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07/22/2004 12:08 #26424

woman glues herself to floor:

07/22/2004 11:52 #26423


i don't know which books are classics. do they have to be very old?

anyways, i am reading Farenheit 451 and I am enjoying it immensly. Its pretty short too. My brother finished reading it even though I started before him but he said it was really good.

Also, I've read Frankenstein. I never knew that I really didn't know much about Frankenstein at all. I thought it was really good. Maybe it was because I was so surprised at how much happened in the book.

Wuthering Heights, I don't think I finished.

The Scarlet Letter was good, Grapes of Wrath I believe was good. (I can't remember, read those in HS)

07/19/2004 23:39 #26422

one more thing
i just can't get into my message board on MSN so i have been doing other thinking.

is there anyone out there like me?

i think about my ex-boyfriend from Highschool all the time. not that i want to date him or anything but i just want to know what he's up to. mainly, i want to make sure my life is better than his.

of course it depends on the point of view. but i have to say i found my love, married, bought a house, don't work, i'm going to school and i have a pretty darn cute doggie. and those are things that i've always wanted. i should say screw it, who cares but i can't help wondering what his life is like.

i still have his name on my instant messenger and sometimes i want to IM him but my brain kicks in & stops me.

i think mostly i have this minor obsession is because he was such a bitch-ass to me after i broke up with him. he literally became psycho and physically and mentally harrassed me every day for many months. i would walk down the hallway in school and he would come up to me and put his arm around me.. usually touching my butt or breast. i would sternly tell him to get lost, he would call me a bitch and throw my books all over the floor. sounds like fun, right? day i told him he was a psycho and he said, "you made me a psycho."

at least he didn't deny it.

i bet he has a kid or two from some really healthy relationships... and he's corrupting their minds... right... now...

07/19/2004 23:16 #26421

sound files
pssssst. paul, update where it says sound files from 150 to 250. =)

07/19/2004 23:09 #26420

title schmidel
hahah I'm dorothy too. I always loved her outfits. maybe i'll check out bea tomorrow on Eradio.