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05/17/2006 19:58 #28379

Tattoo Pics
Category: body art
I think that I have a good variety of pictures of differant neat looking tattoos that I found online. I can't really say what tats I've seen and online are my favorite. Yes is it art and how it looks is how it looks. But we don't know the meaning behind the art. Are the names people in the family or did they die. Is the devil just a picture or does it represent the temptation and is a reminder to not go that route. I assume that all of these tats are legit and arn't photo shoped. I remember (e:soyen) used to have a picture that I saw of a dragon tattoo on some guys dick and I've seen some cat tattoos near ladies snatch but I allways assumed those where fake. So when ever you see them on line it is hard to tell. I also decided to go with no nudes or porn pictures of tats. Hope you enjoy them.































metalpeter - 05/19/06 19:05
I checked out that link nice picture. Maybe one of these days I'll look up some naughty ones.
jenks - 05/18/06 20:12
aha! I found it. :::link:::
libertad - 05/17/06 21:21
hahah you said snatch!
jenks - 05/17/06 20:59
I think these guys do some cool, original stuff: :::link::: (click on their names for samples). And one of the funniest tattoos I ever saw was a little stick figure with a lawn mower- cutting a girl's pubes.

05/16/2006 20:24 #28378

some pics
Category: photos
The tooth is moving but still open in its current location. The Guitars are part of the Guitars for Hope community art charity event. I belive the site is Sorry I put up two pictures of the one guy who is laid out by mistake. Yeah the bandits wich is to bad but there isn't much I can do about it.





















libertad - 05/16/06 22:14
I'm not happy about Sweet Tooth moving! Where are they going? Great pics by the way.

05/15/2006 19:56 #28377

Missing a band?
Category: music
If you have a bands CD's can you miss them. I think You still can since part of liking a band is seeing them in person. On band I really Miss is "The Sheila Divine" . They where truely amazing.
theecarey - 05/16/06 22:41
I miss NKOTB, Debbie Gibson and Tiffany. haha.j/k. Actually, I found a box of old cassette tapes of songs recorded from the radio soooooo many years ago. It was hilarious to hear some of what was on there.

I miss "Gravity Kills". I saw them a few times.. once at Edgefest.. eventually they broke up. Ofcourse I have all their CDs, but I have nothing to look forward to..
leetee - 05/15/06 20:02
I think it is possible to miss a band, even with the cd (or record or tape, depending on the age of the band!). There were a few local bands from back in the day that i miss. May not have been great bands, but i loved seeing them, and had a lot of fun at the shows!

05/14/2006 11:20 #28376

Sweet and Sour Sports
Category: sports

I went to the Bandits game yesterday and to some of the pregame party thing they had. About Face was doing cover songs, I don't know if they have original stuff or not. There was Hot Dogs and Draft Beer not a fan of either really. I waited till the rain stoped to go so I didn't stay outside to long, it was great out side weather wise. The intro to the game was a little differant but cool they had multiple bag pipers and then introduced the team right out on the field. After introductions the camara guys where waiting around and a Bandit came ridding out on a White Horse with a Bandits Flag that was preaty cool. I don't think that was the first time this has been done but I think it has been a long time since this has been done for the bandits. My assment of the game might change a little bit after I watch the game (I taped it last night). But I think the Refs did a really bad job. If "chugger" would have played better in Goal it might not have Mattered, but he didn't seem to be his regular self. The game in terms of scoring started out slow and Colorado scored first and then wound up getting a lead. I give buffalo credit wee fought back and it looked like we where on a comback and that we had a chance, but then we took a dumb penality that killed our momentum. In the end it didn't look like a close game at all and Colorado won the championship. Two other things that hurt us was that the Mamoth scored a short Handend Goal and we didn't get a goal on that powerplay. There was also a Major 5 minute penality that colorado got 2 or 3 goals during I can't remember. Not sure why but Tavares was out of the game for a good portion of time. I'm interested to read the news and get there take on the game and see if I see it the same way they did.
Oh Yeah there Goalie Nash was great in Net, if I remeber correctly he didn't play when we beat them in the regular season.

Well I went hoime dejected, and thinking about what should have been. When I got home I put on the SAbres game and caught the end of the 3rd period and then got to see them win in OT. That was an awesome goal. The Sabres elimanted Ottawa and advance to the Eastern Finals or the Stantley Cup Championship Semi Finals depending on how you look at the turnament. There opponent hasn't been determined yet it will either be New Jersy or Carolina I belive should be a great series.

After Mothers day I may post some pics from around town and the LAX game. Today I belive it is off to Co-op to buy plants to to lunch somewhare and then off to se Mi:III . My mother wants to see it and seeing it for a second time would be cool.

05/12/2006 19:30 #28375

Video game death
Category: gaming
Here is an interesting Story about The power of video games, or maybe it is just BS I will give my thoughts after it and would like to hear others thoughts about what happend, if some of them are gamers that would be cool. Got this from USA Today.

By Joe McDonald, The Associated Press
BEIJING - The parents of a 13-year-old Chinese boy who they say jumped to his death from a tall building after playing one of the popular Warcraft online games for 36 hours straight are suing its Chinese distributor, a news report said Friday.
Zhang Xiaoyi died on Dec. 27, 2004, leaving behind a suicide note saying he wanted "to join the heroes of the game he worshipped," the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

It said Zhang's parents, who live in Tianjin, just east of Beijing, are seeking 100,000 yuan ($12,500) from Aomeisoft, the Chinese distributor of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.

The suit says Aomeisoft failed to include a warning that the game's U.S. maker rates it as suitable only for players above age 13, according to Xinhua.

The Warcraft games are made by Blizzard Entertainment, a unit of Paris-based Vivendi Universal SA. Xinhua said a Tianjin court rejected a claim by the parents against the game maker.

The vice president of Aomeisoft, Bai Jie, told The Associated Press that he saw news reports about the lawsuit but that the company hasn't received any official court notice.

Bai said Zhang's parents were suing the wrong company, because Aomeisoft was set up in August, eight months after his death. Bai said he didn't know which distributor sold the game in 2004.

China has 111 million Internet users, second only to the United States. It is one of the world's biggest markets for online games, with tens of millions of players, many of whom hunker down for hours in front of PCs in public Internet cafes.

But the government has expressed concern about the violence and sexual content of some games. It has imposed curfews and time limits on children in Internet cafes and banned them near schools.

Also Friday, a newspaper said the Beijing city government has launched a review of the Chinese capital's 1,007 licensed Internet cafes to ensure they are complying with rules on admitting minors.

Violators could lose their licenses, the China Daily said.

In 2004, China shut down thousands of Internet cafes nationwide after a series of fatal fires and other accidents.

Xinhua said Zhang played at a "game hall," but didn't say whether that was an Internet cafe, which would have been required to limit his time there to a few hours.

Several cities have clinics to treat what psychiatrists have dubbed "Internet addiction" in users, many of them children and teenagers, who play online games or surf the Web for days at a time.

Specialists at a Beijing hospital examined Zhang's diary, school records and suicide note and concluded that "Zhang had excessively indulged in unhealthy games and contracted serious Internet addiction before his death," Xinhua reported.

His parents' suit also calls on the distributor to put a warning on the game's packaging saying "playing games excessively harms health," the report said.

Bai, the Aomeisoft executive, said the company plans to add "anti-addiction warnings" to future games.

The Warcraft games have 2.5 million players in China, with copies in more than 100,000 Internet cafes, Vivendi Universal chairman Jean-Bernard Levy told reporters in Shanghai in April.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

I admit that I have never played Video games that where made for online gaming, so I don't know from first hand experience if they are really addicting. But I have seen some people really get addicted or at least play Role Playing games for a long time stright and have heard of really long sesions , some times skiping food and bathroom breaks for a day.

I took a computer class at Canisius and the teacher admited that when he was first on the internet it was verry addicting. He admited that he would often lose track of time and hours and hours would pass and he had no clue, so he would have a clock and limit his time. If the net is addicting to some people and so is the game that could be a bad combo. I have seen a documentary show about some gamers and some of them will play for a day stright. I know I have done the same thing as my teacher before. Chat rooms and IM's are great for that.

Just because some one is addicted to a game dosn't mean that they would jump out a window but it could cause it. But the real question is who's fault is it. Did anyone not do something they should have like limit hours of use some how or have a warning. Or did some do something they shouldn't have done like make the game addicting and run tests to make it so people don't want to stop playing.

Being addicted to something is techniquely only labeled addiction by defination when there is a problem. For example if I came home and Smoked weed and turned on comedy cental it wouldn't be an addiction even if I did it every day. It wouldn't be and addiction untill that behavior caused problems. For example If cable goes out I freak out or can't go to work the next day cause I'm to messed up. I think that most things that are addicting arn't to most people. But that there is a small amount of people who will get addicted to them. I also belive that most addicts can't blame the thing they are addicted to. It isn't its fault it is that they have an addictive personality. One proff of this is often addicts switch drugs: they kick Coke or alcohol then pick up smoking.

However there is another factor and that is the character factor. Sometimes being a character can change your out look and you can start to think like the character and belive you are them. I know that sounds crazzy. But I do remember when there where Dungeons and Dragons suicides. Peoples characters would die and they couldn't handle it and they would kill them selves since they where so invovled in the game. There is a term in the wrestling Business for something simalar when a wrestler starts to belive he is the character they play. They play that role on TV then when they are in public they are recongnized and stay in charcter (or they used to atleast) and they sord of become that guy. I also heard an Interview with Bill Goldberg once and he said that Getting into character was easy, he just kinda flipped a switch, but he was so intense from being that other person that it took him a couple to a few hours to wind down and go back to being himself. So maybe the parents of this kid might have a case.

metalpeter - 05/13/06 13:53
I have to admit I'm a little divided on this one. I do belive that people should take personal responsability for there own actions. But if there is a warning not on the game that there should be, then the parents may have a case. I also do belive that we are in an age of blaming others. It is currently a time of nonself responsibility. In terms of the McDonalds case they had, had many citations that there coffee was a lot hotter then it needs to be and they never fixed the problem (The coffee was exsevively hot and they deserved to pay). In terms of the Cigerette companies they lied and said there was no harm to people and put adds at eye level to kids, so they should pay.

I wonder why the parents do go after the video game makers also. I would assume that the makers of the game would have to make sure that the people who distrubute it do it up to code. The real question is where were the parents and why didn't they know their kid was playing so much? If they Did know did they just think he was fine? I hope I hear more about this case in the news, and get all the details.
jenks - 05/13/06 02:15
Ok, I didn't read the whole article (but I will tomorrow), and I'm a little drunk, but my thoughts are as follows: suing a video game company is IDIOTIC. As is suing mcdonalds b/c your coffee was hot, or tobacco companies b/c you got cancer after smoking 3pack/day etc etc etc. Oy.