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03/10/2006 18:35 #26269

oh yes
Category: frogs
what if we were all wearing froggie suits?

i am actually missing my mom for the first time in a long time. check out her pic in (e:pauls) journal. hehe.

ps. suck it.

03/05/2006 19:40 #26268

truck or suv?
Category: help
does anyone here have a truck or suv? i am desperate need, as i don't know of anyone.

i need to move a chair, and the tercel just aint gonna cut it.

i could make it worth your while. a free haircut. some beer?

please :O)

03/04/2006 14:05 #26267

so, i decided to stay at my current job. the only reason being, they offered me more money. i don't want to stay,but the money thing ways in way more than anything else, so that's that.

i did put my foot down and say, you have to pay me for days cancelled, and give me some compensation for the week off. i feel i wans't as firm as i need to be about this, so there will be another talk very soon.

these people are fucking dumb, but whatever. the kid is cute, and he loves me, and it will be spring soon, and i'm taking his ass out.

oh the joys of being young and poor.

anyway, the most disturbing thing about these people is:

the mother doesn't cook, ever. not even pasta.

she eats a can of prgresso soup for lunch every single god damn day. can we say high blood pressure

they don't eat dinner together. holden eats first. then paul. then rebecca.

holden will be 18 months and still eats baby food.

dinner consists of something stouffers for rebecca and a tony's frozen pizza for paul

  • these people are almost forty, i hope they don't plan on living to see their son graduate from college. they're gonna die young young at the rate they are at. and they don't exercise either; ever.

it's all just a great big example of how i never ever want to live my life!

03/01/2006 20:52 #26266

mother fuckers
Category: eat me
so anyway. i tried to quite my job, but its just not gonna be that easy. argh.

the people i currently work for, but am supposed to leave in a week and a half, have now offered me more money to stay with them, and would like me to come back next year. well, well. you put your foot down and people start to listen.

bascially, it goes as such. i'be been cut off by the motherload, and i suppose justly so. i am 22 and its time to start being a real slave to the man, or many men. any offers? ok, jk.

so, i took this job at this day care center f/t, in the hopes of some benefits and better pay, blah. now the people i work for are freaking out, and will offer me compensation for when the father is off(he's a teacher), and more money. i just don't know what to do.

to make matters worse, these people have absolutely no backup plan, refuse to put the kid in daycare, and the mother started to cry when i quit, and has been upset since. now, i feel bad, but, it's not my kid. i'm way smarter than that. i don't want a fucking kid. not til im paid, bitches.

so, the other issue is this. the job is so boring! the kid is cute, but so little, and frankly im kinda getting sick of him. it's too cold to go outside, im def not allowed to ever take him anywhere in a car, and i feel like im going crazy with no one but a 17 month baby to talk to all day.

the new job would help me meet people and have a chance to work with some older kids and plan activities and all that.

im so stuck, i don't know what to do.

on top off all of this, im trying to get things in order to go back to school. i have no clue whats going on.

and, my job is making me fat and lazy. i sit all day, with a baby. and eat. and eat some more. the new job would require lots of running around and no time for food.

ask yourself, "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?", or better yet, what would you do?
deeglam - 03/02/06 18:21
damn! your journal post definitely got a lot of talk here! anyway....i am proud of you to say the least....i know that you have been contemplating on leaving the baby now for a while....i think that you need to do what's best for you in the are young and you have a lot of potential...and it may not even be the money more than it is the experience....and if you feel this job you have isn't going to get you anywhere, then why stay with it, ya know? You have talent in many things...and I would hate to see it wasted... so do what you need to do to make a better life in the end. I love and miss you and I know you will make the right decision!
flacidness - 03/02/06 13:10
we've all seen pictures of jesus's body and he would go with the day care plan and run around and get his flabby ass in gear. ya dig?
joshua - 03/02/06 11:30
I'll keep it short and sweet - take the daycare job. Easiest decision ever.

Its natural to feel bad for them, but on the other hand, this is their problem and not yours. It is their child and ultimately its their responsiblity to care for their own kid. If the mother is having a problem dealing with that, she'll have to learn to find a way to work around it.

Sarah you have to look out for #1, because if you don't nobody will. The daycare thing is a better deal for you, and ultimately that is all that should matter at this point.
leetee - 03/01/06 23:41
you can't keep a job for anyone else's sake. well, not entirely. i so understand the akwardness of that 2 weeks after notice is given... we just want to make it go away, don't we?

but think of this -- what will happen when you do go back to school? will they make you feel guilty about that, too?

zobar - 03/01/06 22:54
I know it's not the same situation, but my sister was once working in a very small [2 person] department, where she was not happy, so she started looking for a job. One of her prospective employers called the office and got patched through to her boss [woops]. The boss didn't say anything, but they offered her a substantial raise a couple days later. She took the raise and kept the job, only to find out - no, she really did hate the job after all - so she ended up leaving anyway, after spending another full year there.

- Z
jenks - 03/01/06 21:08
yeah I agree with the above. Sounds like the only thing keeping you at a job you dislike (hate?) for many (valid) reasons is a fear of hurting feelings. And I TOTALLY understand that. But, you have to put yourself first. Maybe you can tell them you can still work once in a while as needed, (like as a babysitter for the night), or maybe you can give them names of other people that might want the job (if you know any), to help them not be stranded... But yeah, ultimately it's their problem not yours, and you have to do what's right for you...
The real world's a bitch, ain't it? I wish I could just be in college forever.
ladycroft - 03/01/06 21:01
make a pros/cons list. what's the pay differential? overall..if you really want change, more activity and older kids, take the day care job. you might have some emtional investment at your current job, but there is no shortage of caretakers in buffalo. they will be able to fill your position. keep applying at those salons and work day care mean time. keep smiling!
theecarey - 03/01/06 20:59
Reason-based argument tells me that the day care job will offer a schedule, benefits, and much needed mental, physical and social stimulation.. This job may be easier to quit later on once you know what you are doing school-wise.

Sarah, it sounds like you know what you want to do.. Listen to what your instinct/heart tells you.

02/28/2006 16:25 #26265

new job
its all about taking control. i found a better offer. the next few weeks are going to be so awkward.