Julie's Journal
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08/07/2004 23:08 #24728
my puppy, tucker
08/06/2004 01:55 #24727
goodbye summer rowingSO today was a sad day kinda. it was my last day of summer rowing for this summer. I have been rowing down at west side rowing club all summer, or at least while i have been back in buffalo. We have been competing here in buffalo and also up in st catherines, ontario which is where we concluded our season today. we always finish off the season with the Canadian Henley. its a big prestigious race. It's what everyone talks about all summer. And so we got there, i was entered in 2 categories, an 8 and a 4, and you have a lot of qualifying races before the finals. and so we didn't qualify in either the 8 on tuesday or our 4 this evening. And although im satisfied that we raced hard and all, im sad we lost and are done and now i'll probably never race with some of those girls ever again.:( sure i'll be competing against them during the spring and fall seasons, but thats not the same. well I hope some of the other west side boats do well this weekend and that we are a little more successful next year. ;)
08/02/2004 19:05 #24726
picnicSo i got this little picnic set from my mom... she won it somewhere but didn't want it. So... today i went on a picnic. Amanda and i went to the river walk in tonowanda. i think that's what it's called, i don't think i've ever heard of it before today. but it was a great day for it, so sunny and warm. the picnic was fun, we watched a guy on his jet ski throw himself off the thing head first into the water about 50 times, and we made friends with several birds, unfortunately i almost accidentally killed one of them. I guess i didn't know birds couldn't chew, so when i threw one a wheat thin, it swallowed it whole and started choking. the poor thing was squealing for at least 15 minutes, it appeared to feel better after that and walked away. After that whole extravaganza we found a non-muddy spot to throw around the frisbee. after about 2 hours of confirming that neither of us are any good at frisbee, i landed it about 12 feet up in a tree. with little help from neither of my shoes, which also ended stuck up in the tree, amanda and i decided to swing my towel at the branches, eventually freeing one of the shoes. i then tied that shoe to the towel and in about 5 more minutes we finally retrieved both shoes and the frisbee. However after battling with that tree for a good half hour we decided to call it a day and head home. So i hope my picnic story inspired you to head out on a little picnic adventure yourself, but i know you can only dream of it being as eventful as mine was.
08/01/2004 23:53 #24725
Hellohello, i'm julie. i'm new to all of this journal thing so i really don't know what to write but i'll come up with something eventually. keep in touch...