Let's see here... I suppose there isn't anything interesting going on, well, nothing that you would find interesting. Just got back from camping, hmmmm. what can i say about camping? I can say that I am definitely not a camper, never was, never will be. as a child and young adult, I have been spoiled with many luxury vacations, i.e., big beach houses, trips to visit wealthjy relatives in L.A. and Seattle, many, many, many trips down south to hang out with the fam and chill at the beach and pool all summer. So, I guess I just have never come to appreciate the joy of camping. In fact, it just doesn't make me very joyful. No indoor plumbing, sharing a nasty shower with many, many people. The most uncomfortable crappy cot bed ever. To add to it all, it was so freakin cold, I am now sick. Oh, and I was having stomach problems the whole time. I guess I'm just used to being very spoiled, and these days i'm not. It's good for me, I think i need to learn that life is not always coming up roses, although, that wold be very very nice!
The good things about camping? Spending time with a loved one...hehe. Bip, as always(if you don't know Bip, he is my friendly little penquin friend; he's been loaned to me). Bip always follows the rules and is just pleasant to be around in general. He was my travel companion on the way to Alleghany. There was some good food, hiking was fun too.
I'm tired now, my back hurts, and my tummy. Enough complaining for now. Must sleep then make many phone calls to far off people. Why can't everyone that I need just be here? Where the hell are you Tina? I have so much I need to ask/tell you. I miss you. Come back to me safe and healthy.
I know, you think I'm annoying. You would be annoying too after three days of sleeping on those things(or lack thereof), you would.8*
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/15/2004 12:50 #26027
hey, it's been a while08/08/2004 19:56 #26026
hopeful and waitingso, i applied to live in the co-op house, which i am excited about, but also nervous. not nervous about being there, but nervous that i won't be voted in. the members are all having a meeting now, and either i get voted in tonight, or i don't hear til next sunday. if i don't hear tonight, i wont be very hopeful. i have to find a place in the next week or so, so, if i don't hear tonight, the search will continue, but i will still be in a stage of waiting.
it was nice, everyone was very friendly, happy and talkative. it is fun to bve around a lot of people, all happy and eating and talking. id say, if i don't get in, then they don't want me there, and i8 don't want to be there either, im gonna try and go with the no hard feeling thing, but, i don't know how that will work. please let me in! i like you! i will be good for your house! i am a good person to live with, i swear.
cross ur fingers folks!
it was nice, everyone was very friendly, happy and talkative. it is fun to bve around a lot of people, all happy and eating and talking. id say, if i don't get in, then they don't want me there, and i8 don't want to be there either, im gonna try and go with the no hard feeling thing, but, i don't know how that will work. please let me in! i like you! i will be good for your house! i am a good person to live with, i swear.
cross ur fingers folks!
08/07/2004 13:20 #26025
dododoi was so right, that party was not worth it. well, it was just to be with the epeeps and friends. rusty is always fun at parties too. i ate a disgustiing amount of food last night before bed, and now i am unshowered and looking for apartment. having a little more luck today. good day all ;)
08/06/2004 20:36 #26024
friday night :O(parties suck when you don't want to go
i want:
a job
a place of my own
a trip to az and nyc
i don't think wishing on stars works, so i have to try this on my own.
i want:
a job
a place of my own
a trip to az and nyc
i don't think wishing on stars works, so i have to try this on my own.
08/06/2004 11:25 #26023
wrong number?[size=m]hey sqb, that number didn't work? i wonder if you wrote down the wrong number or what happened? get back to me, if you can. hey, thanx for helping!
in other news, well there really is none. i need new job, new aprtment, new roommate. i need out of the dread and horribleness of the suburbs. it take me near an hour to get from my home to downtown. thats just sad. god, i'd even live in kenmore again. getzville? that place sucks. a bunch of green lawns, split levels, and mini-vans=me puking my brains out. it might have been worth it for the pool, but the sun doesn't like buffalo. oh well.
[size=l]the hunt continues![/size]
in other news, well there really is none. i need new job, new aprtment, new roommate. i need out of the dread and horribleness of the suburbs. it take me near an hour to get from my home to downtown. thats just sad. god, i'd even live in kenmore again. getzville? that place sucks. a bunch of green lawns, split levels, and mini-vans=me puking my brains out. it might have been worth it for the pool, but the sun doesn't like buffalo. oh well.
[size=l]the hunt continues![/size]