in this current moment, i am happy. i am having visions of fields filled with flowers and tall green grass, and me dancing around in it. mind you, this feeling and vision comes all without drugs; who would've thought?
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/12/2004 22:35 #25939
:O)04/10/2004 20:59 #25938
sleepi haven't updated in a long time. it seems that i am still sick, and i now spend all of my time sleeping. all of my extra time sleeping. there are a lot fo things that i want to do, and people i wanna see, however i am consumed by family, which is good, because there is lots of love, but i miss tina and matt ad paul and terry, and all of you lovelys. i shall return soon, better without the sickness. i think i will either watch the spectacle tube now or go back to bed. :O(
i must mention lastly that kids are so cute, and it doesn't help that i keep having dreams about my baby who is the cutest. i heart kids.
i must mention lastly that kids are so cute, and it doesn't help that i keep having dreams about my baby who is the cutest. i heart kids.
04/05/2004 03:02 #25937
playing housewifeafter another day or night full of fun and open house, i shall sleep til there be morrow, then i shall do some cooing cleaning and opther random housewife duties. anyone need a wife? sometimes it seems like fun to play house, i mean it is fun to play house. i should like a handsome husband though, any takers?
i have a new favorite flavor tea, thanx to a special friend. thanx. pandas are cute, and strawberries in tea is the best thing ever.
i have decided that i officially hate my job. when i walk in that place, it seems like instant bad mood. i walk in feeling bad and walk out wanting to scratch someone. thats no good. i am writing gibberish. too many brownies, and liquor and beer for one sarah, and one weekend. nighty night!
i have a new favorite flavor tea, thanx to a special friend. thanx. pandas are cute, and strawberries in tea is the best thing ever.
i have decided that i officially hate my job. when i walk in that place, it seems like instant bad mood. i walk in feeling bad and walk out wanting to scratch someone. thats no good. i am writing gibberish. too many brownies, and liquor and beer for one sarah, and one weekend. nighty night!
04/04/2004 15:14 #25936
parties, and brownies, and art bombsi think i am going to die soon, or just finally get some sleep and not wake up for a while. the party, i must say, was quite fun. good tunes, good people, good drinks, and good other things. if only you could wake up after such a night feeling lovely and refreshed.
for some reason, i felt the need to clean up before going to sleep. i think i got an hour of sleep maybe? i washed the floor, and the dishes, ran the dishwasher, cleaned the massive amounts of brownie crumbs everywhere, cleaned the dining room, and vaccumed a bit. you know that thing they say about going to bed angry, well, apparently, i can't go to bed with a mess, but i can go to bed angry. that makes no sense.
so anyway, after cleaning for two hours, i went to bed around 8? then i drove inahome at 12. around 930 i woke to puke, but all i managed to get out was some mucus. i dontthink the stomach thing was caused by the alcohol, but more by the cough syrup i drank. i think i just took a big chug, bad idea.
i shll go now and drink my panda tea, and go to sleepies. i ant to have a quacamole party later, and terry says ok.
for some reason, i felt the need to clean up before going to sleep. i think i got an hour of sleep maybe? i washed the floor, and the dishes, ran the dishwasher, cleaned the massive amounts of brownie crumbs everywhere, cleaned the dining room, and vaccumed a bit. you know that thing they say about going to bed angry, well, apparently, i can't go to bed with a mess, but i can go to bed angry. that makes no sense.
so anyway, after cleaning for two hours, i went to bed around 8? then i drove inahome at 12. around 930 i woke to puke, but all i managed to get out was some mucus. i dontthink the stomach thing was caused by the alcohol, but more by the cough syrup i drank. i think i just took a big chug, bad idea.
i shll go now and drink my panda tea, and go to sleepies. i ant to have a quacamole party later, and terry says ok.
04/03/2004 00:25 #25935
soiree?come one, come all, to the ho ball. anyway, check out elmwood's journal for info. lalalala.....