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Lilho's Journal

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07/30/2005 16:30 #26167

after four hours in the car, im ready for a partay, like its AMERICA 2005.

all you need is some cash, a hot chick and an suv. and if you don't have that. just bring your own beer ok?

(in my case, i will have the sangria) and a sparkle bag. yay!

07/28/2005 17:01 #26166

hodown and doll heads
(e:hodown) had arrived, and she makes everything just a little more fun and crazy. (e:paul) gets so excited in her presence. last night he was compelled to take my dummy head and make it talk, sending (e:hodown) into hysterics, and me nearly crashing the car. guess you had to be there...

tonight they will all go to the square and i will head off to another boring night of school. anyone want to be a model @4? i will give you an amazing free cut! i doubt anyone will want to drive out to w.seneca anyway. the suburbs are so awful.

weekend soon...yay!
joshua - 07/28/05 17:01
Any ideas on good hair gel for guys?

07/25/2005 13:07 #26165

a place to call home
Category: renting
yes. its finally here. a home of my own. mine, mine, mine , mine, mine, mine. i'm not sharing.

it's really cute. i'll get pics up when it's up to par.

now i just need lots of money for furniture and decor and kitchen stuff and a laptop and wirless internet...

at least im getting basic cable next tues. gotta get in your daily dose of seinfeld reruns.

housewarming party at the end of the month. yay.

sister arrives, t-2 days.

07/21/2005 19:29 #26164

not happy right now
my new place smells like cat pee. i hate cats. the next cat i see is going to be shot with a beebee gun. in the head.

matthew - 07/21/05 19:29
I know you can use a natural enzyme to get it out. It should help, i think elmwood pet sells it(i'm sure most other pets stores do too)
metalpeter - 07/21/05 18:53
I have no idea how to get rid of the smell. I have heard that cat piss glows in black light but don't know if that is true. Get lots of good cleaners black lights. Or for the time use incense and sented candles to cover it up. Or if you have rugs that stuff that you put down and vacum. Cats arn't evil the last people just didn't train them well.

07/16/2005 09:25 #26163

that journal entry made me so sad. mostly because i think about moving a lot, and what it would be like. leaving others cities, doesn't seem like it would be the same. buffalo had a way of pulling you in, you feel like part of the woodwork.

i understand its hard for you to post now, but ill miss your writing, and your way of thinking. you always get me thinking about other things and ideas. things other than me.

i really do wish you the best of luck. i hope you find everything you are looking for. especially love! san fran seems like a great place to do that.

as i end this entry, i wonder, will we all be in a new place, in a new life, a few years down the road? will (e:strip) styill be (e:strip)?

i think so. once a buffalonian. always a buffalonian.:)