Seeing as its the 60th anniversary of us dropping nukes on Japan I have been thinking a bit about it. At the time the Japanese were hellbent on winning and would have died to the last man if they had to in order to achieve their objective. Thinking about the sheer number of civilians and military that died that day anybody with a heart would feel their heart sink to their feet. On the other hand -
1. We ended WWII doing this
2. Had we invaded Japan even more Japanese and Americans would have died, so therefore the least amount of people died doing it this way
3. People saw the horror of the atom bomb - as a result its never been used since
4. We rebuilt Japan and it became a democracy
The "Mutially Assured Destruction" principle protects us so far, and although I would like to see the eradication of the nuclear bomb... reality dictates that this will never, ever happen. Wars are going to happen - its our nature as human beings. I just hope that nobody ever has to suffer like that again - both the people who die and the people who execute their mission and have to live with the burden for the rest of their lives.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/06/2005 21:41 #24527
Splitting AtomsCategory: reflection
08/05/2005 14:23 #24526
Better - and Dr. Chlorine, and LadiesCategory: relief
(e:drchlorine) is a man's man. The one thing about ladies (well actually this applies to the gay contingent too, feelings are feelings you know!) that I've learned is that being upset over losing one is pretty much one of the stupidest things you can do. Naturally you might be shocked or hurt... or both. But the numbers are just too mind-bogglingly in your favor to find someone far, far better. The best way to go about it is to act professionally when the news breaks - say to him/her "Ok, if that is what you want that is what I want." Give a short, polite hug, then walk out the door. No crying, no jaws on the floor. Your now former partner will think to him/herself - "What the hell, I just spent a week feeling sick to my stomach over this, and he is just going to walk out the door and say NOTHING?! RAWWWWRRR!!!!!" You are the one that supposedly got fucked over, yet SHE/HE is the one that is upset. YOU WIN because A) You just got released back to being single, which means now you get to upgrade from your previous model, and B) your scheming and plotting ex is the one with the knot twisted in their belly over this bullshit.
I'm FINALLY starting to feel better... I've been sick all week with this weird and violently painful ear/nose/throat thing. I swear this is true but its going to sound cliche - chicken noodle did the trick! Time to go get my usual - mucho grande iced coffee. Or maybe an iced redeye (ooh la la).
Besides that I have to go to the garage and get an oil change and another tire. I love going to the repair shop - the smell of rubber and oil reminds me of my grandfathers garage, which of course reminds me of my grandfather... who I miss very much. Grandma is still kickin' though - she is one of the funniest people I know. She is curious about where I go and what I do so I thought of something cool to give to her - a laminated map of the United States (and printouts of the countries I visit) and a bunch of gold stars. I put the stars on all the airports I've gone through, and when I go through a new one I call her when I land and tell her to stick a star there. Sometimes I grab the hotel stationery and write to her.
I love my grandma!
I'm FINALLY starting to feel better... I've been sick all week with this weird and violently painful ear/nose/throat thing. I swear this is true but its going to sound cliche - chicken noodle did the trick! Time to go get my usual - mucho grande iced coffee. Or maybe an iced redeye (ooh la la).
Besides that I have to go to the garage and get an oil change and another tire. I love going to the repair shop - the smell of rubber and oil reminds me of my grandfathers garage, which of course reminds me of my grandfather... who I miss very much. Grandma is still kickin' though - she is one of the funniest people I know. She is curious about where I go and what I do so I thought of something cool to give to her - a laminated map of the United States (and printouts of the countries I visit) and a bunch of gold stars. I put the stars on all the airports I've gone through, and when I go through a new one I call her when I land and tell her to stick a star there. Sometimes I grab the hotel stationery and write to her.
I love my grandma!
08/04/2005 14:45 #24524
Glass Is Replaced!$75 out of my progressively (a chill runs down my spine when I use that word) lighter wallet got me this. The picture doesn't even do it justice.

Its frickin' beautiful. Clear w/orange swirls, and a color-changing male end. Its blown specificly so that you will not drink da dirty water if its a little full... and I admit I've been known to do that on occasion :(

Its frickin' beautiful. Clear w/orange swirls, and a color-changing male end. Its blown specificly so that you will not drink da dirty water if its a little full... and I admit I've been known to do that on occasion :(
08/03/2005 21:49 #24523
Republican's Tire Slashed!Category: rant
Some asshole gauged and punctured one of my tires, shortly after I arrived at home from work. I swear to you all if I find out who did it they will pay for it in blood!!!
joshua - 08/03/05 21:49
I was so pissed I was shaking... ask Jason. When I get THAT mad I know its time for me to sit down. I swear if I ever catch someone "in the act" on my car they are going to get the beating of their lifetime. Absolutely Jessica you have your shots reserved!
I was so pissed I was shaking... ask Jason. When I get THAT mad I know its time for me to sit down. I swear if I ever catch someone "in the act" on my car they are going to get the beating of their lifetime. Absolutely Jessica you have your shots reserved!
hodown - 08/03/05 21:14
Josh- I am now obsessed w comments. Anyhoo I think we both know I can kick some ass ho style, want me to track the fucker down and take care of business Rep. Style?
Josh- I am now obsessed w comments. Anyhoo I think we both know I can kick some ass ho style, want me to track the fucker down and take care of business Rep. Style?
08/04/2005 15:50 #24525
A Special DedicationCategory: rant
I'm going to refrain from doing this too much, since I absolutely love the community spirit of this blogsite and after meeting the fellas and ladies at the party I respect them 100%. Unfortunately (e:robin) is trying to start an insult pissing match with a merciless Grand Fucking Master insult slinger. You might think you are mean-spirited (e:robin) but I guaranfuckingtee you that you can't hold a candle to me when I'm inspired and provoked.
Firstly, leave DrC out of this. He vaguely mentioned (rather skillfully I might add) her penchant for being a drama queen in a blog several months ago, and I doubt he could give two shits about "your girl" right about now. However, any free-thinking person that read Soyeon's journal could come to that conclusion on their own months ago without DrC's help. I'm not criticizing her... for me being a drama queen isn't a bad personality trait.
The truth of the matter is that most girls don't like hearing THE FUCKING TRUTH about their friends or themselves, EVER. Its rare to find a girl capable of fending for themselves in a mature manner when criticism comes their way. To be honest though, I think I met a couple such ladies at the party and I know that normal ladies do exist out there! (e:robin) only proved that universal fact and at the same time uncovered her own thin as rice paper skin and severe maturity issues. Who cares if Soyeon is a drama queen? Its not a mortal sin. I have female friends that are drama queens, so what? Jay talked to Soyeon via IMs, met her in person and liked her. She's a nice girl apparently.
It is a mortal sin, however, to mention that when her best friend reads it apparently. Guess what? If you don't like what I said about her (e:robin), go fucking die somewhere. I could care less about what you think about what I said. Typically this wouldn't even be worth a retort on my part. Hell, I know for a fact that you wouldn't have the fucking spine to say anything derogatory to me toe-to-toe. The difference between you and I is that everything you are reading right now would be told to your face without any hesitation.
(e:robin) I don't care if you don't like me, or if you think I'm an asshole, or if you think I'm wrong, or that you don't like Republicans. You don't know a god damn thing about me - how dare you act like a child. I'll give you a little insight - I do human rights work in countries your leisure travelling ass wouldn't DARE step into. I know for a fact that I've improved working conditions for people in both close and faraway places, and you better believe I feel good about it. I'm not one of those guys that sends money to CCF to feel good about himself - I have my feet in the dirt in the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. I've seen things in those places that have made me cry, laugh, be shocked, be angry... and thankfully we get the authority to make things right for people who deserve basic treatment. I love what I do, I'm proud of it, I believe in it strongly and I hope I can do this job forever. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, YOU MEAN A REPUBLICAN HAS A BIG HEART AND IS LIKE THIS AS A PERSON? Hear that? That is your preconceived notion of me shattering into a million pieces. You have no basis for acting like you have to me, except to show everybody how much of a brat you are.
Your inane ramblings mean fuck all to me... although I'm amused that you would take a picture of your pussy, crop the photo and superimpose it on your cat. Thats not art, its fucking disturbing. Jackson Pollock was disturbing too, but his art is hung in galleries all over the world and I happen to like his work... so he gets a pass.
Grow up and get over the fact that you and your friend are imperfect. That is what grown men and women do. When you reach that point (and Buffalo once again) feel free to shake me down for a drink - I'm willing to forgive you and apologize for writing what I just wrote. Until then -
Firstly, leave DrC out of this. He vaguely mentioned (rather skillfully I might add) her penchant for being a drama queen in a blog several months ago, and I doubt he could give two shits about "your girl" right about now. However, any free-thinking person that read Soyeon's journal could come to that conclusion on their own months ago without DrC's help. I'm not criticizing her... for me being a drama queen isn't a bad personality trait.
The truth of the matter is that most girls don't like hearing THE FUCKING TRUTH about their friends or themselves, EVER. Its rare to find a girl capable of fending for themselves in a mature manner when criticism comes their way. To be honest though, I think I met a couple such ladies at the party and I know that normal ladies do exist out there! (e:robin) only proved that universal fact and at the same time uncovered her own thin as rice paper skin and severe maturity issues. Who cares if Soyeon is a drama queen? Its not a mortal sin. I have female friends that are drama queens, so what? Jay talked to Soyeon via IMs, met her in person and liked her. She's a nice girl apparently.
It is a mortal sin, however, to mention that when her best friend reads it apparently. Guess what? If you don't like what I said about her (e:robin), go fucking die somewhere. I could care less about what you think about what I said. Typically this wouldn't even be worth a retort on my part. Hell, I know for a fact that you wouldn't have the fucking spine to say anything derogatory to me toe-to-toe. The difference between you and I is that everything you are reading right now would be told to your face without any hesitation.
(e:robin) I don't care if you don't like me, or if you think I'm an asshole, or if you think I'm wrong, or that you don't like Republicans. You don't know a god damn thing about me - how dare you act like a child. I'll give you a little insight - I do human rights work in countries your leisure travelling ass wouldn't DARE step into. I know for a fact that I've improved working conditions for people in both close and faraway places, and you better believe I feel good about it. I'm not one of those guys that sends money to CCF to feel good about himself - I have my feet in the dirt in the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. I've seen things in those places that have made me cry, laugh, be shocked, be angry... and thankfully we get the authority to make things right for people who deserve basic treatment. I love what I do, I'm proud of it, I believe in it strongly and I hope I can do this job forever. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, YOU MEAN A REPUBLICAN HAS A BIG HEART AND IS LIKE THIS AS A PERSON? Hear that? That is your preconceived notion of me shattering into a million pieces. You have no basis for acting like you have to me, except to show everybody how much of a brat you are.
Your inane ramblings mean fuck all to me... although I'm amused that you would take a picture of your pussy, crop the photo and superimpose it on your cat. Thats not art, its fucking disturbing. Jackson Pollock was disturbing too, but his art is hung in galleries all over the world and I happen to like his work... so he gets a pass.
Grow up and get over the fact that you and your friend are imperfect. That is what grown men and women do. When you reach that point (and Buffalo once again) feel free to shake me down for a drink - I'm willing to forgive you and apologize for writing what I just wrote. Until then -
jason - 08/04/05 15:50
Lol. I give that one an A-
Lol. I give that one an A-
Ha - Matt I sense your sarcasm (I think). I admit that its not for everybody, but it works great for me. I used to do the "nice guy" routine and after getting burned once too many times I had to switch it up. Nothing but fabulous results since!
Wow. what good advice. Matt