For those of you who had Fun last night With (e:jenks) I'm glad you had a great time. To bad I missed another bar party. I guess I really need to get a cell phone with the web and get a pre paid plan. If I would have had that I could have found out that there was a change in plans. I wound up having A good time at a verry packed Cozumel. I watched the Sabres game there and had some drinks. Oh there where some amazingly stunning women there. Of course being shyish I couldn't come up with anything to say to start a conversation. There was this one tall girl with a Turgeon Jersy on who was nice and she had a friend with her who wasn't half bad either. I did walk around and see if any one I knew was there. Granted I got there a little later then I wanted but oh well. I didn't wind up seeing anyone I knew at all. I found the past place to see the game is inside as opposed to the place with the big screen. Yes the screens are smaller but since they are elevated you can see the entire picture as opposed to looking between heads. I think I need to start taking pictures of chicks at bars and events and posting them hear for everyones pleasure, sounds like a good idea to me, doubt I will do it.
This Morning I was going to go to the bank but figured out my time and wound up going to see Mi:III or mision imposible 3. It was verry good and had lots of action and good twists and turns, I thought it was verry good. There is a chance that I may go and see it again. I just got to the bank before it closed. I wanted to go picture taking today but the sun is strange it is overcast then sunny the next minute I would prefer that it was sunny. I need to look up if any good movies are on tonight. It is weird how I feal like doing something but have no idea what.
Metalpeter's Journal
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05/06/2006 14:47 #28370
Sabres Mision Coz05/05/2006 18:10 #28369
Happy 30th First of all Happy Birthday (e:jenks). Hope everyone has a good weekend and 5th of may. If that means going to Cozumel or watching the sabres. Time to go shower change and go to Cozumel to watch the game celebrate and celebrate Alex's 30th birthday.
Update I must remember the camara and take some pics of the peeps if I can find them I heard they have a new building. Hopefully they will come out good and will get posted well time for fun hopefully i'll see some of you there.
Update I must remember the camara and take some pics of the peeps if I can find them I heard they have a new building. Hopefully they will come out good and will get posted well time for fun hopefully i'll see some of you there.
jenks - 05/06/06 10:30
oh peter... we missed you... again. So sorry!!!
oh peter... we missed you... again. So sorry!!!
05/04/2006 21:00 #28368
Italian VillageCategory: food
Went to John's Italian (however it is spelled) Village on grant with my sis's roomate and some people she knows and had a good time here are a few pictures of the sournings. i'm used to eating by myself but eating as a group is cool and is fun also.

on a side note hopefull I will see some of you peeps out on friday. I have no Idea what (e:Jenks) is doing in terms of time and place. A buddy of mine left his card with his # in my mail box so I had better call him in a few minutes and find out what is going on.
mrdt - 05/04/06 23:30
love that place... as a kid my family and I would go there every month or so. the pasta broccoli is to die for.
love that place... as a kid my family and I would go there every month or so. the pasta broccoli is to die for.
05/03/2006 19:43 #28367
Custom Theme As of the News I have been toying around with the custom themes and mine is kinda funky but I like it I need more purple. I wonder if there is a way to see what others themes look like. Oh in case I don't see ya this weekend Happy Birthday Jenks.
05/02/2006 19:04 #28366
The War Within I love this weather we are having. But it creates a great war within ones self. Do I go check my (e:mail) and Post and go to a few websites or do I go find something to do on elmwood like take a walk. Iknow if I go out in that weather then I will fall behind on other stuff I do on line. Right now it looks like there are at least 3 concerts I want to go to. Edge Fest was just announced it is on a Monday June 26 or is that 27 I know it is a monday. They got wise and are going to trash LaSalle Park, Lots of Bands that I don't know but 30 seconds to mars will be there from what I understand. Seether is going to the Erie County fair with Shinedown and another band. Alexisonfire I saw once and they where verry good I belive they play the same night as the bandits in the championship. There are going to be lots of great concerts this spring and summer and I'm sure there will be more annouced. I belive chevelle is opening up for Nickle Back that might be interesting. But often with so much stuff going on diuring the summer you sometimes get conflicts and I'm allready conflicted by the weather. I gotta bail and hope the sabres can win as I tape House (part 1 part 2 is on wendsday). Hope everyone gets to enjoy the weather it sure can change quickly here.
Very sorry Peter!!!!