In all honesty I can't think of a bad V-Day, because during the times I had a significant other it was always great, and when I wasn't with somebody at the time it was always great. Theres never a good reason to have a bad V-Day, because at the very least you can always go out that night, drink and chase booty. That = a good night for me every time.
I'm not a terribly sentimental person, so I usually end up buying gifts that they'll enjoy - chocolates are a must, expensive lotions, etc. - you get the idea. I want to get things that she'll actually enjoy. Believe it or not, I know a guy that gave his girlfriend a framed picture of himself for a V-Day gift! That to me is hilarious, but I'd never get caught screwing up that badly. Also, and this might upset a few ladies out there - a major, major faux pas is purchasing a girl that isn't your wife or fiancee some jewelry. Gents, don't waste that resource on a girl that isn't a keeper.
I'll be blunt - V-Day for me usually involves three things - 1) a nice dinner, 2) drinks, and 3) screwing. These three simple ingredients yield an excellent V-Day every time. Its like making pasta - seasoned water, pasta, and sauce. Its VERY hard to mess it up.
Now I'm sure you're thinking, "Damn Josh, you're right about that - but isn't that kind of cold and the diametric opposite of sentimental for a day as special as V-Day?" Yeah, you're right, but like I said, I'm not a sentimental person. Plus, I'm not one of those fellas that needs to make up for being a jerk the rest of the year. Despite my prickly demeanor when it comes to politics (with emphasis on the "prick" part) I'm actually a sweetheart year round.
Now, onto some news!
1) Envirofascists - here is another reason for us to stifle and progress with actual, feasible energy sources. New, rare birds! -

2) Ut Oh! NBC anchor perpetuates the stereotype that white people think all black people look alike -

3) Less money for CPB - oh suuuure, its not a liberal bastion. BAHAHAHAHAH *cough* HAHAHAHHAHAHAH -

4) First, video games are supposedly making kids more violent. Now CSI, according to law enforcement, are making criminals better at what they do! -

5) "Global warming" advocates still can't figure out whether they think "global warming" is actually cooling or warming the planet... which is a source of much laughter for me. Anyhow, you'll be curious to see why it is that this scientist thinks an ice age is coming along - I'll give you a hint. Its not because of anything humans are doing! -

damn bro, i wish that i had the ladies like you do. valentines day, mmm...maybe i will have to bloviate in my post about the misguded holiday. hahahahaa...seems like you have the right track lad.
damn! i was going to ask, hahaha :)
so.... ummmm... (mumble)... joshy-
(stutter) what're you, umm, (blush) up to... say, (twirl hair) next tues?