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09/26/2005 17:34 #26195

best weekend ever!
so, i ran away to toronto for the weekend! it was probably one of the best times i have had in a long time. that city is crazy fun and filled with great people.

i stayed with my good friend nicole and it was pretty random, becuase i had no intention of going, and i just called her and told he i was bored and she called back and said, "come, we are having a huge party!." i went, and a huge party it was.

and if you know me, you know im always up for a good time; including cute boys, tasty drinks, and dancing. the only way to party is to break out your hottest shoes, some lipgloss, and get ur ass on the dance floor, and bring some friends along of course. if you need some help learning, i can show you the way. nobody does it better than a ho, right (e:hodown)?

anyway, i plan on returning in about a month, for party weekend 2005, part II.

we took some amzing pics, which i will post hopefully sooner rather than later, but i must wait for them to arrive via email first.

ur gonna love it!
leetee - 09/27/05 10:08
Happy to hear you had such a wonderful weekend! Toronto is such a great city. Sometimes, i miss that it is not a 45 minute train ride away anymore... But, from here in Buffalo, it is quick and easy to get to. Have fun at part deux!
theecarey - 09/26/05 19:31
Oooh,fabulous.. I was wondering where you ran off to. T.O. is always a good escape!
metalpeter - 09/26/05 19:14
Glad you had fun. Toronto is an amazing city. I only know the downtown area. I have no idea where any of the clubs are but I have heard they have some great ones. Glad you partied your ass off.

09/23/2005 23:00 #26194

dear e:strip,
by the time you read this, i'll be gone.

i have run away for the weekend, perhaps, never to return.

if i do, i promise to clean my home and do my laundry and go grocery shopping.

love, sarah

09/18/2005 20:57 #26193

but maybe,
the full moon is tonight?

anyway. i cleaned my apartment today, it sparkles with the memory of my love.

09/17/2005 21:25 #26192

full moon
there seems to be so many sad things happening in the world right now.

and old high school friend's father past away, somewhat suddenly. he's a genuinely good person, and i remember really liking him. he always made me laugh. we've lost touch, but he'll be in my thoughts.

terry has had a loss in the family too.

so many people i know are having heartbreak in general.

my point is, life is so fragile. don't waste time with the unimportant. don't wait to tell someone you love them. don't forget to call your mother, your sister.

be grateful for what you have. appreciate the beauty in life.

p.s. check out the "extreme abstraction exhibit at the albright-knox, there's only a few weeks left of it. and the gallery is free on friday from 3-10. im super excited for thenext exhibit, which is "chinese maximiliism", and im thinking of going back to check it out again next friday.

09/15/2005 15:17 #26191

long days
almost done w/school, sort of. i have hours to make up. going to finish by xmas, go on vaca and come home and go back to school. i shall be in school forever. my life is just not complete w/o a degree. plus i need health coverage bad. no more waiting out awful cough/broncial illness. need to find meds...or brandy. on a happier note, this chick is going to ny for thanksgiving! muah (e:hodown)! back to work and school, cheerio
jason - 09/16/05 14:39
Yeah, wtf (e:Hodown) - where you at?!?!?!
paul - 09/15/05 22:20
where is (e:hodown)?
alison - 09/15/05 21:17
are you going to carey's on saturday? i'm heading up with timika early-ish to set up. you should come, hopefully it will be the craziness.