I hate going to the dentist. I have never gone voluntarily, or at a time when it was not an emergency. Until recently.
Not too long ago, i told my dentist saga of 2004 [inlink]leetee,24[/inlink] and gave ya'll a shout out asking for recommendations. I got 2, from
(e:Hodown) (sorry, but i couldn't find the dude you recommended!) and another from
(e:Mike). I was able to find that dentist. To be more specific,
(e:Mike) was recommending his hygenist, since he thinks she is "the best". I ended up with a different hygenist, who i thought was pretty damn cool... She explained to me that some people have gum problems, some people have decay problems, and i seem to be the latter of the 2. Fine by me, fillings are better than gum surgery!!!
For the first time in as long as i can remember, i have a cavity count of under 10. They (and me too!!!) are hoping to get these done in 2, maybe 3 appointments. Wow... no going to the dentist for weeks and weeks up until the time i need to get another check up and cleaning. Another first for me.
You see, when i was a kid, a was a wiggly squirmly (and skinny!) little thing. I remember having my baby teeth filled. I also remember the pain, since i don't take to locals very well. I also remember the dentist being impatient with me and to keep me still, he tied me to the chair. I have strong memories of a nurse sitting on my legs to keep me still. But they didn't believe me when i told them it hurt. And my mom didn't believe me when i told her they tied me down. OK, so when i was a kid i was prone to exaggerate.. i could be a drama queen at 4, i reckon. But my little kid brain figured she would believe me. *sigh*
After a long period of not going to the dentist, i returned there (due to an emergency, of course) as an older teenager and held my hands out to be tied. I figured if my mom didn't think it was a big deal when i was a kid, i guess that is what happened at the dentist. I was just being a silly twit for being afraid, everyone gets tied down. When the look of horror crossed the faces of the dental professionals that day, i ran out of the office in tears, and i have never stepped foot into that office again. They sent me a bill and i paid it. Took me another 5 years and some therapy to go back into a dental office again.
So now, as a 36 year old, i have nightmares before i go to the dentist. Last night was no exception. I am scared shitless. Last week, i cried when i was getting my teeth cleaned, i have no idea how i am going to handle today.