my honey got me a membership to the bac. in three months i hope to be looking and feeling good. like a hot bitch. i eat, sleep, and drink too much. its time to get my ass up and get motivated. nick makes me wanna do that, aww. i wanna look hot in a teeny bikini. i hope my boobs don't shrink. ps. "a fine balance" by rohinton mistry is by far the saddest book i have ever read. i need some uplifting literature.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/09/2006 10:15 #26255
to the gym02/08/2006 10:00 #26254
vday is for losershow unimaginative. when you love someone, you show it everyday. i would be insulted if vday was my most romantic day of the year. so, it doesn't matter if im with someone or not. i believe my man feels the same. i don't want no half pint immitation. (e:hodown), i will gladly have you as my vday luvva! and momma and granny too! p.s. what a lovely pretty day!
02/02/2006 20:15 #26253
here we are againhavent been here in so long.
went to see sis mcsis in ny last weekend. lots of work. lots of drinks, and a little maria. it makes for a great time. and who can reisit h&m? not me.
i love my sis. shes my valentine. even if she is a world away, i love her so.
i have some stories to tell, but it never happens here.
i have pics to post too.
this journal sucks. goodnight.
went to see sis mcsis in ny last weekend. lots of work. lots of drinks, and a little maria. it makes for a great time. and who can reisit h&m? not me.
i love my sis. shes my valentine. even if she is a world away, i love her so.
i have some stories to tell, but it never happens here.
i have pics to post too.
this journal sucks. goodnight.
paul - 02/02/06 20:41
WOw that was scandalous and interesting, lol.
WOw that was scandalous and interesting, lol.
01/21/2006 22:07 #26252
you only live onceCategory: sickypoo
i likey the new strokes cd.
can you spread food poisoning? ok, i know you can't, but, there is a sick child at my house and im going to go out and celebrate paul's bday. i feel guilty either way. miss pauls bday and take care of my sicky, or go out and be worried that i'll go home to find a passed out and dying sicky. get better sicky, i was doing the same thing two night ago. O:(
can you spread food poisoning? ok, i know you can't, but, there is a sick child at my house and im going to go out and celebrate paul's bday. i feel guilty either way. miss pauls bday and take care of my sicky, or go out and be worried that i'll go home to find a passed out and dying sicky. get better sicky, i was doing the same thing two night ago. O:(
salvatore - 02/02/06 23:02
the mother fucking strokes own my ass!
the mother fucking strokes own my ass!
metalpeter - 01/22/06 12:21
The donkey punches takes me back to the party. Hope Paul has fun. Hope you take care of the sick kid and have fun with Paul. It is possible that you both had the same food or what ever was tainted got spilled on something like a cutting board or other surfice something the kid puts in mouth touchs that then he gets sick. Stertlize everything just in case.
The donkey punches takes me back to the party. Hope Paul has fun. Hope you take care of the sick kid and have fun with Paul. It is possible that you both had the same food or what ever was tainted got spilled on something like a cutting board or other surfice something the kid puts in mouth touchs that then he gets sick. Stertlize everything just in case.
jenks - 01/21/06 23:02
actually (not trying to show off, just hoping it might help)- most 'food poisoning' is caused by bacteria (salmonella etc) or viruses (hep A, rotavirus) or parasites (giardia etc) so it's actually totally contagious. But it usually involves poop-to-mouth transmission so washing your hands should be enough...
good luck. feel better.
stay hydrated and it should pass pretty quickly.
actually (not trying to show off, just hoping it might help)- most 'food poisoning' is caused by bacteria (salmonella etc) or viruses (hep A, rotavirus) or parasites (giardia etc) so it's actually totally contagious. But it usually involves poop-to-mouth transmission so washing your hands should be enough...
good luck. feel better.
stay hydrated and it should pass pretty quickly.
paul - 01/21/06 22:33
You can spread it if it is hepatitis A!
You can spread it if it is hepatitis A!
01/19/2006 09:28 #26251
typhoid marymaybe the karma police are punishing me, i have food poisining/who knows what the hell it is. again. there were lots of great posts yesterday, who doesn't like a little juice? if were offended, i pay now with many intimate moments with le toilet. i shall wait for the man to bring jug o gatorade, movie, heating pad, a the best back rub ever. my vertebrae hurts like a bitch. (e:hodown) was so appropriate to give me my new name, "typhoid mary". she always knows the right thing to say.
jason - 01/19/06 15:45
Hello darling. Hope you get better!
Hello darling. Hope you get better!
lilho i think me and jill are gonna join BAC too. What a hot group we will be!
I read that a few years ago... i agree that it is sad, but i thought it was quite good. Not all Oprah books are lies. lol.