong, its lots of little things working together. I have a 40 year old newspaper with the headline of Buffalo Waterfront ready to bloom....and here we sit. The Bass Pro store is not the cure for anything, but I think it can trigger more development if they do it right. Let the Senecas have friggin Fulton Street and give in to Bass Pro. Getting some investment in downtown will help, till then the only crowds will be at the Sqaure on thursdays
metalpeter - 08/09/06 21:08
I admit I don't know a lot about it myself. from what I understand is. Bass pro belives that people will travel here to go to bass pro. They claim that one of there other super stores aka fishing center people travel to go there. I guess it is a super store and you can buy fishing stuff but do more. Maybe they book fishing tours not sure. I think they have tanks in store that you can fish from not sure.

I don't think that it will save Buffalo. I do think that if it happens and it is successfull that it is a good first step. I think what it might do is start more devolpment and get something going on the waterfront. I have lost track of how many times shooters has gone out of buisness. I think one of the problems is it was hard to get to and there was nothing else around it.
jenks - 08/09/06 21:00
Ok- I know ZERO about the Bass Pro deal. Just that it is some sort of big deal. I should probably learn about it before asking this, but- It's a FISHING SHOP, right?? And that is supposed to be what saves Buffalo? I just don't get it. But I'm sure there's more to it than that.