That is a praying mantis on the seat at the bus Derby. It did wind up crawling up me. The odd thing is you or at least I couldn't feal it. Not sure really how many and what pictures to put up once the derby starts hopefull I put up enough to give a general sense of it with out them being to many and boaring. I don't think the carnage and damage really shows up in pictures and of course there is no crashing sound. Yes granted maybe I should have put this up a few pictures earlier but now is good enough. I saw the Fix the Logo bus from a far and thought thats awesome. I think my favorite was the #16 Sabres Bus, yeah it dosn't really say his name on it nor did he drive it but it is great looking.

There was also a minivan Demolition derby heat the vans where verry quick and hard to get good pictures of but there are a few up above.

On thing I maybe should have explained is that the buses goes in heats. The last two buses running in each heat advance to the finals. There is a last chance heat for all the buses who didn't make it but can still move. All in all it is preaty fun to watch.
#23 won in the end, they also had a best in show at the begining that the fans voted on but not sure who won that I think it was the #16 bus.
Ditto on SG1, although I find Atlantis a little hokey. My parents got me addicted to NCIS (the forensics girl is so hot!) and that's now my favorite show of the week (when the next season starts up again).
I think you may find this funny I saw Stargate the movie and thought it was awesome. But I think I have only seen one episode of Stargate sg-1 .
Also if you are a Sci Fi dork like myself you will enjoy Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG1.