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07/17/2004 11:19 #26417

hmgphg. i found out that VW had extended the warranty on window regulators for 7 yrs which means I can bring my car in for free. jeesh.

matthew i havn't talked to you in a while.
give me a call Monday if you are around.
orrrr IM me.

07/15/2004 21:49 #26416

the saga continues
ok so we finally got my car fixed after over 2 weeks. the rotors we purchased were not the right ones. not our fault but the stupid online company that sold them to us. everything seemed to be going well and i got in the driver's seat to test the brakes and i decide to put the window down.

the window just fell down and started making a crunching sound.


does god not want me to drive this car? at least not in the rain........


and my two yr. warranty is up. pretty short warranty for something that costs 20,000$.

good thing volkswagen decided to up the warranty for future customers.

i am so annoyed.

...and derek decided to try to fix the window on his own... which means my door is torn apart and looks ugly.

...the saga continues....

07/01/2004 10:43 #26415

Taste of Poo
......... since we will be away we will be missing Taste of Buffalo. I have never gone and was looking forward to it but it coincides with our trip. =(((((

07/01/2004 10:42 #26414

i am so behind in reading journals. it was because we went away last weekend and i havn't been able to catch up. now tonight we are leaving again for Jersey for a whole week. I am just going to quit while i'm behind and read when i come back.

and my car still doesn't work. the rotors (we think) are just too big and so my car will not roll. the wheels are totally locked. it sucks.

i gots me lots o packin' and laundry to do today. whoo hoo. i'm gonna get tan for once!


06/30/2004 12:15 #26413

so we went to the adirondaks last weekend. it was sheer mountainous adventure. this girlfriend of a friend's family owns like 60 acres of goodness. even a pond! they fished, we brought katie and let her off leash, the boys shot a shot gun, we went in a rowboat, made smores, bbq-ed, some dirtbikeing going on. i wish i owned a place like that. just swimming in my own mountain spring pond! that would be awesome. katie went swimming too for a second and scratched up my tummy. she tried to climb to the top of my head. ouch.