that journal entry made me so sad. mostly because i think about moving a lot, and what it would be like. leaving others cities, doesn't seem like it would be the same. buffalo had a way of pulling you in, you feel like part of the woodwork.
i understand its hard for you to post now, but ill miss your writing, and your way of thinking. you always get me thinking about other things and ideas. things other than me.
i really do wish you the best of luck. i hope you find everything you are looking for. especially love! san fran seems like a great place to do that.
as i end this entry, i wonder, will we all be in a new place, in a new life, a few years down the road? will (e:strip) styill be (e:strip)?
i think so. once a buffalonian. always a buffalonian.:)
Lilho's Journal
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07/16/2005 09:25 #26163
e:ajay07/23/2005 02:35 #26162
the heat IS making us nutso(e:springfaerie), yes, im a little kooky from all of the heat and humidity. its sticky and hot and just uncomfortable.
i think at least today it wont be as hot.
the mom leaves this afternoon to go back to her home in az. ill miss her but i wont miss the nagging. i think shes still upset with me for things i did when i was 18, wtf?
i need to go find some furniture. when you get your own apartment, you can walk around in your underwear.
p.s. why is the bad sibling the one who is loved the most?
i think at least today it wont be as hot.
the mom leaves this afternoon to go back to her home in az. ill miss her but i wont miss the nagging. i think shes still upset with me for things i did when i was 18, wtf?
i need to go find some furniture. when you get your own apartment, you can walk around in your underwear.
p.s. why is the bad sibling the one who is loved the most?
07/14/2005 18:40 #26161
debate: where is safe to live?now everybody; mainly my brother, mother and her friend, are concerned that my new place is not ina safe neighborhood. the place is right on delaware right across the street from kelly's corner.
i think this neighborhood is competely safe. (e:holly) lived there for three years. she never had any issues.
the paranoids are saying that way i dress, the guys from the bar will be talking and watching for me to come home at night and then attack me. im laughing right now.
so tell me, what do all you (e:peeps) think?
i think this neighborhood is competely safe. (e:holly) lived there for three years. she never had any issues.
the paranoids are saying that way i dress, the guys from the bar will be talking and watching for me to come home at night and then attack me. im laughing right now.
so tell me, what do all you (e:peeps) think?
metalpeter - 07/14/05 18:40
You mean near Taget and The Delaware Y and Quzmos. I think that area is very safe. Besides There are all kinds of great places around there. Yeah Sometimes us guys can drink to much and be assholes but I don't think any of them would attack you. If that is how bar guys where no one would live on elmwood.
You mean near Taget and The Delaware Y and Quzmos. I think that area is very safe. Besides There are all kinds of great places around there. Yeah Sometimes us guys can drink to much and be assholes but I don't think any of them would attack you. If that is how bar guys where no one would live on elmwood.
paul - 07/14/05 13:02
It's definately safe.
It's definately safe.
jason - 07/14/05 12:49
Guys like boobs. Can you blame them? Anyway the white knight part of me says it should be okay, but get some pepper spray to make your fam feel better.
Guys like boobs. Can you blame them? Anyway the white knight part of me says it should be okay, but get some pepper spray to make your fam feel better.
07/14/2005 11:53 #26160
apartmenty! jobby?i have my very own cute little place. now all i need is a job until sep. ahhh.
i have talked with, gone to so many salons, and no one wants me yet. i have to make them want me. seriously. im good. i should strap them down and show them my skills. hmmm.
i love apartments of my very own.
mommy leaves soon. t-2 days. :(
i have talked with, gone to so many salons, and no one wants me yet. i have to make them want me. seriously. im good. i should strap them down and show them my skills. hmmm.
i love apartments of my very own.
mommy leaves soon. t-2 days. :(
leetee - 07/14/05 11:53
i wish you lots of luck finding a job in a salon. i completely understand how intimidating it can be looking for a salon job, particularly the first time. the only advice i have that was given to me the first time i needed to get salon work (in Ontario, an apprenticeship is require to be licenced and that was soooo hard to do, looking for work without having ANY experience!) is to be your own best advertisement. get out your best outfit, make sure it's a good hair day for you, and go knocking on the door of every salon you might ever want to work for. good luck!!!
i wish you lots of luck finding a job in a salon. i completely understand how intimidating it can be looking for a salon job, particularly the first time. the only advice i have that was given to me the first time i needed to get salon work (in Ontario, an apprenticeship is require to be licenced and that was soooo hard to do, looking for work without having ANY experience!) is to be your own best advertisement. get out your best outfit, make sure it's a good hair day for you, and go knocking on the door of every salon you might ever want to work for. good luck!!!
07/13/2005 10:51 #26159
everybody's changingand i don't feel the same.-keen
kinda how i feel. im just a little nervous. found a new place. have to get a new job. working in a salon. im nervous. i guess i just hate the idea of rejection, even though i've dealt with it and we all have countless times. i think, why can't someone seek me out and offer me a job at a great salon? that is not going to happen. somehow i hope it will.
i need to get over this. i need to face the fact that nobody is going to walk me through life, except me. nobody. you just can't depend on people to be there.
i keep thinking, man, this would all be a lot easier with nicole and tina around, and of course, (e:hodown). the big sis always tells it like it is.
i have no girlfriends here. jess is out of town, or always with doggie. nicole is always on some big epic adventure, and tina, well, ladt year was a bad year for us. we will see eachother more this year.
well, good day peeps. stay cool.
p.s. i did my mothers hair last night. amazing.:)
kinda how i feel. im just a little nervous. found a new place. have to get a new job. working in a salon. im nervous. i guess i just hate the idea of rejection, even though i've dealt with it and we all have countless times. i think, why can't someone seek me out and offer me a job at a great salon? that is not going to happen. somehow i hope it will.
i need to get over this. i need to face the fact that nobody is going to walk me through life, except me. nobody. you just can't depend on people to be there.
i keep thinking, man, this would all be a lot easier with nicole and tina around, and of course, (e:hodown). the big sis always tells it like it is.
i have no girlfriends here. jess is out of town, or always with doggie. nicole is always on some big epic adventure, and tina, well, ladt year was a bad year for us. we will see eachother more this year.
well, good day peeps. stay cool.
p.s. i did my mothers hair last night. amazing.:)
I'm the bad sibling out of the 750 twins... Jason asks the same thing.