lets see here...
1. last night was crazy and fun. as wednesday nights can be when wednesday becomes friday. i had off of school today and work today and tomorrow. how lovely. so, after a night of strange and random, yet nice surprises, i arrived home at one today. hmmm. i promise i was good, for the most part.
2. today consisted of a very hot, very long shower, tons of sleep, grocery shopping, eating, watching my favs tele shows, and then a few beers with the guys. im too full to drink anymore.
3. im done with school in less than three weeks! wow. i feel accomplished. 1000 hours of hard work. a year of struggle, but it paid off. i can tell you one thing; it is very hard to work full time and go to school. every morning i wake up and dread it. i have actually stopped waking up to the alarm, so you can imagine how frazzled and sleepy eyed i show up to work everyday. but, its all worth it. having a license is a cool thing!
4. im torn between staying for the stellar haloween party or going to toronto. here i will be with friends, really fun great friends. there i will be with one amazing friend, and someone i would like to see, who i know would like to see me as well. hmmm.
5. this is for
(e:hodown). you are the best big sis and lil sis could ask for! thank you so much for coming and all of the lovely gifts that make me that much more stylish and a give me a little nyc flava. i love you.
and thanx to everyone who came and brought the fun and the booze. i still have a ton left, so stop by wheneve and we can have a cocktail!
i think im going to have a "sarah is done with school, and loves it party", cindy will be the quest of honor of course! you will all be invited.
p.s. the bumber sticker on my car, "keep abortion legal", is causing quite the stir. i often see people behind me with hands flailing and looks of anger on their face.
(e:paul) and
(e:terry) had some excellent suggestions for an even spicier slogan, while we were haeded out of pano's tonight. how about, "keep abortion fun", or "keep abortion funny!", or "fuck the babies". let me know what you think. (btw, it's just a joke, haha.)
when was your b-day?? happy belated birthday