so hello from miami, i got her a few days ago but havent gotten online until earlier today. sounds like you guys had a blast at the big birthday party!!!! I wish I could have been there, actually could have met some of you, I’ve actually only met mike once… oh well, later I guess.
juxtaposition time:
ok, so here’s my rant… So I was at church this evening with my mom, it’s a nice little church right off campus, gets quite a mix of college students and families and old people. But what I saw today just bothered me. Now first, I’m just gonna say how shocked I was 2 years ago when they started announcing before mass for people to please turn off their cell phones so they don’t disrupt mass. And of course people still don’t always turn them off and they ring, but immediately people still grab for the phones and silence them. But today, oh today… this girl in the row right in front of me of all places first lets the phone ring obnoxiously loud, then plays around with it a bit, then, oh then she starts text messaging back and forth with someone. And I guess if it was actually a big emergency that would be ok, but it wasn’t. She carried on giggling as she fumbled with this little phone, pounding little messages. Now I guess she could have been relaying the priest’s sermon to someone, but that wasn’t even funny enough to be giggling that much. Oh well whatever, I know this just shows how sometimes people just really bother me, ahhh!!! Ok, I’m done ranting, wow it feels good to get that one off my chest ;)
ok, well have a good day and i'll get some stuff from here later, i need to finish unpacking and settling in and sending my mom home so i can finally clear my head and begin my sr year of college!!!! :)
Julie's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/22/2004 23:52 #24731
now it's text messaging...08/16/2004 02:22 #24730
two more days...... to finish packing and days I have left here in buffalo. Im leaving to go back to school in Miami on wednesday, and it feels like I really haven't been here that long at all this summer. I've been back since the very beginning or july but it feels like its only been a few weeks. I guess i spent most of the summer rowing, but even that didn't seem to hardly last long at all. and then i did a few other things here and there like laser eye surgery and an eric clapton concert and the music thing on the 3rd (i think) when i met mike and i went to the fair the other day and a bills game this evening (well that was exciting though, i love those games!!!). And of course i hung out with amanda a little, but i really havent even seen her that much and really havent seen anyone else from buffalo at all. maybe i've just lost contact with ppl or hell i know i've broken ties with others a while back, but it just feels like i've wasted the past month and a half. Maybe thats not how i should say it, but i can't think of any other way to say it. I guess i just can't figure this place out. I've really tried to enjoy it here, i know the summer is my time to do it cuz once winter break comes along when i come back again, the cold and snow always turn me off right away. i just can't stand the cold, and despise being surrounded by snow with a passion. that's all from bad snow experiences when i was younger but i can't forget about it. but yeah back to summer being my time to let buffalo shine, the weather this summer has been terrible. I really can't remember a summer in the past 21 years here in buffalo when it has been so cold and just not nice. buffalo is supposed to be one of the nicest cities in the summer, but it really dropped the ball on this one.
All in all, i still really havent discovered what so many of you love about buffalo. maybe i will some day, but i really don't think it's gonna happen in the next 2 days.
maybe next summer i'll try with a different approach, try new things, figure this all out. Oh, and that still all depends if i do come back next summer. once i graduate i'm probably going to have to figure stuff out with jobs and stuff. eeek, once i graduate, when am i going to graduate??? herm... well who knows...
wish me luck on my last 2 days!!!!
All in all, i still really havent discovered what so many of you love about buffalo. maybe i will some day, but i really don't think it's gonna happen in the next 2 days.
maybe next summer i'll try with a different approach, try new things, figure this all out. Oh, and that still all depends if i do come back next summer. once i graduate i'm probably going to have to figure stuff out with jobs and stuff. eeek, once i graduate, when am i going to graduate??? herm... well who knows...
wish me luck on my last 2 days!!!!
08/10/2004 21:33 #24729
"can you turn the light back on"I went up to st. catherines, canada the other night for a end of the rowing season party thing. I row for west side, the buffalo team, but a girl i row with in miami rows for st catherines and told me to come up. ok, so it was fun, we had a good time, even ran into a few westside people. but i'd have to say the "funny" part of the evening was after a few of the st. catherines guys went streaking and swimming at the finishline of the water they row in. so they were all out there, trying to get some of the girls in, unsuccessfully of course. we were having fun just observing, when a cop car pulls up. we all ran of course, and the boys get out of the water, looking for their pants to run as well. the spotlight from the car lit up the area pretty well for them to find their clothes. one guy; however, still could not find his pants. the cops finally turned off the lights, and this one stupid guy walks over to the car, still naked and all, and asks the cops, "can you turn the light back on, i can't find my pants." so they do, he finds his pants, and we all run. end of story. but really now... who would ever go up to a cop car, naked, asking them to turn the spotlight back on so they could find their pants???? well it worked, and everyone got away ok so there you go. if you too get in that awkward situation, just ask the cops to turn the spotlights back on. it worked for him, it might work for you too.
08/07/2004 23:08 #24728
my puppy, tucker
08/06/2004 01:55 #24727
goodbye summer rowingSO today was a sad day kinda. it was my last day of summer rowing for this summer. I have been rowing down at west side rowing club all summer, or at least while i have been back in buffalo. We have been competing here in buffalo and also up in st catherines, ontario which is where we concluded our season today. we always finish off the season with the Canadian Henley. its a big prestigious race. It's what everyone talks about all summer. And so we got there, i was entered in 2 categories, an 8 and a 4, and you have a lot of qualifying races before the finals. and so we didn't qualify in either the 8 on tuesday or our 4 this evening. And although im satisfied that we raced hard and all, im sad we lost and are done and now i'll probably never race with some of those girls ever again.:( sure i'll be competing against them during the spring and fall seasons, but thats not the same. well I hope some of the other west side boats do well this weekend and that we are a little more successful next year. ;)