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05/14/2005 18:20 #26142

boomboomboom in my room
i hate LOUD music. i hate hearing it everyday. i hate subwoofers, and most of all, i hate two of my roommates.

maybe strongly dislike is a better word.

its ok, a good dinner, a yarn lama, and a million episodes of sex and the city will make it all better.

and what paul said last night about being a nice person, he's right, sometimes it just doesn't work.

05/01/2005 21:22 #26141

so, what is going on with all of you estrippers?

you're being a bunch of whiners. "shmeh", says i. shmeh is a word to describe all things whiny, clingy, blah, and awful. the word of the weekend, even though it one one of the best weekends i can remember. (e:thesimeon) and i went to toronto to visit a friend, who is one of the most entertaining, inspiring, and funniest people i know.

anyway. i must say, i agree with (e:paul) and (e:ajay) on the whole wireless internet topic. if you don't want other people using it, then put up a password. if you don't know how, then find out. people will take anything that is free, including me. if i owned a computer and found a wireless network to bum off of, hell yes, i would.

furthermore, (e:zipzock), how can you say such awful things about marriage and your marriage. i don't know what the future holds for myself, but just because marriage may not be financially reawrding does not make it worthless. the point of sharing your life with someone is not lower taxes and better stock options. its about being passionate about what and who you love. i sure hope i never gage the worthwhile of life under the control of the dollar. also, why do you have to get married to have children? after some years with a person, it is a commonlaw marriage of sorts, and that would be fine with me.

sorry to attack everyone, but you are being "shmeh", and thats not cool.

p.s. who are all these strange new epeeps anyway?

04/24/2005 12:26 #26140

couple things to say
a memeber of the site is preggy, not me of course. yay!

(e:mike), you are so funny. thinking you are getting pulled over, but you are really blocking a funeral procession. im laughing as i type.

snow, why do you come back?

where's pmt? answer da phone.

(e:chamille), it's ok. some guy on a plane once thought i only spoke spanish and still wouldnt believe me when i spoke fluent english.? also, some lady wouldnt let me sit in my seat on the plane, she said it was her husbands seat. then this old lady walks up, who was sitting in our row too, and she moves her stuff for her and says her husband must have gotten off the plane. the whole five hour trip she gave me nasty looks. i still don't understand.

i like the weekend. yay for weekends.

p.s. i just finish reading this book, "kafla on the shore", by this guy murakami. great book, one of the best i've read.

04/17/2005 13:30 #26139

i spent the better part of the morning and afternoon puking my brains out. tina as well, and i daresay, she was worse than me. we shared a few intimate hours in and out of the bathroom, making sure the other was still alive.

after we conjured up the energy to get dressed(i actually showered!), we headed out in search of summer rolls for (e:thesimeon). he's so lucky. i even got him some vermacelli in a yellow curry sauce and chicken...yummy. tina got summer rolls as well for being a good girl. although, i must say, she was not very happy. i then delievered said lunch to man and drove little tina home. shes so cute, she slept the whole way.

anyway, alcohol is the enemy, and it should not be trusted. how is it that last week i drank way more and didn't get sick at all? i think i have a new drink limit; 3.

its such a beautiful day! horrah!

p.s. if you get a chance, stop by and see the gecko and the eggs, very cool. gecko is so cute!

p.p.s. i think i saw mike and jill doing some little dance yesterday afternoon on w. delevan. awww.

p.p.p.s. i need to stop thinking every thing is so cute.

04/15/2005 20:16 #26138

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this site is so funny, who buys this stuff?