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08/20/2004 11:10 #26034

i know i aint got money...
yea, im poor. however, i am so rich in other ways. its better like this. being wealthy doesn't make you any better. any happier. any prettier. you just have more stuff. i am trying to get rid of things and just keep it simple.

being on your own for the first time means being poor, and sometimes a little lonely. but i got the best friends ever. i have the best momma ever.

i am lacking the comforts of being at home, i.e., shopping, exactly the food i want to eat, the comforts, more money, and blah blah blah. i don't think its worth it though. i am free. free at last.

in the words of pdiddy, "can nobody hold me down, oh no, i got to keep on movin."

08/19/2004 15:02 #26033

ok fine
i will wake up now. i just woke up. yowza. i really think this new allergy stuff is making me crazy sleepy. or maybe im just lazy.

new job good. nice people. fun. hopefully i will make good money in tips. must go shower, find outfit, go looks for some needed items for the move...

yippie ky-yi-yo git along leetle doggie:)

08/18/2004 17:03 #26032

can i say
that tj maxx is the best ever. i went in looking for a white shirt and black pants, and found both items at the total bargain price of $32.45. yay!

tina called me on my way shopping to check up. she wished me good luck with the jobby-poo. she's great. we gonna talk later.

im exctied/extremely nervous to start new job. why do i get so nervous about everything? i really need to stop this. i know, everything always works out fine, but somehow i envision the world ending when something scares me. maybe if the world ended i could just get rid of this dumb nervousness.

on another note, im super exctied about new room. must decorate. think color scheme. i don't know. colors. they are all so great. how will i choose.

here are the choices:

cherry red/creamy/limey green
green/brown/off white
red/black/off white...

i really can't deal with the thought of not having everything go together, but not in a martha stewart way. it just needs to maintain a cetain homeostasis. we can mix and match, but i want everything to blend. i also want to create the illusion of space, as the room aint that big. what am i talking about? i have to go get ready for work.8*

08/18/2004 11:16 #26031

commenting on comments made
Paul, I too am shocked about the whole Google thing. However, it doesn't mean that I thik Google should shut down. Remember Columbine? Those kids found info on the net how to make bombs and posted info on various sites that held clues to what they wanted to do. If the ifo is not in the net, it is definitely someplace else, and I guess the bottom line is, if someone wants to hurts someone else, they will do it, Terrorist Hndbook or not. Still, Google, shame on you.

Terry, I enjoyed your journal entry. When I watch the olympics, I almost feel bad when the US wins. I feel like every other country is just pissed as we flash our red white and blue in their faces. The Olympics aren't about peace, its all about the money, and the car commercials. Buy an SUV, buy a Hummer. Lets bomb some stuff. and anyways, the poor countries are always better.

I found an apartment, woohoo. I start job today, boohoo. Not working is great fun.

08/17/2004 12:27 #26030

see no, hear no, speak no suburbs
[size=m]"Suburban life, the American dream. Suburban life aint what it seems."-from some song that some people sing, but i can't remember who?

Found place to live in city. Feel much better about city. Things are better there. Not all the same. Not so scary and clean feeling. Not just white people. Yay![/size]