(e:alison) - hubba hubba! Do whats best for you and ignore the white noise. I feel so badly for you right now... keep your head up, do what you know is right and you'll be better off in no-time... I know it!
Beware! Some people are bound to hate what they are about to read, but as everybody is well-informed of... schadenfreude is my specialty.
Anyhow I thoroughly regret that I missed the media bias discussion. To suggest that there is no systematic bias towards the left from the major media is an insane statement that could only come from someone punchdrunk with Kool-Aid. (e:jason) was being unnecessarily diplomatic with such a reckless and uninformed statement. Seriously... if you think there is no media bias its obvious that you aren't actually reading or watching. This is the same mentality from people who, by the way, get their news from "The Daily Show" and think that Fox News is Satan's Own Channel because they don't shun the right-wing viewpoint like the others have had for 40 years. AkA, if you don't hate and disrespect the other viewpoint you must be supporting it and are the enemy. Have any liberals stepped aside and thought about how absurd that is? These libs haven't actually watched the channel that they supposedly hate (or hilariously enough, the channels that they'd love), and have the balls to talk about this subject like they know what the fuck they are talking about. Anyhow, go ahead and check out

I could write a 400-page book about the NYT; it is my favorite paper to read when I am travelling. Unfortunately its not just them and the alphabets though... Baltimore Sun, L.A. Times (my second favorite), Boston Herald... and actually I think I'd be interested to read the San Fran Chronicle to see how they hold up. I only have time to read 4 or 5 newspapers a day, though! I could flood this website with links demonstrating what the rest of America already knows... saying that there is mo media bias is a futile argument akin to people arguing that the Earth was flat and not round, or that Einstein was wrong and in fact Newton and Mach were right. The very idea of an unbiased media is preposterous.
The news isn't supposed to be opions it is supposed to be the facts. But with everystory you can't tell every single fact. Wich facts you tell shapes the story. It is very easy to present those facts in a biased way. With good editing you can completly change a story. As an example someone I work with is a republican from the south originaly. He loves fox news he says it is the real news and they tell you stuff the others don't. That means either FOX news or all the other NEWS channels are Biased. One of the delivary guys says his parents watch it also but he watchs it and laugfs because it is so far out there. So to me that says that all news is biased. As a local example chanel 7 when ever I watched it there was always a fire in the news. If they didn't have footage they would go to the scene or the neighboorhood. sometimes they would have a story about a fire that happened recently and have a tie in. If you watched 7 you would think Buffalo was burning to the ground.
You guys should check out the latest NYT editorials. Not exactly right-wing.
aw, thanks- that was incredibly sweet of you and it made me smile.
as for the shins:
i loved their cover of we will become silhouettes by the postal service- it's really fun.
i think caring is creepy is their best song. the first like, 20 seconds are freakin' awesome- really good walking music.
also, this is very predictable, but kissing the lipless is a great song too.
hope yr having a good nite!!
Actually thats a really interesting viewpoint Uncut. I suppose that everyone has a predisposed bias, but the problem is that journalistic professionals are not supposed to let what they feel and think alter their words when they report. That would be a more accurate way of articulating how I think about the situation. I want my news dry and void of objectionable content. Oddly enough now that Mr. Moyers is gone from PBS I like their news broadcast the best!
I know people who could write 400 pages on why NYT is too right wing.
It's a matter of perspective.
By definition, unbiased reporting is impossible. Every event is filtered by the reporters and the editors (and the owners) perception.
Even trying to be "unbiased" is a bias.