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09/15/2005 15:17 #26191

long days
almost done w/school, sort of. i have hours to make up. going to finish by xmas, go on vaca and come home and go back to school. i shall be in school forever. my life is just not complete w/o a degree. plus i need health coverage bad. no more waiting out awful cough/broncial illness. need to find meds...or brandy. on a happier note, this chick is going to ny for thanksgiving! muah (e:hodown)! back to work and school, cheerio
jason - 09/16/05 14:39
Yeah, wtf (e:Hodown) - where you at?!?!?!
paul - 09/15/05 22:20
where is (e:hodown)?
alison - 09/15/05 21:17
are you going to carey's on saturday? i'm heading up with timika early-ish to set up. you should come, hopefully it will be the craziness.

09/14/2005 10:01 #26190

my last post made no sense. no more posting from phone!

09/14/2005 09:15 #26189

bad bad sinus
I've been coughing for a week now and from the sore throat i feel alright. i must stay strong. by the way, i wasnt drinking at the party, although i seem to look crazy in every pic, i was sober sister. back to work now and coughing up nasty green phlegm. ps. sorry u didn't win paul. in my heart u will always be a winner!

08/28/2005 21:13 #26188

perfect day and circus tricks
apparently julie's mom twirls batons, or did. i am speaking of my good friend julie. they couldn't afford the dance classes. screw dance, twirling things is way cooler.

went to the art fest today, saw lots of people. even sawonelady that i know, and she clearly looked at me,noticed me, and walked away.i've been trash talked, even though I've not done a single thing to make this person dislike me, hmmm.

going to pick up (e:drchlorine) from the airport soon, thank god. his place was cool, but not girly enough for me- and the cat, well its clingy. oh dear.

p.s. don't play frisbee with platters. it will not work out in your favor.

08/28/2005 11:24 #26187

happy terry day!
happy birthday terry! today must devoted to your total complete happiness. what did you wish for?