07/10/2005 14:59 #26157
i love sunday!but don't we all?
started out with bacon and egg and one
(e:thesimeon). then ooff to the boys for some cemetary walks and giggles with
(e:matthew) was off taking pictures of pretty lady statues.
now, we are done with walk, and im hungry again! the guys are trying to get me to invite mommy ho over for some gumbo night...mmm. hmmmm. maybe.
either way, why must it be monday tomorrow?
below is a pic of
(e:terry) speaking into someone's grave fountain. just can't ever get that boy to be serious. damn.
07/09/2005 11:45 #26156
beach and mystery gashjust spent the last two nights at crystal beach. i come back thirsty, with headache and strange mystery gash between my eyebrows. it seems to be getting bigger. hmmm.
anyway, we jumped off the old pier thurs night, and i think i forever injured my ears. i figure in about 20 yrs ill just be totally deaf.
the beach is nice. just being by any water is nice. even if it is the chemical infested great lake erie. i do not like sleepy in gritty sandiness, so it will be nice to return to my bed tonight.
today is laundry and odds and ends day. tonight, the possibilities are endless. actually, that's not true. ill probably just finish the book that it has taken me forever to get through.
this journal has no real order of events, but, randomness is good.
so these beach people... they were cool. sort of friends of friends, or something like that. its nice to be around big families, but i guess its never as good as being around your own. its weird though, we never seem to be in the same place at the same time anymore. nobody lives in blo anymore,and i guess i wont stay here long either. its just getting harder and harder to make things work here, pkus there's a whole world out there, and i feel like im holding back. where's the crazy sarah of yesteryear? she's been locked away for quite some time now. ah well.
i miss the boys. i think they come home today.
p.s. i hope the mystery gash doesn't scar.
07/07/2005 12:29 #26155
i hate bocesi called the director of my program to see about getting a job and she wont help me. ok. well, she wont even consider helping me, she says, because of my attendance.
the whole attendance policy is such bullshit. you can miss 50 hours out of 1000, and after that you must pay for the time you missed. why? if you aren't there, you are wasting anyone's time, using supplies, etc. other schools don't have this policy, and its complete bullshit, especially when you are working full time and going to school.
furthermore, none of this was even mentioned until after the fact. ok.
i guess this just solidifies the fact that hairstylists are cut throat people. do i want anything to do with this profession?
07/06/2005 09:03 #26154
rainy dayits funny how my mother insists i get up early and get some exercise, and then im up before her. i don like sleeping in other people's houses/beds, its just no fun. the beds here are all hard and stuff. its like they put a board in there somewhere, not cool. also, all these people have to eat is packaged shit with msg and tons of sodium, hello bloating.
everyone has disappeared for the summer. blady blah blah. must find yet another jobby. i hate having millions of jobs. i just want one. i can't wait til the babysitting thing starts up again. watching little babies=fun.
what can we do on a rainy-poopy day?
p.s. I've decided that craigslist is a really fun website, and hopefully it will find me good new home and roomy.
07/02/2005 10:42 #26153
bluesbills to pay. dues to pay. missing everyone. feeling kinda lonely. i wish i had a friend here. i had a dream about my old house last night, about my old life. I am sick of taking cold showers.