I've been staying in Buffalo and working out of the office... the company has a backlog of audit documents to verify. Therefore Joshy gets to work his fingers frantically around the hefty Compaq laptop there to get the documents sorted out. In a way not travelling is nice because I get to sort out things at home I don't get an opportunity to do normally. I spent the last two days strolling the office, staring out the window, surfing the web, drinking coffee, petting my bosses golden retriever, thinking about the noise reduction headphones I want to buy, reading e-mails. I actually will have some real and substantial work to do the rest of the week, followed by more real and substantial work to do beginning next week, followed by a short trip to NC and Delaware.
I tried port wine last night... its my new favorite thing! Nothing will ever top a rocks glass filled with a proper single malt scotch though.
(e:paul) - I took the sign down because I'm having major beef with my landlady and I didn't want to give her another thing to potentially bitch about. Is there voting for this "best of" and when is it over? I'll hang it until the "best of" issue is out.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/07/2005 18:36 #24543
Ho HumCategory: non-political
09/01/2005 22:04 #24542
YawnbombCategory: rant
I can confirm that the stretch between I-76 between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg has THE worst radio airplay this side of Wyoming. I wanted to die a quick death during this stretch... I was saved by my freshly reorganized iPod Mini. I put some new beats on there... absolutely killer stuff. If its not painfully obvious, I love music and I pride myself on my skills concerning sorting out the quality from the dreck. I'M TALKING TO MOST OF YOU, INDIE ROCKERS! Its cool to be different, but its not cool to listen to shitty bands that people will easily dismiss and forget a few months after they grace the cover of Spin. A guilty pleasure of mine is The Killers, but I refuse to have it on my iPod as that evidence might implicate me for a musically-related crime. I put some of my friends' music on there
as well as some new things. I decided to give The Shins a listen, I'm kind of mixed on them at the moment.
(e:alison) - hubba hubba! Do whats best for you and ignore the white noise. I feel so badly for you right now... keep your head up, do what you know is right and you'll be better off in no-time... I know it!
Beware! Some people are bound to hate what they are about to read, but as everybody is well-informed of... schadenfreude is my specialty.
Anyhow I thoroughly regret that I missed the media bias discussion. To suggest that there is no systematic bias towards the left from the major media is an insane statement that could only come from someone punchdrunk with Kool-Aid. (e:jason) was being unnecessarily diplomatic with such a reckless and uninformed statement. Seriously... if you think there is no media bias its obvious that you aren't actually reading or watching. This is the same mentality from people who, by the way, get their news from "The Daily Show" and think that Fox News is Satan's Own Channel because they don't shun the right-wing viewpoint like the others have had for 40 years. AkA, if you don't hate and disrespect the other viewpoint you must be supporting it and are the enemy. Have any liberals stepped aside and thought about how absurd that is? These libs haven't actually watched the channel that they supposedly hate (or hilariously enough, the channels that they'd love), and have the balls to talk about this subject like they know what the fuck they are talking about. Anyhow, go ahead and check out
merely as a starting point from only ONE of the major offenders. I see people are also forgetting Rathergate, or actually are foolish enough to believe that "the documents were forged but the story was real." Absolutely hysterical. Actually, my friend Danny stated on the air a few years back that right-wing talk show hosts were racist, among other reckless and shameful statements that the network let slide by. Someone want to explain that one to mainstream Americans? CBS certainly didn't, and I'll share the video with anyone reading this that thinks I'm lying right now. Did anybody happen to notice the radical left-wing organizationally funded Cindy Sheehan the past month or so? The major media flooded us with it, and at minimum the same number of Americans watched it in horror and disbelief as she basically desecrated her own sons grave to tell us that she thinks Israel should get out of Palestine... among other politically charged things that confirmed that millions of Americans think she is full of shit. The latest poll that Americans took on the subject showed that just as many people were inclined to counter her as they were to support her. The pro-war groups would have loved to have gotten a TENTH of the exposure the major media gave Ms. Sheehan, but they didn't. They managed to succeed anyhow, without the help of the so-called "unbiased" media.
I could write a 400-page book about the NYT; it is my favorite paper to read when I am travelling. Unfortunately its not just them and the alphabets though... Baltimore Sun, L.A. Times (my second favorite), Boston Herald... and actually I think I'd be interested to read the San Fran Chronicle to see how they hold up. I only have time to read 4 or 5 newspapers a day, though! I could flood this website with links demonstrating what the rest of America already knows... saying that there is mo media bias is a futile argument akin to people arguing that the Earth was flat and not round, or that Einstein was wrong and in fact Newton and Mach were right. The very idea of an unbiased media is preposterous.

(e:alison) - hubba hubba! Do whats best for you and ignore the white noise. I feel so badly for you right now... keep your head up, do what you know is right and you'll be better off in no-time... I know it!
Beware! Some people are bound to hate what they are about to read, but as everybody is well-informed of... schadenfreude is my specialty.
Anyhow I thoroughly regret that I missed the media bias discussion. To suggest that there is no systematic bias towards the left from the major media is an insane statement that could only come from someone punchdrunk with Kool-Aid. (e:jason) was being unnecessarily diplomatic with such a reckless and uninformed statement. Seriously... if you think there is no media bias its obvious that you aren't actually reading or watching. This is the same mentality from people who, by the way, get their news from "The Daily Show" and think that Fox News is Satan's Own Channel because they don't shun the right-wing viewpoint like the others have had for 40 years. AkA, if you don't hate and disrespect the other viewpoint you must be supporting it and are the enemy. Have any liberals stepped aside and thought about how absurd that is? These libs haven't actually watched the channel that they supposedly hate (or hilariously enough, the channels that they'd love), and have the balls to talk about this subject like they know what the fuck they are talking about. Anyhow, go ahead and check out

I could write a 400-page book about the NYT; it is my favorite paper to read when I am travelling. Unfortunately its not just them and the alphabets though... Baltimore Sun, L.A. Times (my second favorite), Boston Herald... and actually I think I'd be interested to read the San Fran Chronicle to see how they hold up. I only have time to read 4 or 5 newspapers a day, though! I could flood this website with links demonstrating what the rest of America already knows... saying that there is mo media bias is a futile argument akin to people arguing that the Earth was flat and not round, or that Einstein was wrong and in fact Newton and Mach were right. The very idea of an unbiased media is preposterous.
metalpeter - 09/02/05 18:58
The news isn't supposed to be opions it is supposed to be the facts. But with everystory you can't tell every single fact. Wich facts you tell shapes the story. It is very easy to present those facts in a biased way. With good editing you can completly change a story. As an example someone I work with is a republican from the south originaly. He loves fox news he says it is the real news and they tell you stuff the others don't. That means either FOX news or all the other NEWS channels are Biased. One of the delivary guys says his parents watch it also but he watchs it and laugfs because it is so far out there. So to me that says that all news is biased. As a local example chanel 7 when ever I watched it there was always a fire in the news. If they didn't have footage they would go to the scene or the neighboorhood. sometimes they would have a story about a fire that happened recently and have a tie in. If you watched 7 you would think Buffalo was burning to the ground.
The news isn't supposed to be opions it is supposed to be the facts. But with everystory you can't tell every single fact. Wich facts you tell shapes the story. It is very easy to present those facts in a biased way. With good editing you can completly change a story. As an example someone I work with is a republican from the south originaly. He loves fox news he says it is the real news and they tell you stuff the others don't. That means either FOX news or all the other NEWS channels are Biased. One of the delivary guys says his parents watch it also but he watchs it and laugfs because it is so far out there. So to me that says that all news is biased. As a local example chanel 7 when ever I watched it there was always a fire in the news. If they didn't have footage they would go to the scene or the neighboorhood. sometimes they would have a story about a fire that happened recently and have a tie in. If you watched 7 you would think Buffalo was burning to the ground.
jason - 09/02/05 11:34
You guys should check out the latest NYT editorials. Not exactly right-wing.
You guys should check out the latest NYT editorials. Not exactly right-wing.
alison - 09/01/05 23:02
aw, thanks- that was incredibly sweet of you and it made me smile.
as for the shins:
i loved their cover of we will become silhouettes by the postal service- it's really fun.
i think caring is creepy is their best song. the first like, 20 seconds are freakin' awesome- really good walking music.
also, this is very predictable, but kissing the lipless is a great song too.
hope yr having a good nite!!
aw, thanks- that was incredibly sweet of you and it made me smile.
as for the shins:
i loved their cover of we will become silhouettes by the postal service- it's really fun.
i think caring is creepy is their best song. the first like, 20 seconds are freakin' awesome- really good walking music.
also, this is very predictable, but kissing the lipless is a great song too.
hope yr having a good nite!!
joshua - 09/01/05 21:28
Actually thats a really interesting viewpoint Uncut. I suppose that everyone has a predisposed bias, but the problem is that journalistic professionals are not supposed to let what they feel and think alter their words when they report. That would be a more accurate way of articulating how I think about the situation. I want my news dry and void of objectionable content. Oddly enough now that Mr. Moyers is gone from PBS I like their news broadcast the best!
Actually thats a really interesting viewpoint Uncut. I suppose that everyone has a predisposed bias, but the problem is that journalistic professionals are not supposed to let what they feel and think alter their words when they report. That would be a more accurate way of articulating how I think about the situation. I want my news dry and void of objectionable content. Oddly enough now that Mr. Moyers is gone from PBS I like their news broadcast the best!
uncutsaniflush - 09/01/05 21:15
I know people who could write 400 pages on why NYT is too right wing.
It's a matter of perspective.
By definition, unbiased reporting is impossible. Every event is filtered by the reporters and the editors (and the owners) perception.
Even trying to be "unbiased" is a bias.
I know people who could write 400 pages on why NYT is too right wing.
It's a matter of perspective.
By definition, unbiased reporting is impossible. Every event is filtered by the reporters and the editors (and the owners) perception.
Even trying to be "unbiased" is a bias.
08/27/2005 14:12 #24540
The FestCategory: non-political
The fest is on, the sign is up, and my block is taken over by a bunch of hippies and older folks buying knick knacks. Its cool though.
But seriously though, tie dye is waaaaay played out.
But seriously though, tie dye is waaaaay played out.
metalpeter - 08/27/05 15:26
I went down to the fest and it was fun some sexy ladies down there. I didn't see the banner but I may have missed it or it wasn't up yet possibly.
I like tyedye but the colors they have there arn't the best. I like the bright with high contrast colors or some dark ones look cool. I have a tyedyed Steve austin shirt and Carot top shirt that both look awesome. I have a dolphin tyedye that has dark purple and greens and striped partens that look cool. i like the new stuff but not really the 60's style.
I went down to the fest and it was fun some sexy ladies down there. I didn't see the banner but I may have missed it or it wasn't up yet possibly.
I like tyedye but the colors they have there arn't the best. I like the bright with high contrast colors or some dark ones look cool. I have a tyedyed Steve austin shirt and Carot top shirt that both look awesome. I have a dolphin tyedye that has dark purple and greens and striped partens that look cool. i like the new stuff but not really the 60's style.
dcoffee - 08/27/05 15:25
yea I know exactly what you mean, I live one block from Allen and Elmwood, so durring the Art Festival it gets crazy like that. it's interesting to watch the tourists, but you can't move your car for a couple days that's for damn sure.
yea I know exactly what you mean, I live one block from Allen and Elmwood, so durring the Art Festival it gets crazy like that. it's interesting to watch the tourists, but you can't move your car for a couple days that's for damn sure.
paul - 08/27/05 13:41
You guys are awesome thanks. We'll be down there sometime today or tomorrow. We are still recovering from keith's party,
You guys are awesome thanks. We'll be down there sometime today or tomorrow. We are still recovering from keith's party,
08/29/2005 15:07 #24541
Covert OpsCategory: non-political
So, in the interest of seeing what the blog is up against for "Best Of" category I decided to inspect the other sites to see what "we" are up against.
1. buffalopundit.com - interesting blog. I like the focus on local issues since most people don't give a shit about it around here, or at most feign interest in order to maintain "street cred." Its maintained by a liberal who doesn't mind letting partisanship get in the way of the real debate on occasion. However, I will give him credit for being consistant on local and state government corruption. This guy hates Byron Brown.
2. buffalo rising - I'd put this blog a couple notches on top of buffalopundit. Why? Because its focused solely on local issues and filters out the local political bullshit that all of us are freaking tired of. I'd even use the word "awesome" to describe the sites content and design... kudos to whoever manages that thing.
Checking out the local blogsites reminds me of how I'd love to join WNY Coalition for Progress if it wasn't so jawdroppingly, blatantly politically insane. Nonpartisan my ass... I mean really... to even suggest such a thing as they do in their "About Us" link is laughable. I would absolutely love to be part of their WNY Developent and Economic Affairs group... what a shame. Are there any REAL non-partisan groups out there to join?
1. buffalopundit.com - interesting blog. I like the focus on local issues since most people don't give a shit about it around here, or at most feign interest in order to maintain "street cred." Its maintained by a liberal who doesn't mind letting partisanship get in the way of the real debate on occasion. However, I will give him credit for being consistant on local and state government corruption. This guy hates Byron Brown.
2. buffalo rising - I'd put this blog a couple notches on top of buffalopundit. Why? Because its focused solely on local issues and filters out the local political bullshit that all of us are freaking tired of. I'd even use the word "awesome" to describe the sites content and design... kudos to whoever manages that thing.
Checking out the local blogsites reminds me of how I'd love to join WNY Coalition for Progress if it wasn't so jawdroppingly, blatantly politically insane. Nonpartisan my ass... I mean really... to even suggest such a thing as they do in their "About Us" link is laughable. I would absolutely love to be part of their WNY Developent and Economic Affairs group... what a shame. Are there any REAL non-partisan groups out there to join?
08/26/2005 16:59 #24539
I'm baaaaack!Category: non-political
I'm back from California... its the only place I visit that I'm sad when I leave. I came back with some color though!
My apartment is a freakin' war zone... its in dire, dire shape. I'm never around to take care of it so eventually I have to suck it up and take like 4 hours of my precious Buffalo time to get it right. The best part of the project is going to be when I throw my old couch over the side of the porch.
I have mixed feelings on the Elmwood Art Festival. For two days my block is flooded with people and there is nowhere to park. This is why once the car is parked it ain't moving until the festival is gone.
P.S. Is now the perfect time to hang up the elmwoodstrip.com sign (e:paul)? I have no idea why Jay didn't hang it up before but I think with the festival and all it should be proper time to get some exposure.
For those of you who have never tried them - Jet teas from Spot are the best non-bean based thing on their menu hands down. I thoroughly encourage trying strawberry-banana or cran-raz. You'll thank me later with a small sack of green stuff to share... right? RIGHT?!
I think I leave again Tues. but I'm not sure. Until then I'm going to be bunkered up at 750. And no, my apt. will still probably not be clean.
My apartment is a freakin' war zone... its in dire, dire shape. I'm never around to take care of it so eventually I have to suck it up and take like 4 hours of my precious Buffalo time to get it right. The best part of the project is going to be when I throw my old couch over the side of the porch.
I have mixed feelings on the Elmwood Art Festival. For two days my block is flooded with people and there is nowhere to park. This is why once the car is parked it ain't moving until the festival is gone.
P.S. Is now the perfect time to hang up the elmwoodstrip.com sign (e:paul)? I have no idea why Jay didn't hang it up before but I think with the festival and all it should be proper time to get some exposure.
For those of you who have never tried them - Jet teas from Spot are the best non-bean based thing on their menu hands down. I thoroughly encourage trying strawberry-banana or cran-raz. You'll thank me later with a small sack of green stuff to share... right? RIGHT?!
I think I leave again Tues. but I'm not sure. Until then I'm going to be bunkered up at 750. And no, my apt. will still probably not be clean.
metalpeter - 08/26/05 17:59
I think it would be awesome for the banner. If people pic up the artvoice and read it and then see the banner that would be great. I will be at the festival for some time on sat, I want to see wedding crashers first then come back to it. The teas sound interesting and good, I'm not really a spot person but I may try them.
I think it would be awesome for the banner. If people pic up the artvoice and read it and then see the banner that would be great. I will be at the festival for some time on sat, I want to see wedding crashers first then come back to it. The teas sound interesting and good, I'm not really a spot person but I may try them.
paul - 08/26/05 16:08
Yes, It would be awesome if you guys hung it up. I didn't want to ask jason again because I didn't want to bug him. I think I gave him kite string to hang it with. If you need help feel free to contact me.
Yes, It would be awesome if you guys hung it up. I didn't want to ask jason again because I didn't want to bug him. I think I gave him kite string to hang it with. If you need help feel free to contact me.
Glad you like the port - but don't you go finishing the whole bottle without me!!