it seems the more i try to get done, the more impossible it gets:
- have to pay rent- no money
- thought i had a job, but i have called them a million times and they never call me to come in?
- couldn't get the key to work in my aunt's door today, and i need to get my stuff and start throwing things out and repacking
- my car is slowly falling apart
- i don't know how school os getting paid for and it starts on the 8th, will I even go? my mom wont cosign a loan, so if i don't get money for my hearing loss, im basically screwed and i can't go
- have to pay ticket and go to driving school. another 150 i don't have
basically this is just a huge complaint list, ignore it. ill be ok when i beg my mom for money and she finally gives in. i can't wait to not be poor. i hate spending all of my time thinking about how i am going to pay for things, it really blows. hopefully, one year from now, i will be doing what i like making good money....8*