the little peanut


napping with his cousin max
Sunday I went sailing for the first time ever. A new acquaintance invited me and a few friends out and I snapped up the opportunity in a jiffy. I've never been on a sailboat but I've always wanted to learn how to sail. My friend Dan and (e:Theecarey) joined me as first timers. Sadly, we hardly made it out on the lake when Dan began heaving-ho. Poor kid lost his lunch and all his Gatorade in repeated hurls starboard side. Carey wasn't feeling so hot either but didn't blow chunks. We had to come back in and let them off. I had not had enough fun for my day, so I went back out with the boys.
Interestingly, the friend joining my new acquaintance was the same guy that randomly made out with me on St. Patties Day. In times like these I'm reminded just how small Buffalo is. Once we were back on the water they pretty much let me man the helm. The rocking of the boat almost put me to sleep a few times. I was just lazing about when I heard, "I wonder what the poor people are doing today". Some guy yelled this as he waved to us in passing. What kind of shit is that?

Remember, LEVEL REGATTA July 28,29,30 in good old Y-Town!!!
How big is that boat? If I had to guess I'd say it's a Catalina 25 or 27?
I had my aways message that day as "sail away sail away sail away"! (enya)
Random Dude looks fried in that bottom picture. He didnt take my offer on sunscreen. He's gotta be hurting this week! For the record, I didnt bail due to not feeling hot, although, it definitely bolstered my decision to go with Dan,ha. It was good timing for getting back to school work, as it was already past 4 pm-- and even though I brought my books with me, it just wasnt happening on that boat. :) (not that I got around to much once home, tummy still felt a little funny)
Had fun.. soooo glad I didnt spew. Not sure how well cucumber, spinach & avacado sandwhich would be coming back up! ewwwww!! Next time, I shall remember the dramamine!
Maybe I can hook us up with some jet skiing / jet boat/ski do/ soon. awe yeah.
ooh, Look for my sunglasses, as I didnt find them in my car. Not sure where I left them.. perhaps by Chews tank? They are huge and black.
ok, this was more than a comment :)