Just got official word that my little sister is coming up from Orlando with her baby's daddy for Easter. Now I'm in charge of throwing her a baby shower, much like I was for my older sister. Good news is, big sis will be coming up with my little nephew Max to join the festivities. I'm happy to have the chance to cradle his delicate body in my arms again. Maybe I'll bring my new guitar along and play him a lullaby.
That place is just lame. Remember my post about that alleged "fetish ball" I went to?
I really can't tell you where to go out, but lately I have been really comfortable on Allen St, the place where you spent a good amount of time on Fat Tuesday.
BTW hope my myspace comment helped a small bit.
next time your having a lousy time give me a call and I'll join you so we can venture off making the best of things. I was just thinking about the good times we had at marcella's on mardi gras.... we should do that again sometime.
I admit I know a few people who go to level so hopefully it wasn't them. On a side note I would say that all dance music is :-) bad so I don't know how you could tell the Differance. There are always drunks at bars and when I go I accept that they may bump into me but that guy went to fare. Sorry you didn't have a good time, I havn't gone drinking on the chip strip in a long time, I can't really go after Thursday in the square since I work fridays.
oh hun, someone actually said that going out--anywehere, but especially to Chippewa- would be *good* for you?!
Your assignment for today: Please come up with an acroynm using the following words: drunks, stumbling, prick, ASS, abercrombie, fratboy, bad hair, cheap cologne, mother fucker and any other words that seem appropriate to make one hell of an acroynm for future use/reference.
Dancing would be good for you.. wonder if anything is coming up at OPM-- even w/drunks it doesnt seem too bad. People seem to just dance..
Hope today is a better one..
i ended up on chippewa, as well. Sub Zero - yuck. Should have just stayed home and slept. I hate being guilted into things.
That sucks!
Speaking of pricks, today I went SIX rounds of email with this guy who posted in craigslist m4w under "SF: Haight neighborhood" before he finally confessed he actually lives in Seattle, but he visits SF often. WTF! Do I look like the goddamn welcome wagon? (Of course I'm happy to be the welcome wagon for any of you guys. But not for some selfish prick I don't even know who lies to me right off the bat and apparently thinks California is the "get laid state.")