Hope everyone has a great weekend. Shortly, we will be off to Hamilton to see my 'rents. (E:Uncutsaniflush) expects to see the Hamilton TIgerCats loose with my father tonight, while my mom and i go off shopping.
Sunday, we have plans to see the Corpse Bride with (E:Ladycroft) and perhaps (e:Matthew) (i emailed you with my cell number if you need or want to reach me) for the matinee. We're leaning towards the 3pm show at the Regal theatres up on Elmwood... So, if anyone else cares to join, let me know!
Well, time for me to go pack!
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/30/2005 10:43 #25535
Weekend09/28/2005 16:35 #25534
Again!!We saw it again. At Walmart instead of Target.

And for (e:Paul), here's the plate... confirmation this person doesn't live on Elmwood. Or, if they do, they are new...

Sorry, (e:Theecarey), did not see the person that owned this car... would be an interesting chat if we did....

And for (e:Paul), here's the plate... confirmation this person doesn't live on Elmwood. Or, if they do, they are new...

Sorry, (e:Theecarey), did not see the person that owned this car... would be an interesting chat if we did....
09/28/2005 00:08 #25533
Chopsticks, CDs and Weird CarI've been in the mood to take some snaps lately. (E:Uncutsaniflush) said today that it is (e:Paul)'s fault. I reckon that means we all know i took the pictures specifically to post on my journal. I am soooo transparent!!
I found the typos and translation of this interesting.

We've been looking for media storage since we moved into this house and finally we found something that will do. It's not perfect, since we we hoping for something made of real wood...
This is before, and although it's a bit dark and blurry, it's kinda obvious why we need more storage, eh?

(E:Uncutsaniflush) spent quite sometime putting the new one together.
Here is a during pic of some of the bits and parts.

And, ah, the glorious after. I spent hours putting everything on the shelves. Today, we hung our "egg picture" above it, too.

Weird Car
We went to Target today, in search of the perfect coat hooks for our back hallway. No luck with those, but i am glad we went. Saw the most interesting car parked in the lot.
Yes folks, you are seeing this correctly... those are plastic... uhmm... things glued to it.

Close up of the side.

Close up of the hood.

Close up of lady liberty herself!

And here is one of the side by the back. WIth a slightly grumpy looking (e:Uncutsaniflush) seen in the window. Good thing he was wearing his Grumpy shirt, eh?

I found the typos and translation of this interesting.

We've been looking for media storage since we moved into this house and finally we found something that will do. It's not perfect, since we we hoping for something made of real wood...
This is before, and although it's a bit dark and blurry, it's kinda obvious why we need more storage, eh?

(E:Uncutsaniflush) spent quite sometime putting the new one together.
Here is a during pic of some of the bits and parts.

And, ah, the glorious after. I spent hours putting everything on the shelves. Today, we hung our "egg picture" above it, too.

Weird Car
We went to Target today, in search of the perfect coat hooks for our back hallway. No luck with those, but i am glad we went. Saw the most interesting car parked in the lot.
Yes folks, you are seeing this correctly... those are plastic... uhmm... things glued to it.

Close up of the side.

Close up of the hood.

Close up of lady liberty herself!

And here is one of the side by the back. WIth a slightly grumpy looking (e:Uncutsaniflush) seen in the window. Good thing he was wearing his Grumpy shirt, eh?

09/25/2005 12:52 #25532
Who Wants To...Category: movies
go see the film Corpse Bride with me? 
I wore my much desired (several people have told me they know someone who would "kill" for it) Jack Skellington tank top from Torid
the night of (e:Ladycroft)'s infamous birthday bash. (E:Matthew) and i got talking and we talked about going to see Corpse Bride once it comes out.
(E:Metalpeter) reminded me that it is now! You still want to go see it, (e:Matthew)? Anyone else game for a night or afternoon at the movies to see what i hope to be a cool Tim Burton film? Not sure when, i am open and flexible on the schedule.. Except this Friday. We have plans with my 'rents. (E:Uncutsaniflush) and my dad are going to see the Hamilton TigerCats
play at Ivor Wynne Stadium while my mom and i... oh, i don't know, hang out, shop.
If anyone is interested, let me know.

I wore my much desired (several people have told me they know someone who would "kill" for it) Jack Skellington tank top from Torid

(E:Metalpeter) reminded me that it is now! You still want to go see it, (e:Matthew)? Anyone else game for a night or afternoon at the movies to see what i hope to be a cool Tim Burton film? Not sure when, i am open and flexible on the schedule.. Except this Friday. We have plans with my 'rents. (E:Uncutsaniflush) and my dad are going to see the Hamilton TigerCats

If anyone is interested, let me know.
09/21/2005 00:02 #25531
The Week In Pictures & TodayLet There Be Light
As (e:Uncutsaniflush) mentioned [inlink]uncutsaniflush,114[/inlink] he replaced a light fixture in our bathroom. I decided to document the proceedure.
Here is the dreaded before light. The one that gave me a shock the other day [inlink]leetee,56[/inlink] just needed to go, damn it!

During. As you can see, painting this room might prove interesting some day. Nice textures...

And a close up of the interesting wiring and mounting that was used on the shocking and now garbaged light fixture.

And here is what ya get a Home Depot for less than a $20 bill.

And while i am at it with all the pictures, here is why the Buffalo Sewer Authority came here that rainy day. [inlink]leetee,59[/inlink]

No pictures of this, thank goodness... I just wanted to thank (e:Jason) and (e:Mike) for their encouragement today before i went to the dentist. Very helpful to me. (E:Uncutsaniflush) kept telling me how brave i was. I only almost threw up on the dentist once. Wow. In fact, i was treated with respect and dignity, even through the tears. When the dentist takes the time to help me breathe in and out and calm myself, i feel respected and not ridiculed for my intense and irrational fear. It made me respect this dental office even more. To top it all off, they did not charge me for today's visit. He wants me to come back. I promised him i would. I made my next appointment for the 18th of October. I needed time for the throbbing to ease (it usually takes me about a week to stop feeling pain from getting a tooth filled) and Walt and i are planning a trip for our 4th wedding anniversary coming up soon.
At the last minute, i decided i wanted to bring a walkman (remember those things??), so we had to search a few boxes for cassettes here at the house and run to the store for batteries on the way there. The hygenist asked me what i was listening to and when i replied "The Buzzcocks", i was met with a blank stare and the comment, "they aren't country and western, i assume?"... ah, no.
After i thawed a bit, we decided to go out to eat. We thought something soft would be the best bet for me and decided on the Original Pancake House
on the Boulevard. I had the yummiest mushroom crepe and Walt had an Irish Omlette. I recommend the place... the food was very good.
As (e:Uncutsaniflush) mentioned [inlink]uncutsaniflush,114[/inlink] he replaced a light fixture in our bathroom. I decided to document the proceedure.
Here is the dreaded before light. The one that gave me a shock the other day [inlink]leetee,56[/inlink] just needed to go, damn it!

During. As you can see, painting this room might prove interesting some day. Nice textures...

And a close up of the interesting wiring and mounting that was used on the shocking and now garbaged light fixture.

And here is what ya get a Home Depot for less than a $20 bill.

And while i am at it with all the pictures, here is why the Buffalo Sewer Authority came here that rainy day. [inlink]leetee,59[/inlink]

No pictures of this, thank goodness... I just wanted to thank (e:Jason) and (e:Mike) for their encouragement today before i went to the dentist. Very helpful to me. (E:Uncutsaniflush) kept telling me how brave i was. I only almost threw up on the dentist once. Wow. In fact, i was treated with respect and dignity, even through the tears. When the dentist takes the time to help me breathe in and out and calm myself, i feel respected and not ridiculed for my intense and irrational fear. It made me respect this dental office even more. To top it all off, they did not charge me for today's visit. He wants me to come back. I promised him i would. I made my next appointment for the 18th of October. I needed time for the throbbing to ease (it usually takes me about a week to stop feeling pain from getting a tooth filled) and Walt and i are planning a trip for our 4th wedding anniversary coming up soon.
At the last minute, i decided i wanted to bring a walkman (remember those things??), so we had to search a few boxes for cassettes here at the house and run to the store for batteries on the way there. The hygenist asked me what i was listening to and when i replied "The Buzzcocks", i was met with a blank stare and the comment, "they aren't country and western, i assume?"... ah, no.
After i thawed a bit, we decided to go out to eat. We thought something soft would be the best bet for me and decided on the Original Pancake House