Also, I won VIP passes to OPM lounge tonight. Anyone want to join me? Supposedly free food a drinks chillin with the DJ's before the show. I know 10:30 is early for OPM...but I'm down with free drinks and maybe a round of billiards. Let me know. It's still $12 to get in though, which is a little choof.

Did you like beat up the other team when you lost the game? Or were you playing with a sand-filled ball??
yeah...see...that is exactly why I don't play volleyball. Ouch!!
whoa, yeah your arms should definately not look like that after volleyball, unless of course it was full contact and there was a "rumble" between the benches. i love that word rumble, right out of the outsiders. haha..hope you heal fast :)
holy shit! do you usually bruise so easily?