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07/25/2006 19:27 #24654

Goings on, etc.
So, my man (e:derschlickmeis)ter was in Connecticut supporting Joe Lieberman. Most aren't obsessed over politics like I am so I will provide supporting information for those who aren't aware of what is going on in CT.

Ned Lamont, rich white guy, is running against Joe Lieberman in the Democratic primary and is making hay over Senator Lieberman's staunch support of the Iraq war. This is primarily driven by national left wing activist organizations such as, who are essentially hell bent on removing Lieberman from office and are willing to spend millions in donations and grass roots organizing in order to help achieve this. In essence, the national radicals on the left have hijacked the elections for the senate seat in Connecticut in order to attempt to prop up a guy more inclined to see things their way.

Where this gets intriguing is the polling numbers. My feelings on the accuracy of polling numbers is well known, but even these cannot be ignored. Polling suggests that Democrats are split directly down the middle betwen the candidates. However, since Senator Lieberman has said that he will run as an independant if he loses the Democratic primary, polling suggests that if Lamont wins the primary Lieberman will win the Senate seat by a 51% to 27%. Forget landslide - that is a bloodbath. Either way, Lieberman wins, which is truly a relief. How is this possible? If Lieberman runs as an Independant, CT state Republicans are going to bail on whatever New England RINO Republican is running and support Lieberman.

I applaud Bill Clinton for shunning the insanity that is marginalizing his party nationally and supporting one of the only politicians left in Washington that is honest and has integrity. The far left states that Lieberman "isn't really a Democrat" - that logic is hilarious to me and only proves that liberals' collective historical perspective starts at the day of their birth. Ever heard of JFK? There is no Demcrat left that is as close to JFK politically as Lieberman is... Lieberman is more of a Kennedy than Teddy ever was.

Another lefty, Al Gore, refuses to support Lieberman and also refused to support him during his bid for the presidency. The irony is that without Lieberman as his running mate in '00 he would have never garnered the moderate Democrat support that made it possible to be competitive against GWB at the time.

Cheers to the only sane politician in New England.
joshua - 07/26/06 21:27
Are you actually calling into question whether or not MoveOn is left wing? There is absolutely no question. That is like claiming that Sandra Day O'Connor was moderate - the idea is absolutely ridiculous. Nationalized health care, quitting in Iraq, trying to get Karl Rove fired although he didn't break the law, association with Howard Dean and his lunatic viewpoints, outright stating their progressive intentions, the commercials they ran during the 2004 campaign, supporting the right of felons past and present to vote, begging 60 minutes to soften the criticism of Bill Clinton, support for Cindy Sheehan - that is the tip of the iceberg. This is so beyond question as to be absurd.

There is nothing ultraconservative about Joe Lieberman, unless you are a Marxist Berkeley type. You need to put this into proper perspective Shawn - the type of politician he is represents the best of what the Democratic Party *used* to be. Over the past 30 years, the further left that the DNC has shifted the amount of success on a national level they have had has diminished in proportion.

Anyhow, like I said, the polling looks very bad for the libs in CT. Lieberman isn't going anywhere.
shawnr - 07/26/06 00:04
hahaha, Leiberman is NOT at all left, democrat, liberal, or any of the above. He's ultra-conservative, socially, and seems as idiotic fiscally as any other republicrats. Kudos to MoveON for working to remove him, although actually I don't think they're opposing him as a major movement, because I'm on their mailing list and haven't heard about it.

And if you think MoveON is left wing... wow. It would be nice to have some leftward representation in the gov't, but that's not likely.
jason - 07/25/06 22:44
The whole thing stinks. Where do the people of Connecticut fit in the situation? It's a nationwide interest group fuck-fest.
joshua - 07/25/06 21:16
I've always admired JFK and I actually voted for Clinton. You don't know me so you wouldn't know that... similar to your assertion that all Republicans are wingnuts. JFK Democrats made the party great - the DNC would be in alot better shape nationally had they not booted out the Scoop Jacksons of the party.

I'll ignore your Paul Krugmanesque blahblahblahing about Bush lying and the supposed illegality of the things the administration has done. Oh, by the way, I'm still waiting for libbies to win any lawsuits over these supposed illegal activities. The silence is deafening.

Your gross mischaracterizations about Republican support for Lieberman are born from a lack of information about the support. There is no such thing as fundamentalist wingnuts in Connecticut, and the the degree to which right wing fanatics (file that under "all Republicans" as far as liberals are concerned) like Joe Lieberman extends only to a couple points - a) he isn't liberal, and b) Lieberman in Senate is better than a Boxer in Senate. Otherwise, the right wing would obviously prefer a conservative... which in Connecticut is about as likely as a conservative winning the Governor position in New York... aka "fuggedaboudit."

Republicans in CT understand what the voters in Rhode Island don't - that a guy like Lieberman is better than some RINO. Take a look at Lincoln Chafee's voting record and then tell me with a straight face that this guy is a Republican. On the other hand, if you look at Joe Lieberman he's a solid Democrat with consistently high ratings from Americans for Democratic Action. The problem for liberals is that he is not a party line kind of guy if he believes the left wing is wrong. 8 or 9 votes out of 10 isn't enough apparently. Fortunately the liberals will lose this one.
ajay - 07/25/06 20:25
Suddenly our man (e:Joshua) loves JFK, admires Clinton, etc. What have you been smoking, dude? lol...

Isn't Liebermann the same guy who was appalled that Clinton lied about a fucking BJ (no pun intended)? And yet doesn't have the balls to stand up to Bush's lying, which has cost nearly 3000 American lives? Not to mention the illegal wiretaps, unlawful detentions, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Instead of griping about the support that Lamont has from the left, you should be questioning why the fundamentalist right-wing nuts have been supporting Lieberman? Isn't he pro-abortion? Isn't he for gay marriage??

07/06/2006 15:37 #24651

Does anybody have a copy of Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" that they would be willing to let me borrow?

Or alternately, does anybody know where the best selection of used books are around here?
joshua - 07/06/06 20:01
Oh dammit - that was me, not Jason. As you can tell, we don't pay enough attention to log out properly every time.
jason - 07/06/06 20:00
Sweet - can I borrow it sometime Matt?
matthew - 07/06/06 17:11
i have a copy.
decoyisryan - 07/06/06 16:28
rust belt on allen
mrmike - 07/06/06 16:07
Old Editions downtown can sometimes be of use.
mrdt - 07/06/06 15:58
me 2 (half,com)...I bought my managerial statistics textbook for $5 dollars their and you can always have the shipping expidited for another dollar or two.

You can try Rustbelt on Allen St or head to the Buffalo Library (behind the Square) until the book is delivered.
kara - 07/06/06 15:45
I always go with I know it doesn't support local businesses, but you can't beat the price or selection.
I do take care to buy from the little guys, and not the power sellers.
I'll be looking through there to find the premiere (e:strip) book club choice.

07/22/2006 11:44 #24653

Peace Movements And War
When I first heard of this article I thought, "How is it possible that somebody could suggest that peace movements don't actually create peace but MORE war?"

Read on - this article is absolutely brilliant.

July 21, 2006
Pacifists versus Peace
By Thomas Sowell

One of the many failings of our educational system is that it sends out into the world people who cannot tell rhetoric from reality. They have learned no systematic way to analyze ideas, derive their implications and test those implications against hard facts.

"Peace" movements are among those who take advantage of this widespread inability to see beyond rhetoric to realities. Few people even seem interested in the actual track record of so-called "peace" movements -- that is, whether such movements actually produce peace or war.

Take the Middle East. People are calling for a cease-fire in the interests of peace. But there have been more cease-fires in the Middle East than anywhere else. If cease-fires actually promoted peace, the Middle East would be the most peaceful region on the face of the earth instead of the most violent.

Was World War II ended by cease-fires or by annihilating much of Germany and Japan? Make no mistake about it, innocent civilians died in the process. Indeed, American prisoners of war died when we bombed Germany.

There is a reason why General Sherman said "war is hell" more than a century ago. But he helped end the Civil War with his devastating march through Georgia -- not by cease fires or bowing to "world opinion" and there were no corrupt busybodies like the United Nations to demand replacing military force with diplomacy.

There was a time when it would have been suicidal to threaten, much less attack, a nation with much stronger military power because one of the dangers to the attacker would be the prospect of being annihilated.

"World opinion," the U.N. and "peace movements" have eliminated that deterrent. An aggressor today knows that if his aggression fails, he will still be protected from the full retaliatory power and fury of those he attacked because there will be hand-wringers demanding a cease fire, negotiations and concessions.

That has been a formula for never-ending attacks on Israel in the Middle East. The disastrous track record of that approach extends to other times and places -- but who looks at track records?

Remember the Falkland Islands war, when Argentina sent troops into the Falklands to capture this little British colony in the South Atlantic?

Argentina had been claiming to be the rightful owner of those islands for more than a century. Why didn't it attack these little islands before? At no time did the British have enough troops there to defend them.

Before there were "peace" movements and the U.N., sending troops into those islands could easily have meant finding British troops or bombs in Buenos Aires. Now "world opinion" condemned the British just for sending armed forces into the South Atlantic to take back their islands.

Shamefully, our own government was one of those that opposed the British use of force. But fortunately British prime minister Margaret Thatcher ignored "world opinion" and took back the Falklands.

The most catastrophic result of "peace" movements was World War II. While Hitler was arming Germany to the teeth, "peace" movements in Britain were advocating that their own country disarm "as an example to others."

British Labor Party Members of Parliament voted consistently against military spending and British college students publicly pledged never to fight for their country. If "peace" movements brought peace, there would never have been World War II.

Not only did that war lead to tens of millions of deaths, it came dangerously close to a crushing victory for the Nazis in Europe and the Japanese empire in Asia. And we now know that the United States was on Hitler's timetable after that.

For the first two years of that war, the Western democracies lost virtually every battle, all over the world, because pre-war "peace" movements had left them with inadequate military equipment and much of it obsolete. The Nazis and the Japanese knew that. That is why they launched the war.

"Peace" movements don't bring peace but war.

07/19/2006 23:04 #24652

Billy Bob and Earl in NYC
Category: travel
I am way behind on reading and writing journals - I forgot my damn wireless card at home before I left for my trip, so I've waited 3 days to by happenstance be at a hotel that actually has a traditional RJ-45 love connection. So here I am.

First of all, I heard a vicious rumor that a certain Manhattan resident by day/NJ resident by night is shooting me those evil chick eyes (you know what I mean!) because I have visited NYC and haven't been in contact. Allow me to assure you, mystery person, that when I get the chance I will redeem myself.

On that note, I did stay in the NJ side of metro NYC the past two days, but when I wasn't at work I was in the hotel room sleeping. Our travel rules have been becoming more demanding and more draconian so as a result I usually begin my work week extremely sleep deprived. I didn't get out AT ALL. We even ordered food in. On the bright side, I found a $120 per night hotel in Jersey that was across the street from a 20 min. bus ride to Times Square. The only thing that would have been better is a $120 per night hotel near a PATH train. Considering that I've paid more for shittier hotels in NYC, I think its a fair tradeoff.

I picked up our car at LaGuardia (pre-blackout) and the notorious traffic kept me waiting nearly an hour to cross the Whitestone Bridge. On the way bacy through I waited nearly an hour to cross the GW bridge... at 2 o' fucking clock. My friend that lives in Long Island City commutes to CT every day - after this week I don't know how he does it without sucking on an exhaust pipe. No, actually I do - its the FAT paycheck!

Ok - fast forward. I'm through with NJ and eventually drove to BWI to catch a flight. Flying out of BWI instead of Newark might seem extreme, but consider this - the flights were twice as expensive, Newark is a shithole airport, and my work day was 3 hours long. Taking a 3 hour afternoon drive on a sunny day to catch a cheaper flight out of an airport I like? Hello, do you hear that? Thats the sound of people stuck in office hell not feeling terribly sorry for me.

Have you ever heard of Yaffa Blocks... the stackable storage bins? Today I met Yaffa - she is a sweet lady and is a genius, but MY GOD was she neurotic. Goooooo Yaffa! This was the first time that I have visited a manufacturer whose product I remembered from old MTV commercials. Yaffa told me that it was cheaper to advertise on MTV than it was to advertise on "regular" channels. Anyway, her products were fairly cool and I definitely want some - if I had the storage space I would have bought some today. I also learned that Wal-Mart sells her products at more than double the manufacturing cost. I'm definitely paying retail to Aunt Yaffa - fuck Uncle Wally.

Tonight we are in Louisville, KY. Despite the lack of major pro sports, this is a very pretty city with a lot of economic prosperity. The state of Kentucky is simply gorgeous - at this point I've travelled to 35 states of the 48 continental and Kentucky, from a purely aesthetic perspective, is only behind California, Washington and Texas. We ate dinner at a Texas Roadhouse, and I saw a group of 9 (two tables, one for adults and one for kids) leave a TWO DOLLAR tip on an $81 check. What the fuck is that crap? General ignorance about courtesy and life is to blame. Lord knows that they have money left for cigarettes and beer! One of them looked like he'd been neck deep in liquor - I wanted to headbutt him Zidane style, except with a spiked helmet.

You deserve a final goodnight kiss so I will leave you with an anecdote about the most wicked redneck siting in history. It wasn't an orange charger with the "stars and bars" on it, but it was damn close. Think of an original 60's era red Mustang - absolutely beautiful. Then throw in a 120 pound white guy with a handlebar moustache and plenty of mulletude flapping as the 80 MPH wind whips through the hair. I was awestruck, like I was staring at a celebrity. The car at this point was like the bow, and the guy with the mullet was like the violin. One without the other and you cannot create beautiful music. It was magic. A guy like that must be pretty fucking cool, although he probably has shitty weed. Whatever - shitty weed is better than no weed!

hodown - 07/21/06 20:44
I feel like maybe that mystery person may be moi. I'll be waiting for your redemption...
jason - 07/20/06 14:30
Haha. Brilliant, as always. If you wouldn't have BROKEN MY FUCKING CAMERA maybe you could have burned some of these memories onto film.
jenks - 07/20/06 00:55
Oh, yaffa.... that is one of my fondest college memories. Sitting in Jeff's room, when he, baked off his ass, asks someone to pass him the phone. Someone asked where it was, and he said 'oh... over on yonder yaffa block". I still can't hear the word without laughing. So thanks for a chuckle Joshy. (and the $2 tip story is exactly why KY can be gorgeous- and still fucking suck.)

07/05/2006 23:27 #24650

Larson Vs. Larson
I'm on a quest, and (e:jason) and I have decided that the vehicle through which we will pursue this quest will be the big, bad world of media.

We have mentioned this in the past, but we are going to begin (slowly) some work on an internet radio show of some kind, and perhaps periodic short videos where we will do short skits, interviews on Elmwood and different cuts where we'll have dialogues with people about political and social issues.

The radio show will be called Larson Vs. Larson, and initially we plan on doing a (very) periodic offering involving interviews with people who we disagree on issues with, arguments/discussions between (e:jason) and I, as well as intermittant homemade "commercials." You are going to love the commercials. In fact, some of you just might be recruited for voices here and there!

The purpose behind this is simple - apathy is a major problem in our society these days, especially amongst my (our) generation. While things are definitely getting better, we have no better example than Buffalo to prove what apathy can mean to an area. Our generation is going to be running shit in 25 years and for people that are largely apathetic that is a scary thought. In some ways have we become so accustomed to our lifestyles that we're just too comfortable or distracted from the important things going on around us? Why is it okay and socially acceptable to simply not care?

This isn't going to be for the faint of heart - the disccusions are going to be deep, intense and involved. The forum is going to be completely open - left, right, center - we don't care. We want to illustrate and promote examples of Generation X on all sides who are NOT apathetic in the hopes that more people will engage in social and political issues. You will hear things that you agree with and you are going to hear things that will bring you to the boiling point. The goal is to allow listeners to be exposed to a variety of opinions because mainstream media has largely abandoned the full range. Pick any media outlet of your choice - you are not being given options, you are being preached to. Its time for this to end.

Will we abandon our own political beliefs in the interest of singing around a campfire and feeling good? Absolutely not. I fully intend on challenging people if what they say is conspiratorial non-sense. There will be parts of the show that feature Jason and I discussing a topic; what you will find is that we have a broad range of beliefs. The hounds will be released as needed on the people who articulate an opinion but cannot explain why they believe it - we don't care how you feel, we care about what you think. Otherwise what we want is for contributors to lay out what they think, how they think and why. "Bush is dumb" and "liberals suck" will never fly - people that don't bring everything to the table will be scrutinized, but rarely in a manner where anybody is hostile to one another.

The video idea is something that I thought about and would be somewhat of an extension of the radio show. We will hit the street with a camera and a mic and ask people about what they think about the issues of the day. Lets find out who cares, who doesn't and why. Lets compare strong opinions with depth of understanding. Lets go ask the lady at the deli if she thinks the minimum wage is too low. Lets go ask some people at Spot if they think about a nuclear North Korea. Lets go ask people who the Secretary of War is - yes, trick questions are allowed. Lets also dress in an Uncle Sam suit and ask people what the suit represents to them (no, I'm not kidding). Lets have some fun too, and create some short skits in between the more serious things to put a spotlight on the fact that it is indeed okay to laugh about how ridiculous some things and some people can be. Lets get ALL of this on camera and use it as a tool to illustrate who cares, who doesn't and why... and in the meanwhile we'll shake it up by throwing in some dark humor.

We're in the preliminary stages of constructing the first radio episode - likely we will be finishing the commercials first. (e:jason) has an idea for something he calls "the chop shop" - don't even ask. I have a chewing gum idea that makes people babble like Ted Kennedy when they chew it. We'll mock religious zealots and intolerance perpetrated by people who fear others race and sexuality. You know full fucking well that I'm going to mock Cindy Sheehan.

You'll be surprised. You are going to agree with us on occasion. You are going to be hissing at me when I go get coffee once in a while. In any case, we'll be getting your attention one way or another, even if we have to coax, embarrass or ooze it out of you. You will hopefully learn a little bit more about what you believe if you aren't sure about some topics. You're resolve will strengthen as well. We want you to be engaged. We want you to vote. We want you to care about your community and be willing to engage all sides of an issue. We want people to learn to respect each other and quit with the shouting matches.

We'll be testing the early stuff on close and trusted friends, then we'll see where we go.
metalpeter - 07/06/06 19:59
First of all I want to wish you both the best of luck with that, sounds verry interesting. I will admit I don't like the sound of my own voice on tape, but I can do some voices. It has always been kinda for fun, and never asked to do a specific voice. So Maybe some day I will be able to do one of the voices you guys need but I can't make any promises.
zobar - 07/06/06 10:23
Sounds like an interesting show. If you had read past the first paragraph of my previous post (e:zobar,79) , you would know that we at beloved Artvoice are trying to put together some kind of an Internet TV station with interesting, regular, episodic content, and Larson Vs. Larson sounds like something we might carry.

Our very tentative schedule begins 'sometime around September.' When we begin soliciting pilot episodes, I'll drop you a line and see if you're interested. You may despise us for the three [!] whole pages of political editorial that we ran this week, but you'd be surprised that you may agree with us on occasion. (-:

- Z