I want to send out my thanks to (e:Leetee) for the tremendous amount of help you gave me in moving. It's a shitty job and I am very grateful for your assistance. Two loooong days of moving back and forth to Hamburg craming tiny Aqua Mouse to the brim. I'd still be moving if it weren't for you!!! Also thanks to (e:Jason) for helping move a load with your car. I know you were very tired so I appreciate that you came to help out while you could.
The apartment is coming along nicely. We still have work to do in putting things together, but we should finish it off this weekend. The place is lovely. Our landlord is way cool, and as it turns out, he was also (e:Robin)'s landlord. Small world.
I got zonked on the head by a falling 2x4 during the move and have been nursing a mild concusion for a few days.
Marched with (e:Libertad)'s Buddhist group in the Pride Parade and had a great time.
That's about all I have time for right now, still much unpacking to do. Ciao!
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/05/2006 15:35 #25411
thanksCategory: moving
05/31/2006 11:13 #25409
believeCategory: potpourri
Yvonne and I spent all friggin day working on our Amazing Race application video. We were sweating our balls off in my furnace apartment. My windows are small and don't really open all the way. Plus my antique fan sounds like it's about to crap out. Nonetheless, we finished recording and then her daughter Faben helped us piece together some beautiful bean footage.
She did an awesome job. Then Yvonne added a touch of music, and walla, we have an entertaining 2 minutes and 58 seconds of why we should be a team on the next race. We ran into trouble trying to record it though. It must be submited on VHS and it's trapped in the computer at the moment. We gave up at 3am, our brains were fried. HELP!
In between filming and editing I took some time out to watch the Sabres win. All you non-believers, so tense about the OT. Of COURSE the Sabres are going to win. You just have to BELIEVE.
(e:Nejifer) and I were walking back to our cars down Elmwood when this girl came out of her apartment walking toward some trash on the curb and asked if I wanted a dress. "What size?", I ask. "XS". Yeah, sorry, lovely dress though. Then she asks, "Well how about a jacket, it's a Medium". I take it, it's a light P coat. Then she continues, "want these shoes?". They were a pretty good looking pair of Pumas. I inquire, "Those are boys shoes yeah? What size?". "I think 8". I take them, just because. I'm not particularly fond of used sneaks, but these didn't look too worn and new inserts can do wonders. I just tried them on, and they fit perfectly. How random.
She did an awesome job. Then Yvonne added a touch of music, and walla, we have an entertaining 2 minutes and 58 seconds of why we should be a team on the next race. We ran into trouble trying to record it though. It must be submited on VHS and it's trapped in the computer at the moment. We gave up at 3am, our brains were fried. HELP!
In between filming and editing I took some time out to watch the Sabres win. All you non-believers, so tense about the OT. Of COURSE the Sabres are going to win. You just have to BELIEVE.
(e:Nejifer) and I were walking back to our cars down Elmwood when this girl came out of her apartment walking toward some trash on the curb and asked if I wanted a dress. "What size?", I ask. "XS". Yeah, sorry, lovely dress though. Then she asks, "Well how about a jacket, it's a Medium". I take it, it's a light P coat. Then she continues, "want these shoes?". They were a pretty good looking pair of Pumas. I inquire, "Those are boys shoes yeah? What size?". "I think 8". I take them, just because. I'm not particularly fond of used sneaks, but these didn't look too worn and new inserts can do wonders. I just tried them on, and they fit perfectly. How random.
des - 06/05/06 22:06
I'm glad you 2 got the job done, also it was awesome to have finnaly met you even if it was under rushed circumstances. Hope you guys get to race!!
I'm glad you 2 got the job done, also it was awesome to have finnaly met you even if it was under rushed circumstances. Hope you guys get to race!!
mrmike - 05/31/06 21:48
This may be too little too late, but Show Productions on main street does vhs to DVD conversions. Bet they do the reverse for a price.
This may be too little too late, but Show Productions on main street does vhs to DVD conversions. Bet they do the reverse for a price.
metalpeter - 05/31/06 19:30
That is so odd that some girl would just give stuff away like that. Wonder if she lost a roomate or girlfriend or boyfriend or something. Its amazing that the shoe fit.
In terms of the video I can suggest a couple thing but with out knowing what equpipment you have it might not help much. If you have a DVD burner you can burn the Video onto a DVD. Then from there if you have a DVD player and a VCR you can play the DVD and input it to the VCR and record through the imput settings.
Or if you have a VCR/DVD Recorder some of them will record on Video tapes from dvd. Some combo DVD players and VCR will tape on VHS from DVDs. Hope that helps.
That is so odd that some girl would just give stuff away like that. Wonder if she lost a roomate or girlfriend or boyfriend or something. Its amazing that the shoe fit.
In terms of the video I can suggest a couple thing but with out knowing what equpipment you have it might not help much. If you have a DVD burner you can burn the Video onto a DVD. Then from there if you have a DVD player and a VCR you can play the DVD and input it to the VCR and record through the imput settings.
Or if you have a VCR/DVD Recorder some of them will record on Video tapes from dvd. Some combo DVD players and VCR will tape on VHS from DVDs. Hope that helps.
nejifer - 05/31/06 13:42
You forgot to include our random sunglasses purchase!! My glasses are SEXY!! And yours are very BONO like!
You forgot to include our random sunglasses purchase!! My glasses are SEXY!! And yours are very BONO like!
05/30/2006 12:57 #25408
so hotCategory: photos
It was a beautiful, albeit sweaty, 96 degree sunshine day yesterday. Myself, Jen and Yvonne spent it in Niagara Falls, ON. They posted photos as well. Yvonne and I were trying to make our audition tape for the Amazing Race. 101 things you can do with a head cover. It looks hysterical. As Yvonne said, perhaps we can post a clip here. I'll shut up now, enjoy the photos.
P.S. In honor of the World Cup soccer tournament about to take place in Germany, a new user sound.
P.S.S. A few of the photos are blury on purpose.

(e:imk2) and I sat around for 3 hours trying to figure out that we were missing necessary cables to transfer to video to the computer/vcr. oy!
P.S. In honor of the World Cup soccer tournament about to take place in Germany, a new user sound.
P.S.S. A few of the photos are blury on purpose.

(e:imk2) and I sat around for 3 hours trying to figure out that we were missing necessary cables to transfer to video to the computer/vcr. oy!
nejifer - 05/30/06 15:42
Love the pics and love you!
Love the pics and love you!
05/26/2006 22:57 #25407
do cows moo?Category: adventure
In the middle of the woods I heard a cow moo. I wondered, is this term technical or slang? Do cows really moo? A horse, for instance, whinnys. We don't say it 'eeehehehehehe's'. A dog barks, we don't say it 'woofs'. So does a cow 'moo'?
So the mystery train of adventure lead us south. I didn't know where we were going, but we got a little lost on the way. It was a brilliant mistake, because there was a pile of crap at the end of someone's driveway with a FREE sign. I scored two retro chairs. Carey and I found a box of things, we don't really know what they are. A box of pop tops with little corks inside. I dunno, but we took them because they were interesting.
So, finally on the right path, we end up at the Griffin Sculpture Park. It was amazing and I had no idea this place existed! Yes, it was raining, but I believe this made things more ideal. It was so serene. We were alone with the sounds of frogs, birds and rainfall. The fog gave the place a dream like feel, leaving me wondering if I had even really been there at all. I have no idea how far we hiked, but I'm pooped. We polished the day off with a feast in the field that Carey packed in a cooler. Thanks again, it was a perfect day. Without further ado.....

carey put her poncho on backwards and asks me
'what am i doing wrong here?'

need assistance? this wooded parking space is for you.

holy shit i found pappa smurf!

would you like some wheatables?

at the tippy top...

... of this castle

who looks more like the sculpture?



So the mystery train of adventure lead us south. I didn't know where we were going, but we got a little lost on the way. It was a brilliant mistake, because there was a pile of crap at the end of someone's driveway with a FREE sign. I scored two retro chairs. Carey and I found a box of things, we don't really know what they are. A box of pop tops with little corks inside. I dunno, but we took them because they were interesting.
So, finally on the right path, we end up at the Griffin Sculpture Park. It was amazing and I had no idea this place existed! Yes, it was raining, but I believe this made things more ideal. It was so serene. We were alone with the sounds of frogs, birds and rainfall. The fog gave the place a dream like feel, leaving me wondering if I had even really been there at all. I have no idea how far we hiked, but I'm pooped. We polished the day off with a feast in the field that Carey packed in a cooler. Thanks again, it was a perfect day. Without further ado.....

carey put her poncho on backwards and asks me
'what am i doing wrong here?'

need assistance? this wooded parking space is for you.

holy shit i found pappa smurf!

would you like some wheatables?

at the tippy top...

... of this castle

who looks more like the sculpture?



ajay - 05/30/06 23:01
Do cows moo? Yes they do; it's just a tad deeper than the "moo" we humans would pronounce.
And you can also tell a cow by her voice, just like you can tell humans.
Sigh... cityslickers....
Do cows moo? Yes they do; it's just a tad deeper than the "moo" we humans would pronounce.
And you can also tell a cow by her voice, just like you can tell humans.
Sigh... cityslickers....
metalpeter - 05/27/06 18:04
Nice Pics glad you two had fun.
Nice Pics glad you two had fun.
paul - 05/27/06 13:30
That bottom pic of you two is really cute.
That bottom pic of you two is really cute.
imk2 - 05/27/06 13:14
that place has a very "alice in wonderland" quality to it. i bet it would be a lot of fun when one is tripping on shrooms.
that place has a very "alice in wonderland" quality to it. i bet it would be a lot of fun when one is tripping on shrooms.
jenks - 05/27/06 10:15
hey is that where that pic of ryan came from? Looks cool, where is that place? Glad you had a good day (and maybe even got some sleep!)
hey is that where that pic of ryan came from? Looks cool, where is that place? Glad you had a good day (and maybe even got some sleep!)
libertad - 05/27/06 08:54
theecarey looks like a KKK smurfette in that poncho. Love the pics. I have to go there!
theecarey looks like a KKK smurfette in that poncho. Love the pics. I have to go there!
zobar - 05/27/06 07:36
That rules. I have vague, distant memories of visiting that place once when I was a kid, having a blast climbing through all the sculptures. Perhaps we will take (e:dragonlady7) 's parents there when they visit next week.
- Z
That rules. I have vague, distant memories of visiting that place once when I was a kid, having a blast climbing through all the sculptures. Perhaps we will take (e:dragonlady7) 's parents there when they visit next week.
- Z
mrmike - 05/26/06 23:04
Looks great! That place has that restoritive quality, you're right about the rain lending ambiance
Looks great! That place has that restoritive quality, you're right about the rain lending ambiance
05/20/2006 13:48 #25406
cross countryCategory: roadtrip
I flew down to Orlando on Monday. Weather delays rerouted my plane, making us fly into DC right over all the monuments. I couldn't believe the perfect aerial view. It brought back memories of my recent trip, which I shall post soon (seeing how I never got to it). Again, due to weather, we were forced to depart from the north, giving me a spectacular aerial view of Arlington National Cemetery. It was a nice treat.
I finally arrived in Orlando and finished taking things off my sister's walls and packing random items. Made myself go to bed at 2am. Got up and started moving in the morning. I'm tooting my own horn here, I am an amazing packer. I managed to squeeze the contents of my sister's life into a 6X7 box.
As soon as we finished packing the pod, I had to clean her apartment. Exhausted, wet, and smelly, we crammed our food and packs into the Neon and said good-bye to the warm rains of the Florida wetlands. My jaw dropped when I saw the gas prices.

the pod

never thought i'd say this gas was cheap

just peachy

the sunshine came out in south carolina

beautiful skies for the gazillion golfers there

beautiful trees for the admiring eye

i got a massive craving for HO HO's in north carolina

then i got sleepy from the billions of poppies lining the highway through the entire state!

the warm sunshine made me smile for a while

then we got to virginia

where mother nature punished us with never ending mountain climbs, battering winds and mini monsoons

interesting vehicle

west virginia wasn't much better

and apparently thievery is big at rest stops there

pennsylvania, almost home

my kind of rest stop stretching

greeted by lovely blooming lilacs in my parents' driveway
I finally arrived in Orlando and finished taking things off my sister's walls and packing random items. Made myself go to bed at 2am. Got up and started moving in the morning. I'm tooting my own horn here, I am an amazing packer. I managed to squeeze the contents of my sister's life into a 6X7 box.
As soon as we finished packing the pod, I had to clean her apartment. Exhausted, wet, and smelly, we crammed our food and packs into the Neon and said good-bye to the warm rains of the Florida wetlands. My jaw dropped when I saw the gas prices.

the pod

never thought i'd say this gas was cheap

just peachy

the sunshine came out in south carolina

beautiful skies for the gazillion golfers there

beautiful trees for the admiring eye

i got a massive craving for HO HO's in north carolina

then i got sleepy from the billions of poppies lining the highway through the entire state!

the warm sunshine made me smile for a while

then we got to virginia

where mother nature punished us with never ending mountain climbs, battering winds and mini monsoons

interesting vehicle

west virginia wasn't much better

and apparently thievery is big at rest stops there

pennsylvania, almost home

my kind of rest stop stretching

greeted by lovely blooming lilacs in my parents' driveway
mrmike - 05/20/06 15:21
Nice pics....more driving that I'd want to do
Nice pics....more driving that I'd want to do
paul - 05/20/06 14:22
Ya I never thought that $2.79 would be cheap gas. nice pictures.
Ya I never thought that $2.79 would be cheap gas. nice pictures.
decoyisryan - 05/20/06 14:02
nice pics........looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
nice pics........looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
You're welcome. Glad i was able to help.
Eegads... it was a concusion? I know you don't think it was necessarily my fault, but i am still so sorry that i opened that door and the big giant stick fell out of the crack in the door and conked you on the head!! Feel better soon!
Glad everytbibg is going well with the new place. Glad people helped you out that was nice of them, moving really sucks.
On another note it was nice to see someone I knew in the parade. It was nice to see Budhists marching. I couldn't read all the signs I saw but I finaly saw one of the budhist signs. One thing I like is you never see them trying (at least in Buffalo) trying to convert people to their religion.
Sorry I missed you guys, I was with the straight not narrow bunch
Thanks for marching with us!